(Clearwisdom.net) After the South Borough Assistants Experience Sharing Conference, most practitioners in the Kaohsiung area have obtained a deeper understanding about the importance of sending forth righteous thoughts. In addition, we learned that practitioners all over the world have been making sending forth righteous thoughts a priority through reading articles from Clearwisdom Net. Teacher said: "Completely eliminating the evil is for Fa-rectification," (Essentials for Further Advancement II --"Beyond the Limits of Forbearance"). Furthermore, Dafa disciples in the period of Fa-rectification must use their steadfast righteous thoughts to break the old force's arrangement. "Actually, every Dafa disciple has abilities. It's just that the abilities do not manifest in the surface dimension, so they think that they don't have supernormal abilities. But regardless of whether they can manifest in the surface dimension or not, when a person's True Thoughts come forth they are very powerful." (Essentials for Further Advancement II -- "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful")

Many practitioners from Kaohsiung now go to the Kaohsiung Cultural Center every Sunday to intensively send forth righteous thoughts. From 4:55 a.m. until 6:10 p.m., we send forth righteous thoughts at the top of each hour and then practice the exercises and study the Fa. Even new practitioners also have a good understanding about this. During the Fa-study, some practitioners stand up to read the book in order to drive out the interference of feeling sleepy. Other practitioners who are not able to focus or feel sleepy also stand up to study the Fa and sit down after getting rid of the interference. All practitioners work hard together to drive out the interference. The spectacle is really encouraging. As we did not give sufficient consideration to the space of the area, fellow practitioners were interfered with; but we happily discovered that fellow practitioners strengthened their determination to eliminate the evil in other dimensions more calmly, rationally and more focused under such conditions. We understand that we are Dafa disciples in the period of Fa-rectification and history has bestowed us the great responsibility. This group event of sending forth righteous thoughts manifests Dafa disciples' steadfast righteous thoughts at this moment. Let us use our pure minds to send forth the most steadfast righteous thoughts and work as one integral entity to save sentient beings.
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Category: April 25 Events