(Minghui.org) For millions of people around the world, reading the book Zhuan Falun was a turning point in their lives—they found new ways of understanding challenges and say their morals have improved.

Practitioners in Romania have diligently cultivated according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance that Falun Dafa’s founder, Master Li Hongzhi, outlined in Zhuan Falun to grow their compassion, get rid of unhealthy habits, and regain their physical health.

Now, on the 30th anniversary since Zhuan Falun’s publication, they would like to tell their stories of how this book has improved—and continues to improve—their lives.

True Compassion

Vlad was about to finish his undergraduate studies in engineering in 2012, when the instructor of a communications course and he talked about spirituality, and the man suggested that he look into Falun Dafa.


“Initially I thought there was something hidden, something not public that was hard to find [about Falun Dafa,] but I found that all the teachings and the exercises were available on a website free of charge,” said Vlad. This was how he read Zhuan Falun for the first time.

After reading the book, he understood why a person should improve their character, and his notions about morality were redefined. “For many years I didn’t understand what compassion was. I always felt having compassion seemed sentimental and a sign of weakness. But it isn’t. After reading Zhuan Falun I understood that when I set myself aside and let go of my emotions, I’m compassionate,” he said.

After he began practicing Falun Dafa, Vlad began putting the teachings into action. When he told his mother that his relationship with his girlfriend ended, and he let her have most of his belongings, his mother felt Vlad was unfairly treated, but Vlad was calm and unaffected.

“I was reminded of a passage in Zhuan Falun where I was taught to be considerate before saying or doing anything. I looked at my mother and replied that my ex-girlfriend needed these things,” he said. “My mother was impressed because she knew I was always selfish. She said, ‘You’re a saint!’ I realized that by letting go of my negative feelings and being considerate, I was able to feel compassion.”

Vlad said Zhuan Falun helped him find positive ways to resolve conflicts, “After reading Zhuan Falun, I realized that a very good way to deal with conflict is to look at myself first, at what I may have done to create the situation. I should first look at myself and see how I caused the problem, instead of accusing the other person.”

Vlad said because he was outspoken, this was difficult for him at first. But by repeatedly reading the book, he gradually became less confrontational.

“Through reading Zhuan Falun I gradually changed. My family first noticed my positive changes, and later my friends noticed,” said Vlad.

After practicing Falun Dafa for nearly 13 years, Vlad said he’s kinder and less judgmental in dealing with other people. He reads Zhuan Falun every day, because it “helps guide me to become a better, more balanced person—one who is considerate.”

Zhuan Falun Helps Me Become a Better Employee and Mother

Georgiana still remembers the day she decided to practice Falun Dafa. “It was August 24, 2020. The feeling was so strong: ‘Yes, this is it, this is what I’ve been looking for, this is why I am here!’” she said.

Georgiana (right) and her daughter

When Georgiana read the Falun Dafa books, they were a ray of hope and a reminder of better times. “Ever since I was a child I had a love for people, I believed that people are capable of great things and I always had faith that everyone has goodness in his heart,” she said. “With the passage of time, these things were overshadowed by the experiences and choices I made in life.”

Before she began practicing Falun Dafa, her family relationships were strained and she was in poor health. She was depressed and suffered from panic attacks. “After I finished reading Zhuan Falun for the first time, I wept. I felt like I woke up,” said Georgiana. “The despair faded, and I already had hope. I realized that we can rise up, elevate.”

Motivated by the teachings in the book, she began taking steps to build her life in a more positive direction. Six months after she began practicing, she and her then-boyfriend of 16 years got married. For years, she had been unable to get her driver’s license because she could not control her emotions of anxiety and fear. She was finally able to pass the driving test.

“From the very beginning of my practice and cultivation I realized that we have to set high standards to be kind to everyone, no matter the situation,” said Georgiana. In her job at a kindergarten, she treated her coworkers, parents, and children with respect and care, and always tried to serve others. She also guides her daughter to abide by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in her conduct.

“In the school it is known that my daughter and I, we tell the truth, we both help with activities in the school, and even clean, and arrange the classroom, and school halls for different events, gardening, and so on,” she said. “Even if my daughter is bullied, she does not fight back and I don’t ask parents, children, or teachers to correct this.

“I still have many things to do, I have many attachments to get rid of,” she said, “but I know that through studying Zhuan Falun and advancing in cultivation, level by level, we will succeed.”