My name is Carlos Iglesias. I am a Spanish lawyer and forty two years old this year. The reason I am writing this letter to you is that I am immensely concerned about the tragic situation of millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China. One and half years ago, I was lucky to get to know about Falun Gong. I have never seen any one that is as noble as Falun Gong practitioners. They are genuinely decent people. I should thank them for making me understand, respect and love China, the Chinese people and the traditional culture of China. Therefore, when I see these millions of innocent people being persecuted illegally by the Jiang Group, I feel really sad. Falun Gong is a cultivation way that is based on "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance". It genuinely makes over a hundred million people around the world obtain good health and the improvement of their moral standards, returning to human nature with kindness and sincerity.
Over sixty countries in five continents around the world have people practising Falun Gong, Falun Gong was also granted over one thousand awards from many governments due to great contributions to the world people's health and morals. We often see westerners practising Falun Gong in parks in many big cities around the world; they are all proud of the precious gift Master Li Hongzhi brought to them. I am one of those lucky people. Therefore, I am writing to you from my heart to let you know the truth of Falun Gong and the crime of genocide Jiang Zemin has committed against Falun Gong practitioners.
Jiang Zemin violated the law in China and also many international human rights conventions when, actuated by his own fear and jealousy, he initiated a large scale persecution against millions of innocent and kind-hearted Falun Gong practitioners in 1999. The freedoms of individual belief and speech have been brutally trampled on.
The order to "physically destroy them, ruin their reputations and financially bankrupt them", given by Jiang Zemin and aiming to eradicate Falun Gong, has formed the biggest genocide in human history, not only because of the number of people involved in the persecution (approximately one hundred million people and their families) but also the brutality of the tortures used in the persecution.
Being a Chinese citizen, I hope in great esteem that you can see clearly the truth of the persecution, please do not believe in the lies and slander about Falun Gong from the media controlled by the Jiang group. At the moment, over 2000 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death, over 500,000 are illegally detained in labour camps, and millions of families have been broken up because they will not give up their belief. Facing so many innocent people being treated unjustly, can Chinese people sit back and ignore it? How could Jiang Zemin kill his own people unscrupulously? In the face of this huge injustice, my heart is bleeding.
Out of respect and love for the Chinese people, plus to protect human rights, I cannot remain silent when confronting this brutal and illegal persecution. Human rights is the basic value of human kind, the human rights of everyone should be protected no matter where it is. As a human being, I should offer my help to people who have been persecuted for five years. Therefore, as a lawyer, I have filed lawsuits against Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan and Jia Qinglin in Spain. They are accused of committing genocide and torture. Now it is the first ever time that there has been a series of lawsuits filed against Jiang Zemin and his followers in seventeen countries, including Spain, the US, France, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Australia, Korea, Taiwan as well as Tanzania.
Please do not listen to the lies, and do not be exploited by others any more: You should know about the truth. Jiang Zemin's persecution against Falun Gong will eventually end up being brought to trial by the judicature, history and conscience.
Please close your eyes for a while, feel for others, and think of those Falun Gong practitioners that are subjected to boundless suffering. I sincerely hope that you can clarify the truth to your families, friends and colleagues. The precious Chinese people have the right to know about the truth: You should not watch their own compatriots suffering and remain unconcerned.
You are absolutely able to help your compatriots; it is high time that all kind-hearted people should started taking action to protect these millions of persecuted people. There is a Chinese saying that "good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil". I sincerely hope that you could do what you can for these persecuted people with your heart, and clarify the truth of Falun Gong to more people. Together we can stop the persecution.
I wish "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" will bring you a wonderful future!
The whole world knows: Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance is good! Falun Dafa is good!
Carlos Iglesias
October 10, 2004
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200410/22533.html
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Category: April 25 Events