(Minghui.org) Because many people were deceived by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) slander against Falun Dafa, in 2019, I began telling people the facts about Dafa on Facebook. I’ve noticed bad people who attempt to deceive others about Falun Dafa.
For example, a YouTube video posted years ago featured a scene from Shen Yun and was used for a fake video titled: “A video of paradise captured with a cell phone.” This video was posted on Facebook to fool practitioners. After some practitioners shared the video, someone ridiculed them and said they spread fake videos.
After I investigated it and contacted the source, the original post was deleted. But I recently found another video in which a bearded Westerner in an undershirt meditated near a river. His head was covered with snow and a piece of cloth lay on his lap. This appeared to be Falun Dafa practitioner, but when I took a closer look there were some inconsistencies. For example, the wind was blowing the man’s shirt, but he did not move. The post had more than 300 likes, dozens of comments and was shared 21 times. Most of the comments seemed to come from Vietnamese practitioners but some of them questioned it. After I posted a question about the video, it was deleted two days later.
As more practitioners clarify the truth on Facebook, it’s very easy to fall into these traps because ill-intentioned people push deceptive content to practitioners. I’ve found more than 10 such Facebook accounts. Some of them were related to a person surnamed Chen who Minghui.org warned about, for secretly taking pictures at Dragon Spring. He has many followers.
When I notified practitioners about these accounts that intentionally deceive people, few responded and blocked them. Most were silent even if they acknowledged my message with a heshi emoji. Some even blocked me.
Some practitioners said they don’t care if their Facebook friends are bad people: They never watch the videos they post, so why does it matter? The problem is, this connection allows those accounts to push content to you that defame Falun Dafa and Master Li. If someone always curses your parents in front you, would you remain silent?
I feel one reason some practitioners may feel numb is because they don’t truly have faith in or respect Dafa. This could be one reason why Falun Dafa’s and practitioners’ ordeals have gone on for 26 years. When I showed these Facebook postings to another practitioner, she said some practitioners outside China deviated from Dafa – especially on the issue of respecting Dafa – even before Master published the article, “The Ordeals Our Spiritual Discipline Faces” in June 2024.
Cultivation practice is serious. We need to constantly improve our xinxing so that we have the wisdom and ability to safeguard Dafa. In Hong Yin V and Hong Yin VI, Master emphasized traditional values as well as the harm caused by atheism and the theory of evolution. If you accept the people who create these bad accounts and even befriend them in the name of helping to save them, you may get contaminated over time, because their intentions are bad and the account was designed to trap people.
I found some of these practitioners only read Zhuan Falun even though they may have attended Master’s lectures in 1992 or 1993. But in the battle between good and evil, which side you stand on is important. If you know something is harmful but you choose to stay with it, aren’t you part of it?
This is because the more friends or followers an account has, the more it becomes influential. Staying connected with that account not only gives that account energy and makes it stronger, it also drags you down by confusing you. When you are exposed to such content day after day, your opinion may change without you realizing it.
When looking into this further, I noticed some accounts in the name of Dafa or sharing between Falun Dafa practitioners were established back in 2011 and 2012, and some practitioners joined them at that time. The accounts were largely inactive over these years, but were suddenly mobilized in the past few months. As if following the CCP’s commands, they all began attacking Master, and called practitioners to protest at certain times and locations as announced by CCP agents.
These accounts have some common features: in the name of Falun Dafa, they may contain Master’s portrait, contain Dafa music or articles related to Dafa. Some were even established in the name of Master or Minghui. Because more and more practitioners are beginning to clarify the truth on Facebook, many of them fell into the trap; their involvement made these accounts more popular. For example, I found that one dormant account now has over 1,200 followers.
Another issue is, just blocking one account is not enough, because the likes you posted in the past are still there and visible to others. You need to remove the likes you posted previously before blocking a particular account.
Below are some of the things I found.
1. Accounts set up by Taiwan practitioners (later abandoned or misused)
A recent one is titled: “Falun Dafa experience-sharing forum.”
2. Accounts set up with Master’s portrait as the profile image
Most them were set up by practitioners in Vietnam or South Korea. Some of them have refused to change. The situation has recently improved a bit.
3. Accounts established in the name of Master or Dafa websites
Some of them were established in the name of helping Dafa practitioners: looking for apartments to rent, job searches, or legal services. One of them mentioned Master in a very disrespectful way, and this account was closed upon strong request.
One account was a fake Minghui website:https://www.facebook.com/people/%E6%98%8E%E6%85%A7%E7%B6%B2/100082247859388/
One account was established in the name of Master:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068576122147&mibextid=LQQJ4d&mibextid=LQQJ4d
4. Accounts that undermine Dafa and deceive people
A man surnamed Chen from Taiwan has many accounts under various names such as Yamawataru Chen or Ark Chen. There are countless sub-accounts associated with them. Many of them surfaced recently and I found that some practitioners fell into the trap.
Here is an example,https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082247859388&mibextid=LQQJ4d&mibextid=LQQJ4d
5. Accounts created by CCP agents to attack Dafa and Master.
One Falun Dafa account was set up in 2011, one experience-sharing account was set up in 2012, and a forum in July 2024.
Please do not click on these accounts (since doing so will increase their popularity), and do not “friend” them. Please read the Minghui Editorial Board notice in December 2024,
“A Clarification and Reminder
We would like to remind all Falun Dafa practitioners that Master would not use everyday people’s social media platforms to publish information, and that all new articles by Master are first published on Minghui.org. We ask everyone to stay clearheaded, maintain righteous thoughts, and avoid giving an audience to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents who try to impersonate Master or the Dafa Association, or spread false information using altered screenshots of Minghui.org.
As the CCP nears its end, it is engaging in various forms of information warfare to disrupt the community of Dafa practitioners. Genuine cultivators should study the Fa more and use their abilities to eliminate degenerate substances as needed.”
Views expressed in this article represent the author's own opinions or understandings. All content published on this website are copyrighted by Minghui.org. Minghui will produce compilations of its online content regularly and on special occasions.
Category: Cultivation Insights