(Minghui.org) When practitioners clarify the truth about Falun Dafa, some people accept it, and some do not. This is closely related to the practitioner’s cultivation state. I would like to share my understanding and experience of clarifying the truth to people and how these people benefit from it and then become virtual media who also share information about Dafa with others.

Accepting the Truth About Dafa

I was working in another village when I saw an older man in his 70s who looked like a cadre. As he circled around me, I asked, “Are you from here?” He answered, “I’m just visiting my daughter for a few days.” He left at noon but returned later that day. I wondered if he was waiting for me to help him understand the truth about Dafa. I asked him if he had been a cadre and if he had joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

He confirmed he had, so I asked, “Has anyone told you about quitting the CCP?” He mentioned that he had heard about it before, but did not quit. I continued, “Did you live through the Great Leap Forward? In those days, they claimed that a mu of land could yield 10,000 jin of grain. Was that true?” He acknowledged that it was all a fabrication. I told him that the Tiananmen self-immolation incident was also fabricated and that many good people who followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance were arrested and detained. The man agreed with me, reiterating that the CCP was responsible for these bad deeds.

I then asked if he believed in gods, and he said he did. I reminded him that the CCP demolished temples and destroyed Buddha statues during the Cultural Revolution, that it has always promoted atheism, and that it fought against traditional beliefs and dismantled our cultural heritage. I said that people who do not believe in deities often feel emboldened to commit terrible acts, while Falun Dafa practitioners cultivate Buddhahood and are genuinely good individuals, because they adhere to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, especially when faced with challenges. In contrast, the Party has been persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners for over 25 years and has committed horrific atrocities in the process. In the future, heaven will destroy the CCP. Anyone whoever joined the CCP and/or its youth organizations must denounce it, or they will be in trouble when the Party falls from power. I told him that he needed to withdraw from the CCP organizations so that he would be protected by the divine when he encountered disaster, since the divine would know his heart.

He said, “Now I understand. No one ever told me this before. So that is how it is. I agree to quit.” I told him, “You should remember that Falun Dafa is the Buddha Fa. And please recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ When you do so sincerely and silently, the divine will protect you wherever you go.” He agreed and expressed his gratitude.

If you don’t have enough time to adequately clarify the truth, it is better to keep your message brief. But if you do have the time, you can present the truth from different perspectives, considering the person’s age and life experiences. By tailoring your explanation to the person’s situation, he or can can better understand and accept the truth more easily. Also, when you clarify the truth to individuals who are ill, their health may improve, provided they are able to accept it. Such individuals serve as live media for Dafa.

In my village, there is a man in his early 60s who used to be in good health, and no one in the area dared to mess with him. He made a living reselling livestock and slaughtering cattle and sheep. When he was 57 or 58, his health began to decline. He went to a large hospital in Beijing and was told he had liver and gallbladder problems. During that time, he didn’t live in the village.

In 2022, he returned to the village for a visit after having surgery. When I asked him about his condition, he spoke with a great effort and was somewhat incoherent. I talked to him about Falun Dafa, and he said he had never practiced it but did not object to its principles, it was simply a personal belief. I told him that if he believed in Dafa and sincerely recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” his health would improve. I also gave him a truth-clarification amulet and told him. “Don’t just look at it. If you do what it says, miracles can happen to you.” He accepted the amulet.

At that time he lived in the county town, which is over 100 miles from the village. About three weeks later, he returned with a truck to haul coal.

When I saw him this time, he said, “Since you told me to recite those two phrases, I have been doing it every day, and I’ve felt full of energy lately. This amulet is really effective.” He then asked if I had Falun Dafa materials, because he wanted to learn more. I suggested that he read the book Zhuan Falun or listen to Master’s recorded lectures. He later got the book and the audio lectures from his relatives. In less than six months, his health improved significantly. Since his wife read Zhuan Falun with him, she recovered from her gynecological problem. She called her parents and told them what had happened, and then her parents started to earnestly recite the two phrases

Although he believed in Dafa very much, he did not know how to cultivate his xinxing. He was involved in many local projects, so I advised him to let go of his desire for profit, which would be good for his health. He agreed verbally but could not let it go in his heart. Later, he had to go to court every day due to lawsuits related to the projects. During this time, his illness recurred. He went to the hospital, where doctors discovered an inoperable tumor in his cardiovascular system. Also, his liver, which had previously recovered, showed abnormalities again. He felt that he had no hope of survival.

After we heard about it, we encouraged him, asserting that only by believing in Dafa could his situation change. His relatives and I advised him not to be afraid and that as long as he kept the two phrases in his heart, everything would improve. When it was time for his follow-up exam, he silently recited them. To everyone’s astonishment, the tumor had disappeared, and all his test results were normal. The doctors were amazed, as they had only hoped the tumor would remain stable, not vanish entirely. They could not understand what happened.

Whenever anyone asked him what magic medicine he used to recover so quickly, he told them without hesitation that the magic medicine was to believe in Falun Dafa and recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

A woman in her 50s in their community liked to walk in the neighborhood. She had symptoms of cerebral thrombosis and walked with a limp. She also could not straighten her arms. One day as she was walking with him, he told her to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and told her about his experience. The woman had a good understanding and started reciting the two phrases when she returned home. In a few days, she was able to move her legs and feet freely. Her condition improved, and her family also started reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” The woman’s sister and parents also believed in Dafa. The entire family went from went from sadness to happiness.