Once Recognized for his Meritorious Military Service, Mr. Hu Jianhua is Now Imprisoned for His Belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
Mr. Hu Jianhua, born in 1961 in Qianjiang County of Hubei Province, joined the army back in 1979. He was promoted from squad leader to company commander. He led his company to win a first class merit citation. In 1988, he was appointed as the leader of the rear-service unit of the headquarters, a position equivalent to an associate battalion commander.
A dozen years of military service left Mr. Hu with a dozen illnesses, including high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and rheumatism. As a result, he had to resign from his post. In 1993 he was transferred to a civilian workplace - the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Qiaokou District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
Mr. Hu sought one doctor after another to cure his illnesses but without success. In 1995, he learned Falun Gong. Thanks to Falun Gong, Mr. Hu became a healthy person and lived a happy life once again without costing his employer a penny. In addition, he strived hard to do his job well. As a practitioner, Mr. Hu strictly followed the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," and he was always thoughtful of other people.
For example, Mr. Hu's employer equipped him with a motorcycle for him to perform his job. Since he often left home early and arrived late for the sake of his job, sometimes he had to ride the motorcycle home. Despite the fact that he used it for his job, he paid his employer for the gas he used for the trips home. His leaders and colleagues all trusted him very much and recommended him for outstanding workers' awards. Every time he received an award, he shared his prizes with everyone. Once he received an electric fan as a prize. To alleviate the poor working conditions in the hot summer in the cafeteria, he contributed the fan to his colleagues. Because he always cared about his co-workers, Mr. Hu was widely recognized as a great person.
What was less known to others was that his family lived a meager existence. His wife was severely ill, his teenage child was going to school, and he had to support his parents and brother, who lived in poor circumstances in the countryside. Even with a family of three living in a small home belonging to his in-laws, he never complained or asked for anything from his employer, which demonstrated the high moral standards of a Falun Gong practitioner.
In spite of being such a good person, the authorities persecuted him for his practice of Falun Gong and his belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Since July 1999, they have imprisoned him in brainwashing "schools" three times and detained him three times, each time for several months. They illegally fired him from his job and stripped him of his membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The local police station searched his house three times without a warrant. All of his neighbors were outraged by the injustice.
When Mr. Hu was on his way to his workplace on November 29, 2000, a policeman stopped him. Claiming that his leader wanted to see him, the policeman attempted to trick him into going to the police station. Seeing through the fraud, Mr. Hu did not follow him. In the afternoon, however, half a dozen people came to abduct him. The authorities later sentenced him to one year of forced labor camp for his practice of Falun Gong. During his one-year imprisonment in the Hewan Labor Camp of Wuhan City, Mr. Hu was brutally persecuted, like every other practitioner there. The authorities did not allow any of his family members to visit him. They forced him to work extremely long hours and to perform excessively heavy work; they frequently beat him and abused him physically; they deliberately stopped him from sitting down, sleeping, talking to others, or buying any food. For over half a year, they dispatched other inmates to constantly watch him and follow him wherever he went, be it in the bathroom or while eating. Under both physical and mental abuse, Mr. Hu continued to show his compassion as a Falun Gong practitioner, which deeply touched the hearts of many inmates, policemen, and staff members in the forced labor camp.
After an entire year of this hell-like existence in the forced labor camp, Mr. Hu finally walked out of labor camp on December 1, 2001. After he returned to his former workplace, the authorities continued to monitor him. Seven months after his return to work, the local police station decided to arrest him again.
On July 22, 2002, Mr. Hu was forced to leave home for Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, to avoid further persecution. While he was telling other people in Guangzhou about the staged self-immolation in Tiananmen Square, the authorities arrested him once again in March 2003. During the illegal detention, the Guangzhou public security officials used cruel torture to try to extort a confession out of him, detained him for an extended period of time, and recorded false statements and refused to show them to him. In December 2003, without any evidence, the Dongshan District Court of Guangzhou City illegally sentenced Mr. Hu to seven and half years in prison. In addition, they stopped him from appealing his sentence and the extortion of his confession by torture to the higher courts.
Mr. Hu has been imprisoned in the Sihui City Prison of Guangdong Province for over ten months. Initially the authorities granted him permission to write one letter a month, so his family did receive a letter from him every month. Since December 2004, however, his family has not received any letters, and it has been over two months. Mr. Hu used to reply to his family in writing every time they sent him some money. Without hearing anything from him, his family is now very worried. Yet they are helpless, because, according to orders from top-level officials, no legal entity in China is allowed to accept any appeals from any Falun Gong practitioners or their families.
We sincerely call on every good-hearted person to extend your help to stop the ongoing persecution of Mr. Hu Jianhua by the Chinese authorities.
Chinese version available at
Mr. Shi Zuosheng Tortured to the Brink of Death and His Wife Sentenced to Six Years in Prison
Falun Gong practitioner Shi Zuosheng from Yisheng Village, Qingling Township, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, is critically ill due to torture. His wife was sentenced to six years in prison and is now suffering from torture in the Harbin Women's Prison.
Mr. Shi began to practice Falun Gong in 1996. Because of the relentless harassment from local officials, he was forced to leave his home in 2001. On November 9, 2004, while clarifying the facts about the persecution in Harbin City, he was arrested. He is currently imprisoned in the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp. His wife Zhang Shufen was arrested at Zhoujia Township, Shuangcheng City on April 19, 2001 for practicing Falun Gong. Later, she was sentenced to six years in prison. She is currently imprisoned at the Harbin Women's Prison. Their youngest son is now homeless.
Below is a letter that was sent out by Ms. Zhang Shufen from Harbin Women's Prison:
My name is Zhang Shufen. I was illegally sentenced to 6 years in prison in 2002 and I am imprisoned in the second team of the Harbin Women's Prison. Here I have experienced suffering and persecution. The prison police are extremely violent. They frequently hang us up by our wrists and place us in solitary confinement. What we eat is watered down rice gruel twice each day. Falun Gong practitioners are often handcuffed to a ring on the prison grounds. They are not allowed to sleep and are not covered with a blanket in cold weather. They are verbally abused and beaten all day. We are watched around the clock and not allowed to practice our exercises. If someone does the exercises, the guards incite the criminals to beat and threaten Falun Gong practitioners.
