(Minghui.org) During my more than two decades of practicing Falun Dafa, even extreme weather hasn’t stopped me from clarifying the truth about the persecution. I feel any challenges I encounter when I talk to people are cultivation opportunities—they expose my attachments and help improve my xinxing. I’d like to share some of my experiences with you.
When I handed a man a truth-clarification booklet he grabbed it, threw it to the ground and scolded me. I calmly picked up the booklet and handed it to another person.
I saw an elderly man when I went to a small residential area. When I gave him a booklet he asked if I was a Falun Dafa practitioner. I said yes and he quickly grabbed me. No matter how I clarified the truth to him, he would not listen. I thought that I have Master’s protection so he could not hurt me. After we struggled for a few minutes, he was so tired that he called the community personnel.
A few people came and a woman said that she was in charge of this residential area. The other three people were men. One man picked up the booklet and started reading it. I said, “I’ll give each of you copies of this booklet so that you can understand the truth. The world is experiencing so many disasters, I hope all of you can stay safe and have a wonderful future. Falun Dafa practitioners practice Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. We try to be good people and don’t commit crimes.”
One of them called the police. When the police told me to get into their car, I clarified the truth to them and sent forth righteous thoughts. They quietly listened. I said, “You are good people. Letting me go will bring you blessings.” They both laughed.
When we arrived at the police station, they took my bag which contained a few truth clarification booklets, my transportation card, and some cash. I thought it was good for them to read the truth-clarifying booklets, but I did not belong in a police station. I thought, "I need to go home to study the Fa and do the exercises. Master, please help me." Under Master’s protection, the police did not do anything to me and let me go.
I took the bus and by the time I got home, it was after 8 p.m. When my husband saw that it was late and I hadn’t returned home he asked Master to protect me so I would return home safely.
So many things happened that day. After I came home, I looked within: I hadn’t diligently read the Fa recently, and I did not focus when I sent forth righteous thoughts, etc. I realized all this led to the incident that day.
I knew I needed to spend more time studying and memorizing the Fa, and I also needed to read Master’s other lectures. I began memorizing the Fa until I felt my entire mind was full of the Fa. The results were better when I went out to clarify the truth. I felt Master saw I was determined to improve, so he helped me.
When I clarified the truth to an elderly man I asked him, “How old are you?” He said he was in his 70s, but his health wasn’t good. He asked if I knew of any methods to improve one’s health. I said, “Please sincerely recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ You don’t need to do anything else. Divine beings see a person’s heart.”
I asked, “Do you know that the Self-Immolation Incident at Tiananmen Square in 2001 is a hoax that is deceiving people? The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did this to make people hate Falun Dafa—good people who are just trying to abide by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. The CCP has done so many bad things. We should not be held accountable for its crimes. As long as we quit the Party and its affiliated organizations and distance ourselves from it, we’ll be safe.”
Another time, I talked to two young women. When I asked if they were students they said they were both first year university students. I clarified the truth to them, and said I used to be ill, visited many hospitals, doctors and spent a lot of money, to no avail. I told them about the true nature of the CCP, and the “self-immolation” at Tiananmen Square in 2001 was a hoax. I said the Party harvests Falun Dafa practitioners’ organs while they are still alive. I then told them that quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations can help them obtain peace and safety, and Heaven will protect them. They quietly listened and then agreed to quit the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers.
For more than two decades I’ve clarified the truth to many people—including university students, doctoral students, graduate students, high school students and elementary school students. I want to clarify the truth, save sentient beings and fulfill my prehistoric vows.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth