(Minghui.org) Not long ago, I suddenly realized that I was now 86 years old. This sudden realization sent shivers down my spine and I felt overwhelmed! Being able to climb up and down the stairs and walk agilely, I felt just like a 70-year-old. People commented that I walked like a young person.
I would never imagine myself in this healthy state 30 years ago before I took up Falun Dafa cultivation in 1994.
Attending Master’s Fa Teaching Sessions
I was fortunate to attend Master Li Hongzhi’s first Fa teaching session in Tianjin in February 1994. Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance resonated with me at once, and the lectures answered all of my questions about life and cultivation. I eagerly continued attending Falun Dafa classes in several other cities.
I was able to personally witness Master’s demeanor. He set a great example for all practitioners with his actions, completely contradictory to the lies put forth by the Chinese Communist regime to smear him.
Once during class, a few of us attendees went to the cafeteria and bought lunch boxes. Later, Master Li came and sat at the table next to ours by himself with the same kind of lunch box. We were surprised that there was no special lunch prepared for our Teacher. I heard that Master Li and his team always sought out simple meals and didn’t accept special treatment. Also our Teacher did not pick out any certain foods, but just ate whatever was available.
After attending classes in Jinan City, Shandong Province, many of us planned to go to Dalian City, Liaoning Province, by ship for the next session. Due to a heavy rainstorm, we were stranded in the Jinan port for a day. Master was traveling the same route and was with us the whole time. Later, we ended up on the same ship as well. Master was amiable, sitting around a table and talking with us like acquaintances. We didn’t feel nervous around him at all.
The seminar in Guangzhou City was originally planned to be a nine-day session. Considering that some students came from remote regions and had to spend a substantial amount of money on travel, food, and lodging, Master compressed the content to seven days.
Moreover, Teacher did not want to burden students with expensive tuition, only charging 25 yuan per student, which was much lower than the market price. I learned there was not much money left after covering the venue rental fee. The attacks on Master Li enriching himself through Fa lectures can be easily dismissed as sheer nonsense.
I also had an amazing supernatural experience during a class. Immediately after Master lectured on the main consciousness and assistant consciousness, I saw myself leaving my body and sitting on the opposite side of the room. It dawned on me that I was seeing my assistant consciousness.
I once followed the atheist doctrine of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and only believed what I saw with my own eyes. However, somehow I wished that Buddhas and Gods did exist because it gave me hope. I was allowed to experience the wonder of different dimensions and the human body, which highly boosted my faith in Dafa.
Transformation in Dafa and Steadfast Cultivation
Before I practiced Falun Dafa, I was well-known for my poor health at my workplace. Plagued with a variety of ailments, I relied on endless bottles of medicine to get by. I was so weak that I often fell down, ending up with injured limbs. My life was so dreadful that I barely hung on day to day.
Miraculously, all of my illnesses disappeared shortly after I took up Falun Dafa. Since then, I have not taken a single pill for 31 years. I always feel young and energetic.
Furthermore, my character improved drastically. I always measure my thoughts and actions with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I strive to become a selfless and considerate person and put others first. I also recognized my strong competitive mindset due to long-term indoctrination by the Party culture, and learned to look within during conflicts. Living under the grace of Dafa and Master Li every day, I am joyful, even when facing adversity.
Owing my life to Dafa, I can put aside life and death to firmly defend Master and Dafa. Despite the CCP’s smear campaign against Falun Dafa, I steadfastly continue to practice cultivation and advance on the path arranged by my Teacher. Empowered by Dafa, I am no longer a timid person. I now have the courage to shoulder responsibilities and overcome any difficulties.
Even under brutal persecution, Master taught us not to treat the evildoers as enemies, but to try our best to save them. Master admonished us,
“I told you a long time ago that a Dafa disciple, or a cultivator, has no enemies. The only thing you have a role in is saving people, and you have no role in using human means and human principles to punish or pronounce judgment on people.” (“Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume VII)
The CCP has now extended its persecution overseas and attacked Master Li Hongzhi and Shen Yun through the use of Western media outlets We must follow Master’s guidance and clarify the truth about Dafa to people so that more can be saved.
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