On March 10, 2003, I was hung by my wrists in a prison room from the top bunk of a bed. My toes just barely touched the ground. There were 14 other fellow practitioners suffering from this at the same time. The heads of the second team, Cui Hongmei and Xia Fengying, ordered the torture, and the criminals, instigated by policeman Zhou Ying, hung us up. Some fellow practitioners were hung until they lost consciousness and the handcuffs had cut into their flesh. On May 15, 2003, I was handcuffed with my hands behind my back for more than 20 hours. (1)
Recently, news surfaced that Mr. Shi is now terribly thin because of the persecution. He cannot work and his life is in great danger. His family members strongly request that he be released. We especially send out this news to ask for help to rescue him as soon as possible.
Related telephone numbers (Note: for phone numbers, dial country code + area code before all numbers. For cell phone numbers, dial country code before the numbers. Country code: 86, area code: 451)
Bai Shenggang, the chief of Qingling Township local police station: 53240616 (Office) 53115387 (Home) 13845018916 (Cell)
All teams in Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in Harbin:
The first group: The current chief Yang Jintang, instructor Yang Yu, and former chief Li Jinhua who currently is vice chief of the forced labor camp: 820370101
The second group: Chief You Shiqiang, and deputy team chief Li Changchun: 82037102
The fourth group: Chief Hao Wei, and instructor Zhang Bin: 82037104
The fifth group: Chief Zhao Shuang: 82037105
Harbin Women's Prison address: 387 Xuefu Road, Nangang District, Harbin City
Above are the facts on the persecution that I have suffered here. I hope fellow practitioners can post it on the Internet to expose the evil that is persecuting us.
Zhang Shufen
Related contact information:
The chief of Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Jail, Wang Xing: 86359454
Vice-chief, Chu Shuhua: 86359322
Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Jail address: 389 Xuefu Road, Nangang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province 150069
(The switchboard: After calling 86684001, or 86668488, then say the name or the position of the person you want to talk to.)
(1) This involves one arm bent over the shoulder, the other bent under the small of the back. Both wrists are drawn to the middle of the back, causing extreme pain.
Chinese version available at
Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Wuyi Township of Yitong County, Jilin Province
By a Falun Gong Practitioner from Yitong County, Jilin Province
Partial Criminal Records of the Police of Yitong County
Since July 1999, police from Yitong County's police department and local police stations of Wuyi Township have inhumanly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. They have broken into practitioners' homes without a search warrant, arrested and abused them viciously, and taken them to detention centers and forced labor camps. They have extorted large amounts of money from practitioners and their family members. Some practitioners have been forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution. Many of them have to leave behind their elderly parents and young children. Whenever children see police from local police stations or police department arriving at their home, they become terribly frightened and begin to cry. We have outlined below, albeit incomplete, a persecution record for Wuyi Township of Yitong County.
In late July 1999, the police station of Wuyi Township unlawfully detained Falun Gong practitioners who had appealed to end the persecution of Falun Gong in Beijing, including Mr. Tian Junlong, Mr. Jiang Weibin, Mr. Liu Zhu, Ms. Liu Xuemin, Ms. Liu Huimin, Mr. Gao Yutian, Mr. Liu Qing and others. Lu Chen, the former head of the Wuyi Township Police Station, has extorted 1,000 yuan in illegal fines from each of those named above. Liu, the secretary of the local village Communist Party Committee, also extorted 2,000 yuan as a so-called fine from all those practitioners.
Mr. Tian Junlong went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong twice. During his detention, Huang Naiquan, the former chief of the Political Security Section of Yitong County Police Department, extorted money from Tian's family members and threatened that unless they paid, Tian would be sent to a forced labor camp. Although the family lived in poverty, family members were able to borrow 500 yuan, which they gave to Huang Naiquan. Tian Junlong was persecuted to death.
Practitioners who did not appeal in Beijing also suffered persecution. Ms. Bao Yanchen, Ms. Gao Yufen, Mr. Liu Tiemin, and others were arrested at their homes and taken to detention centers.
At the end of 2000, nine local practitioners went to Beijing to appeal for justice. They were arrested and brought back by police from the Wuyi Township Police Station, who confiscated all the money in their possession. After being detained in a detention center for a short time, all of them were sentenced to serve in a forced labor camp. Mr. Gao Yutian, Mr. Jiang Weibin, and Ms. Song Shulan were sentenced to 3 years in a labor camp. Ms. Bao Yanchen was given a 2-year labor camp sentence and Mr. Liu Zhu, Ms. Liu Xuemin, Mr. Tian Junqing, Mr. Tian Junlong and Ms. Xue Guirong received a one-year labor camp sentence.
In the labor camp, Mr. Jiang Weibin was tortured and seriously injured. After he returned home, he was bedridden and required constant care. Yet, Wuyi Township police frequently harassed him and his family members. They tried to take him back to the labor camp.
At the end of 2000, the police from the Wuyi Township Police Station and Yitong County Police Department arrested practitioners Ms. Wu Xianli, Ms. Xue Guirong, Ms. Du Yanhua, and Ms. Song Shuxiang and took them to a detention center. As a result of the arrests of both parents, some children were left behind at home alone. Police officer Zhang, who is the head of the Wuyi Township police station, even harassed and threatened these children, including two 7-year-old children who are suffering at home without care.
In late February 2001, police from the local police station and police department arrested all of the practitioners who were still at home and took them to the Yitong Communist Party School for brainwashing. They tried to force them to renounce their belief in Falun Gong. They also extorted money from practitioners.
One night in February 2002, policeman Huang Naiquan from the Political Security Section of the local police department and Wuyi Township police broke into the homes of practitioners and arrested them. Mr. Tian Junlong and Ms. Liu Xuemin were arrested and taken to a detention center that night. Both of them were sentenced to 3 years in a forced labor camp. Tian Junlong was tortured to death in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province. Liu Xuemin is still held in a labor camp.
2. Details of the Persecution
Mr. Tian Junlong, 41 years old, was a farmer in Wuyi Township. In 2002, he was arrested and taken to a detention center. He suffered brutal torture and beatings. The bridge of his nose was broken and police burned his chest with cigarettes. He was then sent to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Tian was brutally tortured in the labor camp. He was seriously injured from the torture, and therefore, the labor camp asked Tian's family members to take him home. He died on September 16, 2003. To ascertain that Tian had died, the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp sent people to his home. Tian's father suffered deep mental anguish after his son's death and died soon after Tian's death.
Ms. Li Aiying, 48 years old, was employed by the Yidan Forest Farm in Yitong County. Early in the morning on December 4, 2003, the police broke into her home to arrest her. Li Aiying tried to escape through the window. She tied a few bed sheets into a rope and attempted to climb from her upper window to the ground. Tragically, she slipped and fell to the ground and died.
Mr. Wang Taimin, a farmer of Wuyi Township, was arrested and taken to the local police department at the end of September 2001. He suffered brutal torture during interrogation. His entire body was covered with bruises and cuts. Within a few days, after being sent to a detention center, he could neither lay down, sit, turn over or stand. The police put a plastic bag over his head and almost suffocated him. Mr. Wang Taimin was later sentenced to a 4-year prison term.
Mr. Wu Keli was an employee of the Technology Supervision Bureau of Yitong County. One day in the spring of 2002, Zhang Qi, the deputy chief of the local police department asked Mr. Wu to come to his office to discuss some matters. What actually happened was that Mr. Wu Keli was interrogated through torture. He was forced to sit on the Tiger Bench for more than 20 hours. At the same time he had to listen to a loud speaker, placed close to his ear, that continuously broadcasted, "Wu Keli confesses his guilt." He is still being detained, even though he no longer can take care of his daily needs. He had suffered inhuman physical and mental torture.
Mr. Zhao Jingsong, about 75 years old, was a retired senior staff member of a local water company. Because he lived by the Falun Gong principles, which taught him how to be a good person, he was sentenced to a 3-year prison term. He is still being held in prison.
Ms. Chen Yuxia was an employee of the Kaoshan Town Grain Supply Center. In September 2002, local police arrested her. Police officer Ma Gang of the Political Security Section and other policemen beat Chen Yuxia cruelly. Ma Gang even beat her with a solid wooden board. She vomited blood, and her body was covered with bruises and cuts. They also extorted 10,000 yuan from her. On December 4, 2003, the police arrested Chen Yuxia and her mother again at their home. They both suffered inhuman torture during interrogation. Her mother was released after Chen's brother paid the police a large amount of money. Chen Yuxia is still being held in a detention center.
Mr. Liu Wen, a staff member of a rubber factory, was arrested in September 2002. After being tortured during interrogation, he was sent to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp. He is still being held there.
Ms. Zhao Fenglan was a farmer from Ma'anshan. One day at the end of August 2003, the police broke into her home while she was taking a bath. The police took her to the local police department without allowing her to get dressed properly. After brutally beating her, they took her in a police car to a detention center, and on the way to the detention center, a few of the policemen sat on top of her. Fifteen days later they sent her to a forced labor camp, which refused to accept her because her body was covered with bruises and cuts. The local police department still did not release her. They finally set her free, but not before they had extorted 1,000 yuan from her family members. On her return home, the police continued to harass her and her family members. To avoid further persecution, she became homeless, leaving her two children at home alone with no adult supervision.
Mr. Jiang Lizhi was a doctor who owned a private clinic. The police broke into his home to arrest him, but he was not home at the time. Then during the sensitive dates of the National Congress meetings, the police found and arrested his fiancée, and they sent her to a forced labor camp. Some time later they arrested Jiang Lizhi at his apartment.
Ms. Yuan Wenhui was a staff member of the Yitong County Land Station. The police have broken into her home twice. They stole her birthday CD and arrested her husband Li Guanghua, who is not a Falun Gong practitioner. They detained him for 5 days. Then, the police arrested her son Li Zhibiao and detained him for 15 days. In February 2003, an explosion occurred in the Yitong County's Appeals Office. They already had arrested and detained Yuan Wenhui and her son, yet they went to Yuan's home. Only her husband Li Guanghua was home. Although the police knew that he was not a practitioner and was an honest and good-natured person, they ransacked their home, confiscated their personal property and took Li Guanghua to the local police department, where he was interrogated about the explosion until past midnight. They did not release him until he passed a lie detector test.
Mr. Li Zhongye was a staff member in a flourmill. In September 2001, the police arrested him and tortured him during interrogations. They tied him on the Tiger Bench. They beat his chest until he was seriously injured. They released him after his family members had paid a large amount of money. Li Zhongye is still unable to work because his health had deteriorated and because of injuries he suffered during torture.
Mr. Dong Weixing worked in an advanced training school for teachers. In spring 2002, he was arrested, and the police tortured him during interrogation. The police took off all his clothes, except his underwear, and tied him to an Iron Chair. Then the police opened all the windows and doors during a chilly winter day and poured cold water on him for 3 hours. Afterwards, he was sent to a forced labor camp.
Mr. Wang Jinbo was a staff member of the local Construction Bank. In August 2002, the police arrested him at his office and took him to the State Security Section of the local police department. Policemen Li Xiaodong, Ma Gang, Liu and others tortured him during interrogation. They used the torture method of "Tying the Ropes" (1) on Mr. Wang seven times. He was then sent to a forced labor camp.
Mr. Wang Jizhong was a resident of Yitong Town. In spring of 2002, he was arrested and taken to the local police department. The police brutally beat his face and head, and his face became very swollen. He was then sent to a forced labor camp. He was seriously injured both physically and mentally.
Mr. Li Hailin worked in the Xinjia Grain Supply Center. In spring 2002, he was arrested and taken to the local police department, where he suffered cruel torture. He was tortured with the "Tiger Bench" for over 40 hours. Then, he was sent to a forced labor camp.
Mr. Liu Cai and Mr. Liu Jingfeng were employed at a grain distribution station. The police broke into their homes often, harassed their families, ransacked their homes and confiscated much of their personal belongings. Therefore, they had to leave their home and rent a place somewhere else. The police continued to come to their home and harass their elderly parents and children.
Mr. Li Chongwei worked at the Ma'anshan Grain Depot. In 2003, during the sensitive dates of the National Congress meetings, police arrested him. After extorting 35,000 yuan from his family members, they released him. Li's family members had to borrow the money. A retired policeman, Sun Xishan, continued to harass him because Sun was not a part of the bribe that the police had extorted from Li's family. As a result, Li Chongwei was arrested again on December 4, 2003. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
One day before the meeting of the 16th Chinese National Congress was to be held, the police broke into Ms. Chen Xiuqin's home and took her to a detention center on a stretcher. Ms. Chen was only wearing her underclothes.
Good will be rewarded with good and evil met with evil. We hereby warn policemen who are the Jiang regime's henchmen of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners: "You must stop your evil doings immediately. You must save your future through repentance and righteous actions."
(1) Tying the Ropes - The police tie up the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back. Then the police use all the force they can muster to tighten the rope. The rope becomes tighter and tighter around the body of the practitioner, and makes it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The pain is so intense that the practitioner sometimes loses control of his bladder. There are instances when the rope was tightened enough to break a practitioner's arm.
Chinese version available at
How Lu Zhenshan and Others at the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Killed Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong
By a Falun Gong practitioner from Harbin City
Before her death, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong asked fellow practitioners to expose the crimes that the police committed against her.
1. Lu Zhenshan, male, Director, Harbin Wanjia Forced Labor Camp, Heilongjiang Province.
2. Zhao Yuqing, male, team leader, Women's Intensive Training Team at Wanjia Forced Labor Camp; former Security Section staff member at Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.
3. Yao Fuchang; male, section chief, Women's Intensive Training Team, Wanjia Forced Labor Camp; former Management Section staff member at Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.
· Investigate everyone responsible for Ms. Zhang Hong's death and punish them according to the law.
· Provide compensation to the victim's family for economic loss and mental trauma.
· Immediately release all Falun Gong practitioners from detention.
The victim, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong, female, 31, lived near the Botanic Garden in the Dongli District, Harbin City. She was a quality inspection technician at Harbin's Number Four Hospital. From October 1999 to August 2001, after her first arrest she was detained in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp and was later released. After her release, she went to the Number Four Hospital several times, inquiring about being rehired and also being paid her suspended back wages. The hospital did not respond to her request until May 2002, when they started to pay her 200 Yuan per month. After strong requests from her and her family, she was finally allowed to work at the hospital again, but they assigned her a lesser job - to escort patients to the doctor's office.
On May 8, 2004, when Ms. Zhang was writing words to clarify the facts about Falun Gong on the outer wall of the Harbin Dongfeng Prison, a prison guard reported her to the local police. That night around 11:00 p.m., policemen Zhang Guangming and Wu Jinlong from the Daowai District Dongfeng Police Station arrested her and sent her to the city's No. 2 Detention Center. In early June 2004, Ms. Zhang was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor and sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. Wanjia refused to accept her because she did not pass the physical exam. On July 22, the police again sent her to Wanjia and managed to get her assigned to the Intensive Training Team.
1) The Persecution Facts
On the morning of July 22, 2004, Ms. Zhang and fellow practitioners Ms. Di Lihua and a third woman were sent to Wanjia 's Intensive Training Team. Strangely enough, four men managed this women's team. Because Ms. Zhang and Ms. Di refused to write the Three Statements, the Guarantee Statement, Repentance Statement and Break-Up Statement, the police forced them to squat for a long period of time. They forbade Ms. Zhang from having lunch at the cafeteria. A fellow practitioner later brought her something to eat. After lunch, a camp guard and training team head Zhang Guiyun chained Ms. Zhang to a bed. She had to keep her arms stretched out in front of her and stand there for a full night.
On July 23, the guard said that Ms. Zhang Hong had "heart disease," so they wanted to inject her with some medicine. At the same time they also continued to demand that she and the others write the Three Statements. Ms. Zhang refused to take the injection, so the guards pushed her down onto an un-cushioned wooden bed, handcuffed her arms to the headboard and tied her feet to the footboard. They forcibly injected her with an unknown drug. Ms. Zhang Hong had a strong reaction. She felt both pain and humiliation; she also lost control of her bladder.
They left Ms. Zhang handcuffed and tied up like that for seven days and nights, from July 23 to 30. She was forbidden to use the toilet, compelling her to relieve her bowels and bladder on the wooden bed. The police left her in a windy location, with her lower body naked and a sleeveless undergarment on top. They did not allow her any extra clothing or even a blanket. One chilly night, a camp inmate on duty gave Ms. Zhang and Ms. Di extra clothing since they had requested them. The next day, policewoman Wu Baoyun angrily scolded the inmate.
On July 24, Ms. Zhang started a hunger strike to protest this inhumane abuse. Two days later, on July 26, the police started to force-feed her. They fed her with very salty corn meal soup. This kind of feeding severely damaged the practitioner's health. The team leaders Zhao Yuqing and Yao Fuchang told everyone not to give Zhang Hong water to drink, and toilet breaks were again denied.
Ms. Zhang Hong's feet turned blue after being tied up for a long time without adequate circulation. On July 29, the force-feeding torture caused severe bleeding, and a towel was soaked with her blood (the bloody towel was seen in the toilet). On July 30, section Chief Yao rinsed the intravenous drip bottle with tap water before using it on Ms. Zhang. Later, they intensified the torture by force-feeding her three times a day. The force-feeding team leader Zhang Guiyun and others pulled Ms. Zhang's hair and pinned her head to the bed. After verbal abuse and humiliation, they inserted a tube into her stomach through her nose.
Even while suffering from this tremendous pain, Ms. Zhang still tried to reason with the police. In the middle of one torture, she protested loudly about the mistreatment. Under police supervision, criminal inmates Zhang Guiyun, Chen Lingling and Sun Huijun performed the force-feeding on her. Once, when Ms. Zhang passed out during the torture, the camp guard Li Changjie lied to his team leader Zhao Yuqing, saying that Ms. Zhang was faking. Zhao Yuqing told Li Changjie to punish her with electric shocks after she regained consciousness.
On the afternoon of July 30, the police tied Ms. Zhang to a metal chair. Her head was covered with white bandage tapes, and her hands were cuffed behind her back. She had lost much weight, and her legs and feet were badly swollen.
Around 8:00 a.m. on July 31, people heard a loud cry from Ms. Zhang Hong, "I don't want to die. I want to go home. My house is at... in the Dongli district."
Around 1:00 p.m. on July 31 two policemen wearing protective facemasks arrived. They ordered four inmates to carry Zhang Hong away to the 211 Military Hospital. At 3:20 p.m., Zhang Hong's family received a notification that she had died at 2:00 p.m. of a "heart attack" in the 211 Hospital. Later police Zhao Yuqing claimed that Ms. Zhang had died from kidney failure induced by a heart attack. According to a family member, Ms. Zhang never had any history of heart disease.
During the visitation, family members discovered that her eyes and mouth were wide open. She had lost almost forty pounds, and her own waste was found in her pants. Ms. Zhang's mother asked the police why her daughter's mouth was full of blood if she died of a heart attack. A prison doctor said that he could not explain it. Family members asked to photograph and videotape her disfigured corpse. The police refused and attempted to force them to cremate the corpse right away. The family refused. They asked the police to follow legal procedures and conduct an autopsy. On August 26, after repeated threats and pressure from the police, Zhang Hong's two brothers, their wives and other family members finally agreed to the cremation. More than 40 police officers were on site to monitor the cremation. Ms. Zhang's former employer paid 1,200 Yuan for the cremation, and her family paid 500 Yuan. All of the money went into the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp's account.
On August 5, in order to cover up their crime, the police changed the sign of the room where Ms. Zhang was tortured from "Intensive Training Class of Strict Monitoring Class " to "Medical Room." They also brought in some oxygen tanks and other medical supplies to make the room look legitimate. The police officers in the intensive training team all looked very nervous, fearing that the truth might leak out.
Lu Zhenshan, the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Director, has been supporting the police brutality and even the murdering of Falun Gong practitioners. Between the summer of 2002 and the fall of 2003, Lu Zhenshan moved his office near the Intensive Training Team so that he could personally supervise the abuse, torment and torture of the practitioners. During his tenure, nearly one hundred practitioners were permanently injured, disabled, mentally traumatized or killed. Perpetrator Lu once said, "Go ahead and hate me, they (the police officers) are only following my orders."
Policemen Zhao Yuqing, Yao Fuchang and others have worked full time in the women's team for over two years. This is a direct violation of the rule that "Policemen cannot manage women inmates," a prison rule set up by China's Ministry of Justice.
Policeman Zhao Yuqing once told practitioners who refused to write the "Three Statements," "Lets not make a fuss about it; the government has the privilege to be unreasonable, because you practitioners cannot win a debate. They told you to shut up and squat. They forced you to write 'Three Statements.' The Communist Party's job is to twist the facts 180 degrees. We are only tools, because we get paid by the Communist Party."
2) Criminal Evidence
According to provisions in China's Constitution, Criminal Law, Police Law and relevant international laws, Director Lu Zhenshan, policemen Zhao Yuqing and Yao Fuchang's conduct in torturing Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong to death is clearly illegal. They violated statutes 50, 146, 254 and 297 of the Criminal Law; statute 49, No.2 of the Constitution and statute 13 of Women's Rights under the Protection of Law. They committed the crimes of "Revenge and Framing" and "Abuse of Power."
They used all sorts of ruthless torture against Falun Gong practitioners, including tying up with ropes while beating, hanging up and beating, confining people in cold and windy places, cold showers in winter, intimidation, and murder. Then they forced the families to have the victim's bodies cremated to eliminate the evidence. These torture methods have severely harmed the practitioners. They have dark marks on their wrists, deep scars, blisters on their faces, open sores, disfigured bodies, muscular atrophy and skin discoloration. Quite a few victims committed suicide because they could not handle to continued torture. Some were mentally traumatized and went insane. The camp enforcers violated statutes 15, 189, and 248 of the Criminal Law; statute 22 of the Police Law, and # 38 of the Constitution. They also violated item 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and committed the crime of "Abusing Prisoners."
They demanded that Falun Gong practitioners write the "Three Statements" as soon as they arrived at the labor camp. Those who refused were subjected to severe and violent torture: hanging up, electric baton shocks, long time sitting on a metal chair or squatting, punches and kicks, sleep deprivation, denial of drinking water and toilet use, denial of the right to appeal or access to law books, and long time bombardment with slandering videos. They were also forced to recite the "Pledge of Loyalty," "Camp Rules," and "Five Forbids." The camp officials forced people to memorize and recite this nonsense, as if they were legal documents. They arbitrarily extended terms, insulted people's dignity, made illegal fines, and demanded bribes.
Their outright disregard of the law was based on Jiang Zemin's terrorist policy against Falun Gong. Jiang hated Falun Gong so much that he gave the order to "ruin their reputation; bankrupt them financially; destroy them physically." Jiang Zemin and the Wanjia police violated the following laws: Statutes 36, 37 and 41 of China's Constitution; statutes 17, 232, 234, 251, 397 and 399 of the Criminal Law; items 9 and 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They committed the crime of "Illegally depriving citizens of their freedom of religion and belief." They did severe damage to the dignity and image of China and caused great harm to the practitioners and their families, who are good, law-abiding citizens.
Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate launched a campaign to "Investigate the five acts of criminal conduct among national civil servants."
To the Supreme People's Procuratorate officials: we have provided you with the above-listed evidence of crimes committed in the Harbin City's Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in the hope that you can use it in further investigations. You must bring the criminals to justice, defend the law and restore the practitioners' reputations.
Murderers must be punished for their killings, and debtors must return the money they owe. These are universal principles. The perpetrators must be brought to justice!
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong's home phone: 86-451-82107266
Persons responsible for Ms. Zhang Hong's death:
Lu Zhenshan, Director, 86-13903602280(Cell); 86-451-84282528(Home)
Fang Jun, Political Head:
Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Operators: 86-451-84101454, 86-451-84101455, 86-451-84101573, 86-451-84101509
Intensive Training Team (13th) extension: 3473
Zhao Yuqing (male), team head
Yang Guohong (female), deputy team head
Na Dongbo (female), deputy team head
Wu Hongxun (male), section chief
Li Xiaojie (male), section chief
Yao Fuchang (male), section chief, 86-451-86677741
Wu Baoyun (female), policewoman
Li Chunxia (female), policewoman
Li Changjie (female), policewoman
Criminal inmates who monitored Zhang Hong: Zhang Guiyun, Chen Lingling and Liu Huijun
Chinese version available at
After Giving Up His Practice, Mr. Wang Zhenfang Passes Away
Mr. Wang Zhenfang was 55 years old. He was a farmer who lived in Tianjia Village, Handian Town, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. After he began to practice Falun Gong, Mr. Wang enjoyed good health, but he stopped practicing because of the pressure he was placed under. He died in early 2003.
Mr. Wang Zhenfang began to practice Falun Gong in March 1998. Before that, he suffered from paralysis on one side of the body. His illness disappeared after practicing Falun Gong. He also gave up smoking and drinking and was able to do any kind of work. Around July 20, 1999, when Jiang's regime began to persecute Falun Gong, some people from the village party committee harassed him. They forced him to write the "guarantee statements," hand over his Falun Gong books, and attend a brainwashing class. Mr. Wang caved in under the pressure and gave up practice. On September 1, 2001, he suffered a relapse of his old illnesses. He passed away on March 20, 2003.
Mr. Wang Zhenfang's son Wang Liqiang is 16 years old. He is currently a 9th grade student in Handian Middle School. When his father died, he was only 14. Mr. Wang Zhenfang's wife Chen Jingfang is also a practitioner. She farmed the 20 Mu of land together with her three daughters and one son. Since Mr. Wang Zhenfang owed more than 10,000 yuan for medical expenses, his family is having a hard time making ends meet.
Chinese version available at
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Dailian from Shandong Province Died Because of Pressure from Local Officials
Not long ago, a tragedy occurred in Beishiwu Village, Duozhuang Town, Mengyin County, Shandong Province. An elderly woman died as a result of pressure from local officials, who completely ignored the law. This case has shocked and angered the local residents.
The person who died was Ms. Zhang Dailian, a gentle woman from a mountain village. Before practicing Falun Gong, both Ms. Zhang and her daughter-in-law Yu Lanying had been very weak and suffered from many illnesses. Only after they practiced Falun Gong did their illnesses start to get cured. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, they knew that practicing Falun Gong was good for one's health and that the practice of Falun Gong was different from the slander in the government propaganda. They did not give up practicing Falun Gong. When they were not busy with their farm work, they would use their free time to practice Falun Gong. They were simple, honest, and kind, and all the villagers who knew them can testify in this regard.
One day in May, Ms. Zhang's daughter-in-law Yu Lanying went out to distribute several Falun Gong truth-clarification flyers and was arrested by the police from the local police station. After she was arrested, Ms. Yu endured all kinds of torture. Her chest became black and blue from being beaten with a leather shoe. Her legs were also covered with wounds. After Yu Lanying escaped from the police station, she became disoriented due to the mental trauma she experienced in detention. After Ms. Yu got back home, she could only stay in bed and could not take care of herself.
Before her arrest, the local police station had already ransacked her home. Seeing that her daughter-in-law had been tortured to such a terrible condition and that her family members reprimanded her although she was not at fault, Zhang Dailian could not take such a sudden and heavy blow. She ingested insecticide and died. A good family was torn apart. [Editor's note: Falun Gong forbids suicide. We hope that Falun Gong practitioners can follow Master's requirements and cherish their own valuable lives. Zhang Dailian's death was caused by the lawless officials' persecution, and the perpetuators should be held accountable.]
Just one day before Zhang Dailian's funeral was to be held, the local police station dispatched two police vehicles and over a dozen policemen to Yu Lanying's home. The police took Yu Lanying away, even though she still could not get out of bed or take care of herself. Yu Lanying's family members followed the police to the bridge by the village, where the local residents witnessed this scene:
Seventy-year old Chen Ruiyun, Yu Lanying's father-in-law, knelt in front of the local Police Station Chief Lu, begging him to allow them to finish the funeral before taking away his daughter-in-law. Lu refused the request. Yu Lanying's husband went up and asked, "You have already made her mentally disoriented, why do you still want to arrest her?" Lu claimed, "She has been at home for several days. You did not report her to the authorities, so you are also responsible." In the end, Ms. Yu's husband was also taken away. People witnessing the scene were enraged and started to denounce the police, "What is the big deal for her to just give out several flyers? There is nothing wrong with the contents written on the flyers. It seems that what the flyers have mentioned about police killing so many innocent people is indeed true."
Chinese version available at
Practitioners from Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, Suffer Inhuman Persecution
Ever since the Jiang Zemin regime started the brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, it has employed the cruelest, most deceitful methods to persecute and deceive practitioners into quitting Falun Gong. The number of persecution cases is unprecedented, and the irrefutable evidence gathers daily. The practitioners from Meizhou City have suffered just as the practitioners in other areas in China. Below are some of the atrocities they have encountered.
These cases, collected with much difficulty and at the risk of many people, will become evidence for the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice.
Mr. Xie Hanzhu, age 40, was from Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. He was working for the Office of Public Affairs. Because of his steadfast practice of Falun Gong, he was expelled from the Communist Party, dismissed from work, and sentenced to detention at the former Section One of Group Five in Sanshui Labor Camp, where he has been since December 1999.
"Education for the new recruits": When he first came to the Fifth Group, Mr. Xie was welcomed with a savage beating. The guards beat his chest and kicked his head. He was in excruciating pain and had trouble breathing after the beating. He could not lie on his back or speak without experiencing terrible pain. Getting in and out of bed became one of his most painful tasks.
Forced labor for over 12 hours daily: Mr. Xie and others were frequently forced to work overnight in order to finish an assignment. If anyone was unable to finish an assignment, the guards would shock him or her with an electric baton or strike the person with a whip made of metal and covered with rubber. In order to cause maximum pain, the guards would bind two whips together, each the thickness of a finger. Just one lashing left black raised marks on their backs, and their backs were covered with scars.
No showers. There were 500 people in the Fifth Group and only 12 water faucets. In addition, water only runs for one and a half hours every night. Most do not get a chance to take a shower. When they were forced morning and night to perform military training, they had no time to take a shower. They were still forced to perform 10-12 hours of labor during the day. At one time, Mr. Xie was unable to take a shower for three months. Because of the dreadful hygiene practices in the labor camp, everybody had lice and dermatitis.
