(Minghui.org) I learned a lesson after witnessing a Falun Dafa practitioner with his third eye open pass away. Many factors can lead to the death of a practitioner, and what I understand is only one of them. I’d like to share my experience with others so that we may all clarify our understandings regarding the danger of worshiping practitioners with supernormal powers or abilities.
When I first met this practitioner, Hao, he was already in an intensive care unit. I tried my best to send righteous thoughts to help him. At this time the evil factors in other dimensions told me that he had signed a contract with the old forces and had many attachments. I negated their excuses and eliminated the elements involved in the persecution. Afterward, I noticed that Hao’s divine body was still tiny. I reminded him to only walk the path arranged by our Falun Dafa Teacher, Master Li, not the old forces. As soon as he realized that, his divine body became enormous.
While I suggested that Hao return to his flesh body, I realized that I could not even see his flesh body – there was a thick fog between the two bodies. He refused to return until after I fought hard to dispel the fog. In the human realm this manifested as Hao having strong life signs, even though the doctor declared that he was critically ill.
Other practitioners and I took turns going to the hospital to send righteous thoughts to help him. However, despite the numerous evil factors I eliminated, Hao wasn’t waking up. I saw that I was unable to completely clear away the fog around him, and that this could be problematic.
Through sharing with other practitioners, we believed that the fog developed around Hao because some practitioners idolized him. It blocked our righteous thoughts from reaching and eliminating the evil factors. We attempted many things, but did not make any breakthrough because it involved many different people and was formed over a long period of time.
The old forces interfered with me and one other practitioner as we tried to help Hao. In a dream the evil factors berated me and told me to mind my own business. I negated their warning. Two days later my body was sore, my head hurt badly, and I could not stop coughing. The other practitioner also suffered physical discomfort. This prevented the two of us from going to the hospital to send righteous thoughts everyday.
As I started to recover, the hospitalized practitioner's situation deteriorated, and he passed away a few days later. I realized that an evil being had grown larger and larger in the fog surrounding him. His passing was caused partly by other practitioners.
In the past, Hao had used his third eye to help many and was well-respected. This time he suffered a brain hemorrhage while helping another practitioner. I believed that he was truly selfless and generous when he helped others. There must be other reasons that contributed to such a life-threatening tribulation besides his attachments.
Some practitioners with special abilities have long been idolized or depended upon by others. When they develop attachments, it is hard for them to listen to what others have to say. If they cannot find their own attachments, they may end up suffering in tribulation for long periods of time, or even lose their lives.
I occasionally see things with my third eye. One time a practitioner visited me at home and asked me about his cultivation state. A chill went down my spine, knowing that I had become a target for being idolized. Even if I could see anything, I would not say a word, knowing that it would cause him to have attachments.
Practitioners with their third eyes open may help other Falun Dafa practitioners in their cultivation. However, they must be aware of the influence they might have on them. Otherwise, they may find themselves in trouble if they disrupt the cultivation of others. Master has told us,
“One’s gong level is as high as one’s xinxing level.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)
When we treat a practitioner with their third eye open differently, we have deviated from the Fa and could jeopardize that practitioner’s cultivation. However, if those with supernormal abilities avoid others in an attempt to prevent this issue, it would also cause division and loss among practitioners.
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Category: Cultivation Insights