Ever since Jiang Zemin ordered the brutal crackdown against Falun Gong, many Jinxing practitioners have risked their lives and gone to Beijing to appeal to the government. As a result, they have repeatedly been detained and interrogated by the local police, and have suffered horrendous persecution. Some were forced to pay large fines, some were beaten and endured various torture, and some were sent to local detention centers, labor camps or even prisons. The homes of many practitioners were ransacked. Countless practitioners have lost their homes, been forced to endure separation from their loved ones, or have had their families completely destroyed. Many elderly parents and young children have lost their caretakers, and countless people have been forced to give up their jobs. Yet through it all, not a single practitioner has behaved violently. Instead, with hearts of compassion, they have continued to tell the truth about Falun Gong to the people of the world. Meanwhile, the "people's police" still have chosen to viciously persecute this group of kind-hearted people. I cannot help myself but to cry out - what crimes have Falun Gong practitioners committed to be treated like this? The crimes committed by the local police against practitioners are too numerous to list. The following describes just a small number of these crimes.
1. Responsible Party: Weishui Police Station, Jinxing County Law Education Center, and Weizhou Police Station.
Criminals: Wang Lianke (head of the Weizhou Police Station), Zhang Yongtin (second-in-command at the Weishui Police Station), Wu Zhiquan (chief counselor at the Weishui Police Station), Ma Zhanyuan, Wang Zhonghua, Wang Fenghua, among others.
Practitioner Bai Yuzhi, 40, worked in the Jinxing County Industry and Business Council. She was a member of the Jinxing County People's Political Consultative Conference and became one of its leaders as a member of its standing committee. Because she insisted on practicing Falun Gong and went to Beijing many times to appeal to the government on behalf of Falun Gong, she was repeatedly detained by the police and had her home ransacked by the police several times. She was sentenced to three years at the labor camps on October 1st, 1999. She was first held at the Shijizhuang Female Labor Station, Tangshan Kaipin Labor Station, and then moved to a labor station in the city of Baoding. While in the labor camps, she held a hunger strike for more than 3 months, asking for the right to perform the Falun Gong exercises. During this time, her weight dropped from more than 110 pounds to less than 80 pounds. The prison officials tried to force-feed her by using a feeding tube everyday. It caused severe damage to her esophagus and stomach lining. She could no longer walk steadily on her own, and the feeding tube was often covered with blood when it was taken out. Afterwards she often vomited large amounts of blood and even secretions from her pancreas. In spite of this, the authorities decided to punish her even further by sending her to the Ankang Drug Rehabilitation Center in the city of Tangshan. She was forcefully injected with illegal drugs, which made her feel as if there were bugs crawling all over her body. While giving her a physical examination, the hospital discovered that she had no blood pressure, and when they tried to run an EKG, the machine kept making all kinds of strange noises and stopped working. They came to the realization that she would likely bleed to death if they tried to force-feed her one more time. Not wanting to be held responsible for her death, they told her family to take her back home.
Practitioner Wei Xiang, 38, was a member of the Communist Party and graduated from a junior college. He was the vice president of the Jingxing County People's Bank. When he went to Beijing on July 20th, 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong, he was arrested and detained at the County Law Education Center for close to a month. He was forced to pay 600 Yuan (Chinese dollars, the monthly salary of an averaged worker in cities of China is about 500 yuan) of "living expenses" and another 100 Yuan of "educational" expenses. He was arrested again on February 12th, 2000 when he went to the home of a fellow practitioner to talk about his experiences. The police have been holding him at the local detention center since then. On October 1st, he was sentenced to a prison term of four and a half years.
Practitioner Dan Lihua, 35, was arrested when she went to Beijing on July 20th, 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained at the Law Education Center for 26 days and forced to pay 520 Yuan of "living expenses" and 100 Yuan of "educational" expenses. She was arrested again when she went back to Beijing on November 26th, 1999, was detained at the county jail for 15 days, and then detained again at the Law Education Center for another 10 days. She was forced to pay 280 Yuan of "living expenses" and 100 Yuan of "educational" expenses. Later on, because she wrote letters to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the police from the Weishui Police Station arrested her at the practicing site on February 10th, 2000. After a brutal beating, she was thrown into the county jail. She was sentenced to a 3-year prison term after the Chinese National Day (October 1st).