Because Mr. Xie clarified the truth about Falun Gong, a guard ordered several inmates to drag him to the back of the public bathroom. They pushed him against the wall and started beating his chest until he was unable to breathe. They then dragged him to the opening of the sewer pipe and forced him to breathe the stench for 10 minutes.
Prolonged shocks with electric batons. The guards used two high voltage electric batons to shock Mr. Xie's entire body. They shocked the most sensitive areas, such as the ears, neck, nipples, armpits and soles of the foot. They forced the baton into his mouth and shocked him for an hour at a time. There were blisters all over his body after the torture.
Since the electric shock could not bend Mr. Xie's will, a policeman pushed him to the ground face down and, with his leather boots, viciously stomped on Mr. Xie's back. This policeman also grabbed Mr. Xie's hair and struck his head against the floor. After this savage beating, Mr. Xie became so dizzy that he was unable to keep his balance.
Cold showers in freezing weather. The police ordered inmates to pour cold water over Mr. Xie for over half an hour in freezing weather, which made him shiver and turned his lips purple.
Sleep and rest deprivation. If he was not forced to work all night, after work ended at around 11 p.m., Mr. Xie was forced to "study" Marxism philosophy and write "reading notes." He was not allowed to rest until he finished the notes. Sometimes, the police would use all kinds of ways to keep him awake. One policeman kept talking to him the first part of the night, and another the rest of the night. He was still forced to work all day the next day. If he fell asleep the next day, the guards would either kick him very hard or whip his whole body. After two years of persecution, Mr. Xie, formerly a vigorous and energetic young man, had become a skinny, boney, gray-haired man, with a wane and sallow complexion. His family members could not recognize him.
In July 2000, the police ordered five inmates to pull his body in opposite directions, which is similar to an ancient Chinese torture called "five horses tearing apart the body." They forced Mr. Xie to sit in front of a pole with two inmates stretching his arms with all their strength and two others stretched and pulled his legs outward, causing excruciating pain. His arms and legs were bruised and swollen for days. He could not bend over or squat down. He was unable to sleep or go to the bathroom due to the pain.
Those responsible for the persecution include Deputy Captain Jiang and police officers Lei Shubao and Zhang Guansheng.
In September 2000, Mr. Xie was sent to the Second Section in the Second Group for continued persecution. The guards forced him to work for over 12 hours a day to endure military training for long periods of time, and to remain in a squatting position for several days and nights. He was not allowed to talk or contact anyone. He was forced to stand under the baking sun during the hottest part of the day, everyday, for as long as one month. Officers deprived him of sleep and forced him to get up everyday at 5:30 a.m. and work until 10 p.m. They also made him read articles that slandered Falun Gong and Teacher until past midnight.
The person responsible for this persecution is Captain Zhang Shengmei.
After two years in the Sanshui Labor Camp, the Meixian 610 Office took him to different places where the abuse continued, such as the Meixian Detention Center, the Meizhou City Police School, and brainwashing classes in Meixian in the Meijiang District of Meizhou City. Mr. Xie was half starved to death and kept in solitary confinement most of the time.
In December 2002, Mr. Xie Hanzhu and two other practitioners Xia Xianqiang and Zhou Xigui started a hunger strike to take a stand against the abuse and excessive detention that they were forced to endure. The police and guards savagely force-fed them. They knocked out Xia Xianqiang's front teeth and used a tube-shaped bamboo, which held the food at one end and a sharpened point at the other end to poke and jab his mouth, throat, and esophagus. This brutal torture caused multiple lesions in his mouth and blood oozed everywhere, causing severe inflammation. After half a month of this savage force-feeding, Xia Xianqiang was in a coma. The 610 Office guards did not want him to die in the detention center, so they released him on a stretcher to his family. With the power of Falun Gong, he recovered quickly. The 610 Office and police started to retaliate by hiring guards to watch his home. They again took him to the detention center once his health recovered.
Those responsible for the persecution include: Liu Qiqian, Hu Jianping, Chen Wankang, and Wu Jingqing of the Mei County 610 Office; Xie Lianhui of the Mei County Procuratorate; a person with the surname of Chen in the Mei County Judiciary Bureau; Zhang Guoqin, the director of the 610 Office in the Meijian District; and Liang Weizhong, the deputy director of the Meijian District 610 Office.
On February 3, 2005, police from the Meizhou City National Security, the Meijiang District 610 Office, the Meijiang District Police Subdivision, and the Meizhou City 610 Office abducted Xie Hanzhu, Guo Yafen, Zhong Suyun and Zhong Hanxiang and other practitioners. They are being held in the Qinhuang Detention Center in Meizhou City.
The above information was collected by eyewitnesses.
Responsible parties:
In the Meijiang District:
Zhang Guoqing, deputy secretary of the Meijiang District Political and Legal Bureau and 610 Office director: 86-13802362038(cell)
Liang Weizhong, 610 Office deputy director: 86-753-2196766(home)
From the Meijiang District Police Subdivision:
Guobaogu: 86-753-2168210
Xue Qingwen: 86-13060739801(cell)
Liu Guodao: 86-13823855876(cell)
Huang Songfeng, Huang Ruizhang
The Meijiang District Jiangnan Police Station: 86-753-2244006
Meizhou Political and Legal Bureau: 86-753-2390832
Mei County 610 Office personnel: Liu Qiqian, Hu Jiangping, Chen Wankang, and Wu Jingqing
Mei County Procuratorate: Xie Lianhui.
Mei County Judiciary Bureau: a person with surname of Chen.
