(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute it in 1999. Since then, I’ve been imprisoned three times for distributing Falun Gong materials and refusing to renounce my faith. Despite the hardships, I continue to be a steadfast practitioner.

I’d like to share two stories about how my leg pain disappeared as soon as the root cause was recognized and rectified.

Facing the “Zero-Out” Campaign with Righteous Thoughts

In 2022, the CCP launched a large-scale “zero-out” campaign to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs. I remained calm, thinking, “Zero? Let’s zero out the CCP.”

One afternoon while I was doing housework, several people from the village committee barged into my home, surrounded me, and demanded that I sign a statement to give up practicing Falun Dafa.

The village chief threatened, “Everyone else in the village who practices Falun Gong has signed. You won’t be the exception. This is an order—you have no choice!”

I calmly replied, “Do you remember that I used to suffer from so many heath problems? After practicing Falun Gong, they all disappeared. I haven’t taken a single pill in the last 30 years. Which one of you is healthier than me? Why should I give up a practice that has benefited me so greatly? Forcing me to quit is no different from taking my life. Also, if I sign this statement under pressure, it will serve as evidence of your participation in this persecution, and you might face consequences in the future. I cannot let you be harmed.”

The chief responded, “We really don’t want to do this, but it’s an order.” Then they left.

To my surprise, they returned the next day. I went to my bedroom, closed the door, and ignored them. After muttering in the living room for a while, they left. They never bothered me again.

Soon after, however, I began to have severe pain in my leg. I tried sending forth righteous thoughts and looking within, but I couldn’t pinpoint the cause. The pain worsened as time went by, making it hard to focus on clarifying the truth. It went on for a long time.

One day, another practitioner told me, “I heard your husband signed a statement for you to renounce Falun Gong during the ‘zero-out’ campaign. He should write a solemn statement to nullify it. If not, there could be serious consequences.”

When I asked my husband about it, he admitted what I’d heard was true. I persuaded him to write a solemn statement. Remarkably, my leg pain disappeared the very next day.

Recognizing and Eliminating Attachments

I live in a remote rural area, and we are farmers. With limited land, we’ve always faced financial challenges. Though I’ve never felt bitter about the hard work I have to do, I did have a strong attachment to money.

One day as I was reading a Dafa book, I suddenly felt excruciating pain in my heart and legs, forcing me to cry out. I initially thought it was Master purifying my body, but when the pain persisted, I realized it might be caused by my attachments. But what attachment?

I remembered something that happened a few months earlier. My husband’s nephew visited us and went with my husband to dig ginseng on the mountain. To our surprise, they unearthed a large root worth at least a thousand yuan. I was thrilled. Our nephew, however, suggested saving it for his son’s health and promised to give us 700 or 800 yuan later. In the end, he only gave us 200 yuan.

My husband was upset, and I felt cheated. Although I didn't voice my frustration, resentment grew within me. After that, I avoided his nephew whenever he visited.

Master said in Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa,

“I’ll tell you a truth: The entire cultivation process for a cultivator is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

Reading this, I realized that my resentment and attachment to personal gain were weighing me down. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them, and immediately my leg pain disappeared. The next time I saw my nephew, I greeted him with a genuine smile.

I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for over 20 years. I am profoundly grateful to Master for helping me see my attachments and eliminate them time and time again. My experiences have shown me that, as long as I hold Dafa in my heart and look within, there is no challenge I cannot overcome.