Practitioner Bai Yuhong, 25, was arrested when she went to Beijing on December 20th, 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong, and was detained at the Law Education Center. After her release, because she signed letters to the United Nations, the police from the Weishui Police Station arrested her at the practicing site on February 5th, 2000, the day after the Chinese New Year. Ma Zhanyuan hung her up and beat her until she was unconsciousness. Five days later, several policemen from the Detective Squad beat her for more than half an hour. They took turns stepping on her legs and slapping her face. She was then thrown into the local detention center, where she remained until she was given a 3-year prison term after the Chinese National Day (October 1st).
Practitioner Liu Lihui, 28, was arrested when he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. He was first held at the Cangyan Police Station, then the County Law Education Center, and finally the county jail. On November 3rd, he was sentenced to three years at the labor camps.
On February 10th, 2000, a male and a female from the Weishui Police Station arrested nine practitioners for holding a group practice outdoors. The practitioners, including a 64-years-old grandmother, were forced to take off their winter coats and stand on the icy concrete floors barefoot. Then they were taken into a room one by one, where they were slapped, beaten with batons, electrocuted with electric prods, or had their hair pulled. Practitioners Song Wenkao (a 37-years-old railroad worker) and Luan Shunsheng (male, 28) were forced to kneel on the ground while two policemen put a mop on their lower legs and then stood on it for more than an hour. The faces of the two practitioners had turned into a dark purple/black color, and they had trouble walking. However, they were still handcuffed to an outdoor iron fence during the height of the winter. Luan Shunsheng lost consciousness a total of five times. The 64-years-old grandmother (from the Luo Village) was also slapped and kicked by policemen. Her face became swollen after the beating, yet she was still forced to stand on the icy ground with no shoes on. The police grabbed the hair of practitioner Gao Yuping (30) and threw her into the room. She was slapped, kicked, and beaten with police rubber batons on her back, legs and thigh for more than an hour. Afterwards the area between her waist and her knees had turned completely black. Other practitioners who were beaten include Dan Lihua (30), Gao Gengrong, Jiao Linhua, Wei Ruiling, and Li Zhenmei. After they were beaten, the police tried to force them to slap each other, but they refused.
Because of cold and hunger, practitioner Gao Yuping lost consciousness and fell more than 1 meter (3 feet) from the top of the steps. After she regained consciousness, the police forced her to pick up the trash around the police station and use her hands to clear the bathroom drain pipes. While she was working, the police would verbally abuse her with sexually explicit, crude language. This went on from 6 AM to 9 PM. Practitioners Luan Shunsheng, Song Wenkao, Wei Ruilin, Gao Gengrong, Gao Yuping, and Jiao Linhua were taken back to the Weizhou Police Station. The next day, the police there used electric batons to electrocute the chest and face of Gao Gengrong. They then beat her with a mop while she was twisting around in pain. They also electrocuted the hands, arms, mouth, and face of practitioner Jiao Lihua and forced her to sign a pledge promising to give up Falun Gong. Luo Shunsheng and Song Wenkao were beaten and kicked. Wang Penghua, a policeman from the Weizhou Police Station, electrocuted Song Wenkao with electric batons until both the insides of his mouth and his face were bleeding. The face of Luan Shunsheng was beaten purple, and his feet became swollen as well. Gao Gengrong, Gao Yuping, and Wei Ruiling were then forced into a squatting position, and beaten whenever the police felt liked it. Police Captain Wang Lianke openly said, "I am going to make you suffer until you are seriously ill!" The five practitioners were forced to remain standing for an entire night, and then forced to stand outside in the snow at dawn. Each of them was fined up to 5,000 Yuan (5-month of an average salary), and an additional 20 Yuan each day for food, whether they had anything to eat that day or not. They were illegally detained for 42 days.
