Spanish police who had heard the truth about the situation in China wished success and good luck to Falun Gong practitioners
The second day of his official visit, Jia met the two Speakers (Leaders of the Senate and House) separately. At the Senate, before Jia's arrival, practitioners handed in the letters for the Speaker of Senate and the chairmen of all political parties. The secretaries who received the letters expressed that they would give these letters to the Speaker and the chairmen immediately so that they could read them before they met Jia. Afterwards, practitioners displayed several Dafa banners facing the Senate. The police officer on duty was the same one as yesterday. He told us to stay on the opposite side of the road. When we mentioned that the distance was too far, he said: "This is already an exception. Protests had never been held in front of the Senate in the past."
When Jia's motorcade arrived and when Jia stepped out of the car, the voices of "Falun Dafa is good! Stop the persecution!" from practitioners could be heard all around the Senate. Before we left the Senate, practitioners went to the police officer once again. One practitioner thanked him and said: "We hope that when we hold the demonstration at the House of Representatives; you could arrange a closer spot for us so that Jia can see our peaceful demonstration and banners more clearly. We need all good people's help to stop this persecution together" The officer shook his head, looked melancholy and said to us with anxiety: "If you do so, he (meaning Jia Qinglin) will be angry and give us more pressure. At the House of Representatives, we may not let you get closer." The practitioner said: "Would a country of freedom and democracy yield to an unreasonable request from a government of dictatorship which violates human rights?" He said so with a pure and righteous heart and a gentle tone. His righteous thoughts and behavior melted the officer's heart. He smiled at us for the first time. It was a smile from his heart, there was compassion in his smile. The depression and worry all disappeared from his face; it was truly like that he changed to another person! It was Dafa's power and Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts and behavior which opened his heart that had been numbed in the chaotic world.
"How do you know Jia's travel plans? They have been kept a secret." He talked with us like a friend.
The practitioners smiled: "In this world, there are still many good people who have sense of justice in their minds. It was one of them who told us."
Swords crossed in front of the House of Representatives between justice and evil.
As soon as practitioners arrived at the House of Representatives, a few policemen came over to "greet" us. It was actually to stop us from getting closer to the House of Representatives. It seemed like that this was just what the former officer said to us before: Jiang's regime had pressure the Spanish Government and lied to them. The place given to us by the police was the central part inside the square opposite to the House of Representatives. It was circled by flowers, grass and trees. From the location, Jia Qinglin could not see nor hear our peaceful demonstration in any form. The police said it was an order from senior level, this was the place, and it could not be changed. The officer's attitude seemed to be very firm, it appeared like that there was no chance for negotiation. However, when a practitioner reminded us and said: "hurry up to clarify the truth.í We then started to tell the officer the truth of Falun Gong and the persecution. A miracle then happened! That police officer changed his attitude entirely. He looked like a different person from before. He showed a gesture of pleasure, meanwhile, said to us very politely: "Please talk over there." The "there" he meant was the exit of the square, which was right facing the main entrance of the House of Representatives. When we got there, the officer said: "You can stay here." It was really amazing! Afterwards, when we were sharing our experiences, one practitioner who witnessed the whole scene recalled: "as soon as that practitioner said 'hurry up to clarify the truth' and even before practitioners started to talk in any detail, that officer's look had turned gentle. It looked as if his natural side understood straight away. While we were clarifying the truth, all the policemen who were on the scene came over to listen to us, and they accepted the truth material and VCD happily.
About ten minutes before Jia Qinglin arrived at the House of Representatives, all of a sudden, a few Chinese people came out of the garden behind us. Under the command of an official-looking man, they held flags with "Welcome Jia" on it and stood in front of Falun Gong practitioners. The policemen did not stop them; it looked like they had planned it beforehand and got the permission from the police. They opened a few flags which had already been prepared. Obviously, their so-called "Welcome" was just an excuse; their actual purpose was to block Falun Gong practitioners' banners. This has been a common occurrence at other countries' protest activities. Seeing this, except those practitioners who were holding the banners, the rest of the practitioners started to clarify the truth right away. Western practitioners clarified the truth to the policemen, whilst Chinese practitioners clarified the truth to those overseas Chinese people who were blind to the truth. At that time, all practitioners had righteous thoughts, took the Fa as Master, had compassion in the hearts, so we co-operated very well.
While the policemen realised that the Chinese officials falsely used the name of "Welcome", but in deed they tried to cover Falun Gong practitioners' banners, they ordered them to stand beside the practitioners. When Jia's motorcade was coming, the Chinese official angrily ordered: "Lift the banner up quickly! Cover them!í
However, it was useless, as the policemen who had learned the truth stood in front of the "welcome" people like an iron wall. They people were not allowed to move forward even a little bit. When Jia Qinglin arrived, the flag meant to welcome him was held in a slouched position.
Policemen who had learned the truth ordered the "welcome group" to stand next to practitioners
The Chinese officials who were preparing to welcome Jia Qinglin outside the main door of the House of Representatives were clearly irritated when they saw the "welcome" banner could not cover the Falun Dafa banner. Finally, they decided to change the route. When Jia Qinglin arrived at the House of Representatives, just like many other visiting officials who took part in persecuting Falun Gong, he was frightened to see the Falun Dafa banners and the peacefully protesting practitioners, so he entered the House from a side door. The side door was a bit further from practitioners, but the sounds of "stop persecuting Falun Gong", "Falun Dafa is good" were clearly heard.
One Chinese official tried to use a big minibus to ward off the practitioners, so they went over to tell him not to help a tyrant to do evil things. He left ashamedly. Another Chinese person was hiding between two cars and trying to take pictures of practitioners secretly. When one practitioner discovered this, he also held a camera and tried to take a picture of him. When he found out our practitioners' camera was aimied at him, he was scared to jump, and he turned his head away immediately. Practitioners told him kindly: Jiang Zemin had been sued in many countries because of persecuting Falun Gong. Everyone should be responsible for his/her own behavior. Hope he does not help the dictator to do more evil things...... The secret photo-taker lowered his head and ran away.
(to be continued)
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Category: April 25 Events