Name: Chen QiulanChinese Name: 陈秋兰Gender: FemaleAge: 47City: DaqingProvince: HeilongjiangOccupation: oil field workerDate of Death: August 14, 2001Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 2001Most Recent Place of Detention: Daqing City Detention Center
Minghui.org previously reported on the death of Ms. Chen Qiulan, a resident of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested in July 2001 while distributing Falun Gong informational materials. The police put her in the Daqing City Detention Center, where she died on August 14, 2001, at the age of 47.
Another Falun Gong practitioner, Mei (alias), recently wrote to Minghui.org and said that she was also held at the same detention center in 2001 and that she knew there was a Falun Gong practitioner who was force-fed and died hours later. At the time, Mei did not know Ms. Chen. She recently came across the earlier report about Ms. Chen’s death (see the related report) and suddenly realized that the practitioner she knew who had died of force-feeding in 2001 was actually Ms. Chen, as the details surrounding her death matched what she knew.
Mei’s Account
I was taken to the Daqing City Detention Center in late July 2001. I learned that nearly 20 other Falun Gong practitioners were also detained there, including Ms. Chen. At the time I didn’t know her nor was I aware that she was in the cell next to mine. She and I, along with some other practitioners, went on a hunger strike in August 2001. The guards force-fed us every day.
On August 14, 2001, I was taken to the lobby for force-feeding. Three male inmates pressed me down on a bed. I struggled to get up. A woman guard surnamed Han cursed at me and yanked my hair. The male guards pinched my nose and held my legs. They inserted a feeding tube into my nostril and I almost suffocated. I kept vomiting and was in excruciating pain.
After they finished, I stood up and saw a few other practitioners being force-fed. As I walked to my cell, I saw practitioners being force-fed in their cells.
Not long after I returned to my cell, at around 9 a.m., I heard commotions in the cell next to mine. Someone rang the bell to report to the guards saying that a practitioner (now I know it’s Ms. Chen) kept coughing and twitching. A woman guard came in but left soon afterward. About one hour later, the inmates next door rang the bell again. Another woman guard surnamed Hu came and said, “Just ignore her. She’ll be fine soon.” Hu seemed to imply that Ms. Chen was faking.
Around noon time the inmates next door rang the bell again. A male voice came on the intercom, “What’s going on?” Then it was silence.
In the afternoon, the inmates next door reported that Ms. Chen was twitching uncontrollably. Guard Hu said in the intercom to pinch her temple. At around 3 p.m., the inmates next door reported that Ms. Chen had gone into shock. Hu again instructed the inmates in the intercom to pinch her temple. The inmates replied that it was no use.
Around dinner time, the inmates next door reported that Ms. Chen had gone into shock several times and was in critical condition. No guard showed up. At around 8 p.m., I heard the inmates next door in a panic, ringing the bell over and over, saying that she was dying. After a while, a woman guard came. I couldn’t hear what she said as there was a lot of noise in the next cell. About 15 minutes later, she instructed the inmates to carry Ms. Chen away. After the inmates returned to the next cell, I never heard another sound. I thought Ms. Chen was ill and had been carried away.
At around 10 a.m. the next day, detention center director Zhang came to my cell and ordered me to stop my hunger strike. I refused to comply and he threatened that my death would be in vain if I couldn’t survive the hunger strike. Guard Hu came before the lunch time and also ordered me to eat. I still said no.
Two days later, one inmate from the next cell came to chat with another inmate in my cell. The visiting inmate said, “That Falun Gong [Ms. Chen] in my cell went on a hunger strike. After force-feeding that day, she kept coughing and twitching and went into shock several times. The guards ignored her even though we reported it numerous times. She died that night and the guards asked us to carry her out.” The inmate in my cell replied, “I knew she died when I heard no sound in your cell; otherwise the guards would not allow any inmate to leave their cells at night time.”
At the time, Qi Hong was the detention center doctor responsible for force-feeding. Bai was another director involved in overseeing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Many other practitioners have also suffered brutal force-feeding and other forms of abuse while held at the Daqing City Detention Center at one point or another over the years. Some were tortured to death while still in custody, while others died after they were released. There were also practitioners who survived the brutal torture but sustained long-lasting physical and psychological damage.