Practitioner Wu Zhanmin, 33, was arrested when he went to Beijing on July 20th, 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong. The local police detained him at the local detention center for 15 days, and then at the County Law Education Center for 27 days. On September 24th, the police arrested him again and detained him for 15 days for the crime of "practicing Falun Gong at home." On November 6th, he was arrested for the third time for the same reason and detained for another 15 days. He was forced to pay a total of 170 Yuan of "living expenses" for both arrests. On December 10th, the police took him from his home for no apparent reason and locked him into a small, dark room in the County Law Education Center. The room was so wet that its walls were covered with condensation, and there was only a thin layer of hay on the concrete floor. Everyday he was given only 3 steamed buns. He was locked up until February 4th, 2000 (the Chinese New Year's Eve), when the town officials came to see him and said that he needed to pay a bail of 1,000 Yuan if he wanted to go home for the New Year. Because he could not come up with the money, they refused to release him. On New Year's Eve, he crawled into the old practice site in Weishui to perform the Falun Gong exercises, and was caught by the local police again. Zhang Yongting, the second-in-command at the Weishui Police Station asked him, " Who told you to perform the exercises?" He said, "I wanted to do it myself." Zhang became so angry that he grabbed a chair and used it to hit the back of Wu, breaking the chair in the process. Zhang repeated the question, and Wu answered again, "I wanted to do it myself." Zhang then grabbed pieces from the chair that had fallen apart and used them to hit the right kneecap of Wu for more than 20 minutes. He then told his underlings to throw Wu into an iron cage outside. Wu remained there under the frozen conditions until the morning of the Chinese New Year. The next day Wu Zhiquan, the chief counselor of the police station, kicked Wu's handcuffed hands, opening a 3cm (1-inch) wound on his arm that bled profusely. He was then brought back inside, where Wu Zhiquan, Ma Zhanyuan, and Wang Zhonghua took turns beating the area around his thigh with rubber batons. They then pushed Wu down on a wood stick, and stepped on his lower legs with all the strength that they had. Ma Zhanyuan continued to slap his face for more than 30 minutes. They then threw him back to the iron cage, where he remained until the afternoon of the next day, when he was sent to the local detention center. He was detained there for 15 days and forced to pay 150 Yuan of living expenses. On February 27th, 2000, he was detained for another 20 days, and released on March 22nd when the officials from the township of Weishui forced him to pay a fine of 230 Yuan.
Practitioner Li Guiqing, 64, was arrested by the police when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on December 9th, 1999. As a result, she was detained at the local detention center for 15 days. Then Jiao Baoshi, the deputy mayor of Weishui, locked her into a wet and dark room. On February 10th, 2000, the police arrested her again when she went to the former practicing site to perform Falun Gong exercises. She was detained for seven days and then locked into a room in Weishui with only a thin layer of hay to cover the ground. On February 27th, she was illegally detained for another 20 days. She was forced to pay 290 Yuan of living expenses.
Practitioner Zhao Yinxia, 34, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was held at the County Law Education Center for 16 days. Because she lent money to practitioners who wanted to go to Beijing but had no money to make the trip, she was arrested again by the police on September 2nd and detained at the Law Education Center for 62 days. On November 3rd, the Weishui Police detained her again for another 15 days for the crime of "practicing Falun Gong at home." On December 9th, she was arrested again when she went back to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was thrown into the Law Education Center until February 4th, 2000 (the Chinese New Year Eve). Because she refused to pay the 1000-Yuan bail, the police would not let her go home for the holiday. She was able to get out that night and went to the practice site to perform the Falun Gong exercises. The police arrested her again and detained her for another 15 days. She was then thrown into a dark and wet room with no blankets. On February 27th, she was detained again for another 20 days. The officials from Weishui forced her to pay 500 Yuan for picking her up from the detention center and another 780-Yuan for living expenses. She was detained illegally for close to four months and was finally released on March 22nd.
Practitioner Zhang Rongmei, 40, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and was detained for four days. Because she lent money to practitioners who wanted to go to Beijing but had no money to pay for the trip, she was detained at the Law Education Center. On November 3rd, the Weishui Police detained her again for another 15 days for the crime of "practicing Falun Gong at home." On December 10th, she was taken to the County Law Education Center from her home for no apparent reason. She was released on February 20th after her family posted a 1000-Yuan bail to the Weishui local officials. She was forced to pay 160 Yuan of living expenses.
Practitioner Wu Rongting, 45, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for seven days, and forced to pay living expenses of 140 Yuan. On September 24th, she was arrested by the police at her home for no apparent reason, and was detained for 15 days and forced to pay living expenses of 90 Yuan. On December 9th, she was arrested again when she went back to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was thrown into the Law Education Center until February 4th, 2000 (the Chinese New Year's Eve) when her family posted a 1000-Yuan bail to secure her release.
