(Minghui.org) Growing up, my parents read me stories of Chinese traditional culture that teach people to bear kindness in their hearts. In 1998, a friend brought me a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa’s teachings, and told me that it was a wonderful book and that I should read it in one go. I did what he suggested, and the book explained everything I wanted to know about life and its purpose. I believed that it was a book from heaven and experienced a few things that modern science could not explain.
Electric Explosion at Work
One summer day in 2007, I had to remove the electric wiring from a high voltage facility. I shorted the circuit, and an arc flash occurred, resulting in burns to my arms and face. My supervisor urged me to go to a hospital immediately, but eventually took me home after I repeatedly assured him that I’d be fine. I told him that my Falun Dafa practice would allow me to recover from the injury quite soon.
I went home and looked at myself in the mirror. My face looked black, and as soon as I rinsed it with water, the skin peeled off. That night, fluid oozed from my face. When my wife asked me if it hurt, I told her it wasn’t painful. The next day, when I did the Falun Dafa exercises, I could feel a stream of energy rotating on my face, making adjustments.
I studied Dafa teachings and exercised every day. Two weeks later, my face glowed with a rosy complexion. There was not one scar. My neighbor visited me one day and was surprised to see my skin completely healed. He said that burns from an arc flash normally leave the skin black for years.
This experience helped me clarify the truth to my coworkers and people around me after I returned to work. They understood the goodness of Falun Dafa and gladly quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since it had been persecuting the practice for years.
Head-on Crash with a Taxi
One day in September 2015, I had to work overtime and went home late. On the way home, a truck blocked my view as I rode my scooter across an intersection. I had a head-on crash with a taxi after the driver slammed on his brakes. My scooter was thrown several meters away, and I flew up into the air and landed in front of the taxi, standing upright!
At first, the taxi driver was terrified as he expected to find me injured. After seeing that there wasn’t a scratch on me, he wanted me to pay for the damages on his car. I gave him the 400 yuan he asked for, knowing that I owed it to him. Master protected me and allowed me to pay for my karmic debt this way.
Elderly Mother Recovers from Hip Fracture in One Month
My mother, 92, lives with my brother in Inner Mongolia. She fell in July 2021 and fractured her hip. Her doctor said that she was too old for an operation and would not be able to walk from then on.
After talking to my brother, I went to visit my mother and played Master Li’s lecture audios for her. I left the audios with her, and after listening to the lectures for a month, she could walk once again!
Granddaughter Recovers from Acute Fever
My daughter has two children, and my wife and I brought them up when we were in China. When they started talking, we taught them to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” After we moved to Canada, their father’s parents helped care for them.
In 2023, one of my granddaughters had a fever all night. The next morning, she experienced seizures and was rushed to a hospital, where she stayed for eight days. Her fever continued, and she vomited whatever she ate.
My daughter sent me a video of my granddaughter, who looked emaciated and didn’t have the energy to talk. I asked Master to help her and sent righteous thoughts. In my mind, I talked to her and asked her to recite the phrase I had taught her years ago.
The next day, my daughter called and said that the child’s fever had subsided, and she could finally eat. I knew that Master had healed my granddaughter and saved her.
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