Today’s Articles
Aug. 12, 2002
About Dafa
- Representatives to UN Human Rights Commission Offer Support During Practitioners' Peaceful Appeal in Federal Square, Bern, Switzerland
- Message of Support from the Lutheran World Federation Regarding the Trial of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong
- Canadian Member of Parliament Responds to Practitioners' Email Appeal Regarding the Hong Kong Trial
- Letters of Support for the Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial in Hong Kong (Part I)
- UK: Making Peaceful Appeals Outside the Chinese Embassy, Chinese Consulate and UK Foreign Office
- Ireland: Falun Dafa Association Holds Press Conference to Expose the Unjust Trial of Hong Kong Practitioners
- French Practitioners Clarify Truth of Hong Kong Political Trial to All Segments of Society (Photo)
- Renowned Iceland Lawyer: "The [Icelandic] Government Violated the Constitutional Law"
- Practitioners in Seattle, Washington Participate in Ocean Festival Parades and Receive Award (Photos)
- "It is the Power of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance"
- How I Was Brutally Tortured at Beijing Fengtai Police Station and Liaoning Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
- Latest News from China - 08/04/2002
- Latest News from China - 08/05/2002
- 26 Practitioners Solemnly Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- Devastating Flood Results in Many Deaths
- In Praise of the "Sinosat Incident"
- Bringing People Closer to Dafa by Clarifying the Truth
- Intensify Efforts to Utilize the Internet to Save the Precious Chinese People
- The Righteous Thoughts of My Granddaughter
- Some Interesting Stories Collected During My Cultivation
- People Are No Longer Deceived by the Lies