(Clearwisdom.net) Like every practitioner, I have encountered trials and hardships, falling and stumbling on the road of cultivation practice. I went through various tests of karma elimination and xinxing improvement. One barrier after another, every obstacle must be broken through. Whenever I face tribulations, I try to maintain a peaceful mind, study the Fa and search inward, and follow the process of Fa-rectification. I have moved forward in such a way during the past several years.
Teacher said, "Many disciples are highly educated, and the vast majority of the disciples outside China have advanced degrees. Why is this the case? It's precisely to have you put to full use at this crucial time what you've learned among everyday people and are good at, to have you validate the Fa using the everyday people's skills Dafa created for people in this world." ("Lecture on the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Conference") The Fa-rectification has reached a stage that can utilize my ability to sing to demonstrate the mighty virtue of Dafa.
I left stage performance more than ten years ago, and I haven't been practicing singing since then. Everyone knows that under this situation, recovering the strength of the vocal cords is a very slow process. I was trapped by this notion. I was concerned that my vocal cords could not retrain and rapidly recover and that my voice would break in the middle of singing. I was also concerned that my voice was not good enough and that other singers would laugh and that the reputation I built among ordinary people after many years of effort would be ruined. All kinds of fears and attachments surfaced. Such a state of mind was no longer a simple issue of singing, but had become a serious cultivation issue. I came to recognize that this was a barrier that I must break through. How would I overcome it? The only way was to keep a peaceful mind and study the Fa. Teacher said, "The Fa can reveal all attachments, the Fa can eradicate all evils, the Fa can expose and dispel all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts." ("Deter Interference")
Dafa is supernormal. I am a cultivator. How can these human notions restrict me? Teacher said, "People think that the renowned persons, scholars, and different sorts of experts in human society are great. In fact, they are all really insignificant, for they are everyday people." ("What is Wisdom," Essentials for Further Advancement) As a Dafa disciple, having the great fortune to sing Dafa songs is the mission bestowed upon me by history. It is also my true role as a Dafa particle during the progress of Fa-rectification. I enlightened that my life as a singer was arranged for me to eventually sing for the Fa of the Universe, and that singing for Dafa is exactly my path for cultivation and Fa-rectification. Upon reaching this understanding, I suddenly awakened.
Then the miracle happened. Within only two days, my vocal cords recovered and I started to sing for a recording. When I was singing, my mind entered another realm. Within that realm, there was no feeling of singing. Instead, I was using my righteous thoughts and faith to express to heaven and earth the greatness of Dafa, the benevolence of our Master, the gratitude of Dafa disciples and the difficulties along the path of Fa-rectification. I was expressing to all lives that can hear the songs that it is a rare opportunity to obtain a human body, to hear the Buddha Fa, and to receive the boundless blessings from our Master. We shall treasure this rare occasion. May we never again miss this predestined opportunity. It is so holy, solemn, and great.
I was astounded by my voice recorded under such a state. I found within my voice a kind of metallic sound, with a magnetic nature and penetrating power. This is a phenomenon that I never experienced before during many years of stage performance. I know this is the power of the Fa, the strengthening by Master, the manifestation of Buddha Fa's divine power through my body.
Actually, Master is doing everything. "Cultivation depends on one's own efforts, while the transformation of gong depends on one's master." ("Lecture One" of Zhuan Falun) As long as we can truly melt into the Fa during the Fa-rectification period, be steadfast with righteous belief, enlightenment and insights, all kinds of miracles can happen. We can truly experience the supreme power of Dafa and supernormal states. Our responsibility is to let go of attachments to our professions as singers, dancers, or composers. We should let go of various kinds of titles, as well as many kinds of attachments associated with these different professions.
With the rapid progress of Fa-rectification, Dafa songs and music are being widely spread. More and more practitioners are writing verses and composing music. The varieties of songs and music are always increasing. Thus, there are more and more songs for me to sing. For me, singing itself is a way of cultivation, a way of making improvement, a way to elevate to the highest levels of our inborn quality. I like to sing using righteous thoughts and a tranquil heart like still water, totally natural. This mind state is like a cultivator dwelling at the top of high mountains, amidst the white clouds and freely soaring cranes with no impure thoughts, totally pure and free. I feel that the finer the particles of my singing voice become and the more energy they contain, the stronger the penetrating powers they have. Every word and every note sung this way can instantly eradicate the evil factors undermining Dafa. The voice in songs is filled with power, righteousness and righteous thoughts; it has the ability to infiltrate to places far, far away.
Above are my cultivation experiences and understandings at my current cultivation level. If there are any mistakes, please kindly point them out to me.
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