Practitioner Kang Liying, 39, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for seven days and forced to pay living expenses of 140 Yuan. On September 24th, she was arrested by the police at her home for no apparent reason, and was detained for 15 days and forced to pay living expenses of 90 Yuan. On December 10th, she was arrested again for no apparent reason, and thrown into the Law Education Center. She was held there until February 4th, 2000 (the Chinese New Year's Eve) when her family posted a 1000-Yuan bail to secure her release.
Practitioner Deng Guoyun, 33, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 26 days, and forced to pay "living expenses" of 520 Yuan and "educational" expenses of 100 Yuan. On November 3rd, she was arrested again when she went back to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 15 days and forced to pay living expenses of 80 Yuan. On February 27th, 2000, she was arrested again for no apparent reason, and detained for 20 days and forced to pay living expenses of 100 Yuan.
Practitioner Xing Lihong, 23, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 8 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 160 Yuan. On November 3rd, she was arrested again when she went back to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 15 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 80 Yuan. Her employer also fired her.
Practitioner Zhang Zhenzhen, 34, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 26 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 520 Yuan and "educational expenses" of 100 Yuan. On December 5th, she was arrested again when she went back to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 15 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 80 Yuan. On February 27th, 2000, she was arrested again for no apparent reason, detained for 20 days, and forced to pay "living expenses" of 100 Yuan.
Practitioner Pan Lizhu, 33, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 9 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 80 Yuan. On November 4th, she was arrested again when she went back to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained at the County Law Education Center for 26 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 520 Yuan and "educational expenses" of 100 Yuan.
Practitioner Bai Yuqing, 29, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was detained for 16 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 320 Yuan and "educational expenses" of 100 Yuan.
Practitioner Lin Dongliang, 44, was arrested on July 20th, 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was detained for 81 days at the local detention center and County Law Education Center. On July 27th, 2000, he was arrested by the police at his home for no apparent reason and detained for 20 days.
Practitioner Gao Baoyuan, 38, was arrested by the police when he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on December 5th, 1999. He was detained at the local detention center for 15 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 80 Yuan. Then Jiao Baoshi, the deputy mayor of Weishui, locked him into a wet and dark room until the end of January 2000, when he was released after paying a 100-Yuan "bail". On February 27th, 2000, he was arrested again by the police at his home for no apparent reason and illegally detained for another 20 days.
Practitioner Liu Changlin, 33, was arrested by the police when he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 1999. He was detained for 26 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 520 Yuan and "educational expenses" of 100 Yuan. On November 4th, 1999, he was arrested by the police at his home for no apparent reason, was illegally detained for another 15 days, and forced to pay "living expenses" of 80 Yuan.
Practitioners Deng Guoyun, Xing Lihong, Zhang Zhenzhen, Zhang Rongmei, Wu Rongting, Kang Liyin, Wu Chouzi (70 years old), Li Guiqing, Gao Baoyuan, and Wu Xiaofei (an 8-year-old boy) were arrested on December 9th, 1999. This was because the police caught three local practitioners on their way to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and they decided to punish all of the local practitioners. They were locked into a dark and wet room. Its walls were covered with condensation, and there was only a thin layer of hay on the ground. Each person was only given three small pieces of steam bun to eat every day. Wu Xiaofei, the 8-years-old boy, was not allowed to go to school. They were locked up in the room until Mid-January 2000. The Weishui officials forced each of them to post a 1000-Yuan "bail" (Wu Chouzi, Li Guqing, and Gao Baoyuan, who were too old to work and extremely poor, were forced to each post a 100-Yuan "bail").
On February 5th, 2000 (the Chinese New Year), the above-mentioned practitioners were again taken to the Weishui Police Station for no apparent reason, where they endured many forms of cruel torture. Some of them were handcuffed with arms behind their backs and beaten with police batons until their faces were swollen. Some of their noses were broken, and they could no longer walk steadily on their own. The policemen forced the practitioners to curse Master Li and Falun Gong. Anyone who refused to do so was tied up with ropes and beaten to the brink of death.
- Responsible Party: Jinxing County Police Department, Tianchang Police Station
Tianchang Police Station Telephone Number: 86-311-2390-123
Tianchang Government Office Telephone Number: 86-311-2390-144
Criminals: policemen Zheng Fuyuan, Fang Eryun, Ji Wenhua, and Gao Jianguo
The police arrested practitioner Huo Haitin when he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 23, 1999. He was detained for 55 days, expelled from the Communist Party, and fired from his job as an electrician for the Huo Village. The police arrested him again on February 9th, 2000 when he took part in a group practice session on the bank of the Chengguan River. He was detained at the Tianchang Police Station for 20 days and then at the county jail for another 17 days. During his detention, the police abused him using a variety of methods, such as beating him with police batons, electrocuting him, handcuffing him outdoors in the height of winter, and not giving him food to eat for days. In addition, he was forced to pay a heavy fine of 3600 Yuan.