At Least 5 Others Die in Same Detention Center
Mr. Li Baoshui died at the Daqing City Detention Center four days after his arrest on July 22, 1999.
Ms. Wang Shuqin was taken to the Daqing City Detention Center on January 15, 2002. She went on a hunger strike for 28 days and was released after she was in critical condition. The police seized her again on July 24, 2002, and put her in the same detention center. She again went on a hunger strike and was brutally force-fed. She died on September 21, 2002 (Mid-Autumn Festival). She was 63.
Ms. Lyu Xiuyun was force-fed at the Daqing City Detention Center on January 22, 2002 and fell in critical condition. She died in a hospital on March 7, 2002.
Ms. Yang Yuhua was arrested on April 17, 2005 and died at the Daqing City Detention Center on May 12 that year.
Ms. Jiang Pai was arrested on April 26, 2007, and brutally tortured in the Daqing City Detention Center. She sustained severe internal injuries and had trouble talking or eating. The guards still force-fed her every day. She vomited blood as a result and also become incontinent. She was even unconscious at one point. She was taken to a hospital on June 26, 2007, and she fell into a coma the next day. The guards still refused to remove the shackles that weighed 22 pounds from her feet. Her family requested medical parole for her, but it was denied. She died two days later at the age of 34.
At Least Four Die After Being Released
Mr. Hua Haiyu died on May 5, 2003, five months after he was released from the Daqing City Detention Center.
Ms. Jin Shulian died on August 13, 2003, at the age of 43. Her passing came a year after she was released from the Daqing City Detention Center in August 2002.
Mr. Li Yuanguang died on March 4, 2004, at the age of 34. He was once arrested on April 24, 2002, and brutally tortured at the Daqing City Detention Center. He was then given two years of forced labor but was soon released because he became critically ill. The police kept harassing him at home. He was never able to recover and died in 2004.
Ms. Xiong Xianqing was arrested late at night on December 18, 2002. The four arresting officers yanked her from the bed and didn’t let her put on her shoes. They kicked her so hard in the police station and broke two of her toes. That night they sent her to the Daqing City Detention Center. She went on a hunger strike and was force-fed on the third day. She stopped breathing at one point and was taken to a place to get injections. She felt muddle-headed afterward but kept her hunger strike after she was returned to the detention center. While she was released 13 days later, she suffered long-lasting health damage. She died in 2019, at the age of 83.
At Least 8 Practitioners Severely Harmed
Ms. Wang Jingcui, 82, who is currently serving a third prison term, was held at the Daqing City Detention six times over the years. She twice went on a hunger strike and was brutally force-fed. During one force-feeding session, both of her incisors were knocked out.
Ms. Tang Zengye, 58, who finished serving a 2.5-year prison term in January 2025, was also once brutally tortured at the Daqing City Detention Center. She was force-fed multiple times and vomited blood. A detention center doctor surnamed Sun slapped her in the face and hit her with surgical scissors. An inmate used a metal bowl to hit her on the head. She vomited blood as a result. The long-term force-feeding caused her to have hiccups all the time, a condition that still persists to this day.
Ms. Cheng Qiaoyun, 66, who is serving an eight-year prison term, was once held at the Daqing City Detention Center in 2001. She went on a hunger strike and was force-fed, from an initial once every two days to once every day to twice every day. She was released on the 26th day when she was on the verge of death.
Ms. Dai Mingrong, 64, served a ten-month prison term at the Daqing City Detention Center. She was no longer the same woman that her family knew of when she was released on September 17, 2023. They noted that she was emaciated, jerked uncontrollably, and appeared panicky. They heard that someone had laced her food with some unknown substance while she was in detention. They suspected that she had been drugged, which resulted in her unusual physical and mental state.
Four other female practitioners whose names are unknown were also force-fed and subjected to various other forms of torture while held at the Daqing City Detention Center in February 2000, late 2004, August 2006, and 2007, respectively. The torture methods included beatings, food laced with unknown drugs, solitary confinement, denied bathroom use, restrained in a metal chair, and head covered with plastic bags. They all suffered severe injuries, became emaciated, and were on the verge of death at one point.
Related Report:
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