(Minghui.org) A report on Minghui.org recently got me thinking. In the article “South Korea: Participants in Nine-Day Falun Dafa Workshop Share Their Feedback,” Mr. Seung Yeon Cho attended a Falun Dafa nine-day workshop ten years after he first heard about the practice from his neighbor.
The reason he waited ten years to take up the practice is because, back then, he saw a photo of a practitioner being tortured and mistakenly thought that Falun Dafa was bad, so he had a negative opinion of it.
I had always thought that only people from China would fall victim to the propaganda the CCP spread because of China’s information blockade. Because people who live in democratic countries have access to all the information on the internet, I assumed they would not be misled by the CCP’s lies that defame Falun Dafa.
I was wrong. The CCP’s propaganda spread far and wide on the internet, and when people in democratic countries read it and did not look any further to find out what Falun Dafa really is, they believed it. Only those who tried to find out the truth and read Falun Dafa books weren’t deceived by the CCP.
Mr. Chao’s opinion of Falun Dafa changed completely after he read the book Zhuan Falun: “I was touched and couldn’t believe that such a wonderful book existed! I found the answers to my questions. I had read many books about religions and spiritual practices, and all of them added together don’t even come close compared to this book. I made up my mind right then to practice Falun Dafa.”
After reading Zhuan Falun, Mr. Cho quit drinking. He couldn’t believe it himself because he used to drink at least three bottles of wine a day.
He said, “After I quit drinking, I noticed blood in my stool. I went to the hospital for a checkup but the doctor said there was nothing wrong. I realized that Master was purifying my body.”
Mr. Chao gained good health because he was fortunate to have found and read “such a wonderful book” as he said. Unfortunately, for many in China, they believe the CCP’s lies and refuse to read Falun Dafa books. If they did, and followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance the book teaches, they’d become good people and enjoy good heath. There wouldn’t have been so many lives lost in the pandemic
Every life is precious. The Creator offers salvation to everyone who keeps a kind thought and believes in the divine. As for the people who spread the CCP’s lies about Falun Dafa, they are relinquishing their own futures and the futures of those who believe their lies.
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Category: News Commentary