Practitioner Xu Huhai is a villager at the Beiguan Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested him when he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 8th, 1999. He was arrested again on February 9th, 2000 when he took part in a group practice session on the bank of the Chengguan River. He received different types of torture and abuse in the hands of the police, and has not been released to this day.
Practitioner Wang Tengyun is a villager at the Hedong Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested and detained him for 60 days when he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 22nd, 1999. The police arrested him again on February 9th, 2000 when he took part in a group practice session on the bank of the Chengguan River. He was detained for a total of 3 months. During his detention, he was beaten, electrocuted, and handcuffed outdoors in the height of winter. In addition, he was forced to pay a fine of 300 Yuan.
Practitioner Wang Yinbin is a villager at the Hedong Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested and detained him for 15 days when he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 23rd, 1999. The police arrested him again on February 9th, 2000 when he took part in a group practice session on the bank of the Chengguan River. He was detained for a total of 13 days, and suffered from a great deal of abuse at the hands of the police. In addition, he was forced to pay a fine of 300 Yuan.
Practitioner Wang Lihua is a villager at the Beiguan Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested and detained her for 10 days when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 23rd, 1999. She was also forced to pay a fine of 4500 Yuan. The police arrested her again on February 9th, 2000 when she took part in a group practice session on the bank of the Chengguan River and detained her for 50 days. During her detention, the police verbally and physically abused her. She was handcuffed, beaten and left to freeze outside in the height of the winter. In addition, she was forced to pay a fine of 2000 Yuan (Chinese dollars, the monthly salary of an averaged worker in cities of China is about 500 yuan).
Practitioner Huang Yinping is a villager at the Hedong Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested and detained her for 15 days when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 23rd, 1999. The police later arrested her again when she took part in a group practice session outdoors and detained her for another 15 days. During her detention, the police verbally and physically abused her. She was handcuffed, beaten and left to freeze outside in the height of the winter. In addition, she was forced to pay a fine of 1500 Yuan.
Practitioner Wang Suyin is a villager at the Beiguan Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested and detained her for 30 days when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 23rd, 1999. The police later arrested her again when she took part in a group practice session outdoors and detained her for a total of 44 days at three different detention centers. During her detention, the police verbally and physically abused her. She was handcuffed, beaten and left to freeze outside in the height of the winter. In addition, she was forced to pay fines totaling 1700 Yuan.
Practitioner Yu Cailin is a villager at the Hedong Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested and detained her for 15 days when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 23rd, 1999. The police later arrested her again when she took part in a group practice session outdoors, and detained her for a total of 44 days at three different detention centers. During her detention, the police verbally and physically abused her. In addition, she was forced to pay a fine of 1500 Yuan.
Practitioner He Muying is a villager at the Chen Village in the township of Tianchang. The police arrested and detained her for 15 days when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 23rd, 1999. The police later arrested her again when she took part in a group practice session outdoors, and detained her for another 15 days. During her detention, the police verbally and physically abused her. In addition, she was forced to pay a fine of 1500 Yuan.
Practitioners Hao Guosheng (from the village of Dongguan), Zhou Junsheng, Zhou Jiansheng and Yin Runduan (all from the village of Zhoujiakang) were arrested when they went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on January 1st, 2000. They were each detained for 17 days and fined 1000 Yuan. Zhou Junsheng and Zhou Jiansheng were later fined another 1000 Yuan each for signing a petition letter to the United Nation.
Eleven other practitioners were arrested for taking part in the group practice session on February 9th, 2000. Liang Lake (male and from the village of the Huanggou), Li Zhireng (male and from the village of Heguan), Liang Lafu (male and from the village of Liangkou), Ren Yanzhen (female and from the village of Cai), Luan Suyin (female and from the village of Cai), Chen Jirong (female and from the village of Huanggou) and Mi Duan (female and from the village of Zhoujiaken) were each detained for 15 days and fined 1000 Yuan. Li Liandan (male and from the village of Lihexi) was detained for 34 days and fined 1500 Yuan. Liang Jinke (male, physician and a member of the Communist Party) was detained for a total of 97 days, had his salary was suspended, and was expelled from the Communist Party. Yao Changjie (female and from the village of Lihexi) was detained for 15 days and fined 1500 Yuan. Xu Fulin (female and from the village of Huo) also received similar punishments. The practitioners received a great deal of abuse at the hands of the police, including being beaten and electrocuted.
