(Clearwisdom.net) I heard that there was a group of Western practitioners going to Tianamen Square for Fa-rectification about a month or two before we went. When I heard about it I wasn't sure if I should join them or not. I didn't know if I should stay back to help my family and get caught up in school or if I should go to Tianamen to face the evil and participate in Fa-rectification directly. That night I decided that if I was supposed to go I would but if I wasn't I would accept that arrangement as well. Not until later did I realize that not going would be accepting a wrong arrangement. As it got closer to the time to make the decision to go or not, the two choices both seemed more and more righteous. About a week before the trip I still had not decided. Somehow I was able to keep balanced, but I was attached to worries that that balance was too fragile.
The next day, when I was done with class, I found that I was able to sense how everything felt around me. If I put my hand on a stone wall I could feel it "rectify," I could feel the air "rectify" my cloths, however, I wasn't entirely sure that I should go to Tiananmen. I then called a practitioner whom I knew was going and asked him if I needed any special information to obtain a visa to China. I got in my car to go but due to some human notion, turned around and came back. I got into my car a few times and realized that it was time to make a final decision. I went out to lunch the next day with my friend, talking to her about Falun Gong. As we finished the meal I got a fortune cookie that said, "Stop waiting, buy that ticket, and take that special trip." The next day I drove the two hours down to San Francisco and got my visa.
While in China, every person that I spoke to seemed to be very afraid of everything around him or her. I felt sad that I didn't speak to them about Dafa but I didn't want to endanger the mission. I wished that they could have just spoken to me, learnt the truth about Dafa, had good thoughts about Dafa, and shown their understanding and support towards our action, which would be good for their futures.
I felt a strong energy field around me. I sent forth righteous thoughts for fifteen minutes whenever it was the top of the hour, and did the five sets of exercises between hours. After that I would sit and listen to the tape we had made of Teacher's new articles with the practitioners I had traveled with. Then we would go out and be tourists and listen to Teacher's 9-day lectures on our Walkman. I was listening to the lectures while climbing up the Great Wall, walking through the Forbidden City.
On November 20, we got all packed up and left our stuff at the airport in a locker. Then we went and walked around Tianamen Square sending forth-righteous thoughts for quite a while. Like one body we flowed together from all parts of the square. We moved together for a group photo. Then Adam said in Chinese, "Send forth righteous thoughts," and other practitioners held up the banner that read, "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance."
I closed my eyes to send forth righteous thoughts and was able to see some scenes in other dimensions. I felt like I saw a column of white and blue light coming down from above us and shooting through the square. Maybe at that moment everything in that time space was rectified from top to bottom, and all of this was so true.
When I heard the police around us starting to beat people I started to yell the Fa-rectification verses that Teacher had taught us. Soon I was lifted on to one of the vans that use specifically for taking away Falun Gong practitioners. I could see them tackling Canadian practitioner, Zenon, and bringing him around to the inside of the van circle where they beat him pretty badly.
I kept yelling "Ni Ding" which means, "you freeze," at the police. They were stunned. I didn't know if it was really me who made them stunned. A female practitioner from Sweden put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Be calm, it's best for them." Why should a God of compassion, a protector of the great Fa of the cosmos, be angry? I realized that the people who I was yelling at were just scared, and I might be their only chance at salvation. It is my sacred responsibility to be compassionate to them. Teacher says in "Fa Rectification and Cultivation:"
"Yet we are still cultivating and still have some last ordinary human attachments. When a problem arises, we have to examine ourselves first to see whether things are right or wrong on our part. If we determine that it is interference or [an attempt to do] damage, when we deal with the specific problem we should try our best to be calm and kind to these people who are at the surface, because when the evil uses people, these people themselves usually aren't aware of it (although those people who are used are usually either people whose thoughts are just bad or people who have bad thoughts arising). As for the interference by evil in other dimensions, we must seriously eradicate it with righteous thoughts."
From that point on I was able to remain calm at all times and keep a righteous compassionate heart toward whomever I was able to interact with. There were times that I wasn't aware that I had strayed from this level and luckily there were practitioners with me who helped make me aware of any attachments that I was displaying. We were constantly helping the guards [the police], who were being manipulated by the evil, to put themselves in positions where they could help themselves. We realized that the guards we were encountering were probably really predestined and that we could break through their distorted notions with our compassionate righteous actions.
I saw them pulling in Chris while he hung on the car door. I saw his hands get pulled back and then saw them break. I rushed to help him once he was in the van and tried to help him up. I stood between him and the police officer that came into our van. With our compassionate hearts the police had trouble even looking at us.
Through out this experience I was continually inspired by the other practitioner's righteous actions. I was proud to see them manifesting our Master's Fa in this human world. There was one moment when we were all silently sending forth-righteous thoughts in the prison. I could see a beautiful Falun Emblem in front of us protecting us. It was indescribably beautiful and kept changing colors reflecting outward prisms of light that were like multicolored diamonds. I felt the Falun spinning in my Dantian [located at the lower abdominal area] at the same time very intensely. I felt as though everything was right.
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