Practitioner Chen Zhifang is a villager at the Chenjia Village. He was detained for 1 day and fined 500 Yuan for signing a petition letter to the United Nation on January 22nd, 2000.
- Responsible Party: Cuilin Police Station
Criminals: captain Tian Yongfeng, deputy captain Jia Saibao, chief counselor Dou Yongsheng, and policemen Xue Luke, Zhang Haiyin, Liu Fenglin, Liang Xufeng, Wang Guoqiang
Practitioner Wang Qianxi, 37, was detained in the town of Langfang while on his way to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. Two policemen beat him with police batons and leather whips for close to half an hour. Both of his legs turned to a dark purple/black color, and he could no longer walk on his own. He was then brought back to Jinxing, where he was detained for a total of 11 days and forced to pay "living expenses" of 260 Yuan. On November 22nd, 1999, the police arrested him again when he went back to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was brought back to the Cuilin Police Station, where policeman Liang Xufeng beat and kicked him for more than half an hour. Wang Guoqiang kept asking him if he had gone to the home of practitioner Huo Haiting. When he insisted that he had not, he was slapped repeatedly for more than ten minutes. He was then locked into the County Law Education Center for 10 days, and then at the Cuilin Police Station for 60 days. After he was released, just because he led practitioner Bai Yuhong (female, 23, sentenced to three years in the labor camps) to visit the home of practitioner Chun Wen (the former deputy head of the Jixing County Falun Gong Assistance Center), he was arrested again and brutally beaten by the police. Nearly all the officers in the Cuilin Police Station, including captain Tian Yongfeng, deputy captain Jia Saibao, chief counselor Dou Yongsheng, and policemen Xue Luke, Zhang Haiyin, Liu Fenglin, took part in the beating. They not only used their hands and feet to beat and kick him; they also tied him up and used police batons and electric batons on him. After beating him for more than two hours, they then handcuffed to a tree for more than 48 hours in the height of the winter with him wearing just a thin shirt. People who saw him were all shocked by the extent of his injuries.
Seven practitioners were arrested and brought into the Cuilin Police Station for taking part in the group practice session on February 9th, 2000. Some of them were handcuffed to trees, and others were handcuffed to the bicycle racks. Dou Yongsheng forced practitioners to take off their winter coats and stand outside from 6am to 10pm. They then were handcuffed to the pipes and the head of the bed inside a room. Two practitioners were locked into a 2.5-meter (8-ft) tall iron cage, which was extremely smelly and dirty. On February 15th, practitioner Hao Duanduan was brought into the Weishui Police Station, where he was beaten, slapped and electrocuted for more than three hours and then handcuffed to an iron pipe for more than 24 hours. On February 16th, the police brought practitioner Li Chunwen to a brick shop that had been abandoned a long time ago. They tied his two hands behind his back. While one person pulled his head, two other people stood on each side and stepped on his lower legs and push his arms in, and a fourth person stood behind to hang him up in the air with rope. Every time he was near the point of collapse, he would get a little water while the police hit him with rubber and electric batons. This procedure was repeatedly three times. He was then handcuffed to a tree and left to freeze for nine days. Later on, he and three other practitioners, Gao Laier, Zhang Quanxi, and Wu Quanlin, were sent to the county jail to serve time, while other practitioners were forced to pay large fines. Dou Duanduan was fined 4000 Yuan, Lu Xiting 3000 Yuan, Xu Mingming 2000 Yuan, Fan Lai and Li Suer 1000 Yuan each, Wu Shuangxi and Wu Quanli 1500 Yuan each.
The above are some of the shocking crimes committed against Falun Gong practitioners. Since November, the local authorities have stepped up their persecution against practitioners. Some practitioners have been illegally detained without cause, tortured during the interrogation sessions, followed by secret agents, or have had their homes ransacked. One day soon, they will be tried and receive their punishments.
Practitioners in China
November 20th, 2000
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