Chinese version available at
Brief News from China - February 26, 2005
- [Hubei Province] Falun Gong practitioner Min Changchun Is Injured and Disfigured as a Result of Torture at Qinduankou Prison
- [Tumen City, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Chi Suling at Her Home
- [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Local Police Harass and Arrest Practitioners Ms. Liu Jianping and Ms. Li Muzhen
- [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. Tan Xiangyu Is Taken to Hunan Women's Prison
- [Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province] Additional Information About the Imprisonment of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Jie
- [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Wen Lianjie Is Taken to Suizhong County Detention Center
- [Guangxi Province] Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Yulin Area
- [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] The Arrest of Wang Yuqing and Two Other Practitioners
- [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Liu Jingsong Detained at the No. 2 Detention Center
1. [Hubei Province] Falun Gong practitioner Min Changchun Is Injured and Disfigured as a Result of Torture at Qinduankou Prison
Just before the Chinese New Year (February 8, 2005), the Qinduankou Prison guards of Group 4 ordered over a dozen criminal inmates to take turns beating Falun Gong practitioner Min Changchun. Min Changchun became physically injured and disfigured after suffering beatings day and night. As a result, Min was sent to a hospital on February 22. The torture was instigated and overseen by prison official Deng Kailiang.
2. [Tumen City, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Chi Suling at Her Home
At around 8:30 p.m. on February 22, 2005, the deputy director of the Shixian County Police Station Li Yanjun and police officer Liu Chengwu led six or seven police officers in a break-in of Ms. Chi Suling's home. They confiscated Falun Gong books and truth-clarifying materials. At around 9:30 p.m., they took Ms. Chi to the police station and one hour later, she was sent to the Tumen City Police Department.
Shixian Police Station: 86-433-3818345
Director of Shixian Police Station, Zhu Mingzeng: 86-433-3630677 (Home)
Deputy Director of Shixian Police Station, Li Yanjun: 86-433-3818989 (Home)
Police Officer Liu Chengwu: 86-433-3818989 (Home)
3. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Local Police Harass and Arrest Practitioners Ms. Liu Jianping and Ms. Li Muzhen
Ms. Liu Jianping, 30 years old, lives at Zhongjie Village, Ciyutuo Township, Luan County. Police from the Ciyutuo Police Station arrested her on February 18, 2005.
Ms. Li Muzhen, 50 years old, is from the same village as Ms. Liu. On February 18, 2005, the officials and police from Luan County 610 Office and Ciyutuo Police Station attempted to arrest her but failed. Later, they went to her home on many occasions to threaten and harass her family. As a result, Ms. Li left her home and became destitute to avoid further persecution.
Ciyutuo Police Station: 86-315-7418340, 86-315-7122654
4. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. Tan Xiangyu Is Taken to Hunan Women's Prison
Changsha City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tan Xiangyu was sent to Hunan Women's Prison at the end of 2004 because she practiced Falun Gong. The prison officials refused to let Tan's family visit her. Before she was sent to Hunan Women's Prison, she was detained at a detention center, where she showed symptoms of severe illness. The prison initially refused to admit her because of illness, but officers in charge of her case insisted on sending her to the prison.
Hunan Women's Prison telephone numbers:
Deputy Warden, Zhang Lan (in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in prison), 86-731-2323878 (Home), 86-731-2323007 (Office), 86-13308498728 (Cell)
Education Section Leader, Ao Chunling (active participant of the persecution), 86-731-2323039 (Office), 86-13975163288 (Cell)
Education Section Assistant Leader, Zhang Zhuo (active participant of the persecution), 86-731-2323039 (Office), 86-13975868160 (Cell)
Xue (in charge of all prison guards), 86-13787788566
Special Team: 86-731-232304
Education Section: 86-731-2323039
Administration Section: 86-731-2323030
Inspection Section: 86-731-2323043
New Arrival Team: 86-731-2323710
Address: Xiangzhang Rd, Changsha City, Hunan Province
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2, Changsha City, Hunan Province, Zip code: 410004
5. [Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province] Additional Information About the Imprisonment of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Jie
Ms. Liu Jie was a nurse from Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province. She was sent to a forced labor camp in 2001. During her incarceration, she was often punished for being steadfast in practicing Falun Gong. She had severe nearsightedness and stigmatism that made it difficult for her to perform the forced labor. Oftentimes, she was forced to stand in the courtyard under the scorching sun during the day and was not allowed to sleep until 2 a.m. The next day, she had to get up at 5 a.m. and stand in the courtyard again. The labor camp also controlled her account so that she could not withdraw money to buy items for daily use. The guards also instructed drug addicts to abuse her.
Guangxi Women Prison, Group 1, 86-771-4018669
6. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Wen Lianjie Is Taken to Suizhong County Detention Center
Police from the National Security Team of Suizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province, ransacked Wen Lianjie's home on February 24, 2005. They confiscated Falun Gong books and truth-clarifying materials. Wen was arrested and taken to Suizhong County Detention Center.
Deputy Director of the local 610 Office, Cheng Guohua, 86-429-6120122 (Home), 86-13709896047 (Cell)
Captain of the Political and Security Team, Li Changhua, 86-13700196626 (Cell), 86-429-6122876 (Office)
Suizhong County 610 Office director, Shang Ergui, 86-429- 6131710 (Office), 86-429-6125558 (Home), 86-13130960038 (Cell)
Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee, Shi Mingxin, 86-429-6123401(Office)
7. [Guangxi Province] Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Yulin Area
In December 2004, practitioner Chen Zhi was arrested at a Falun Gong material production site. Practitioner Mr. Chen Boyong, Ms. Liu Fen and others from Bobai County were sentenced to forced labor camps. Also, Ms. Pang Suzhen has been detained at the county detention center for almost two months.
Ms. Lin Tiemei is currently detained at the Guangxi Women's Prison. Three officers are watching her everyday. They are afraid to bear the responsibility should her life be in danger. Last year, Ms. Lin was forced to jump off a tall building. The labor camp was afraid to admit her, so they asked the county police department to take her back. The Bobai County Police Department declined to take her back. By the end of 2003, Lin's life was in danger. In order to evade responsibility, Guangxi Women's Prison released Lin after extorting a large amount of money from her family. Lin Tiemei went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong as soon as she was released. She was arrested and taken back to Bobai Police Department. Later, she was sent to the Guangxi Women Prison.
Bobai County 610 Office: 86-775-8230752, 86-755-8222179 (Fax)
Director of the local 610 Office, Zhou Jiquan: 86-775-8234110, 86-13517659558 (Cell)
Police Section Leader: Zou Wenwei
8. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] The Arrest of Wang Yuqing and Two Other Practitioners
On February 21, 2005, police from Yuhuang Police Station of Huludao City arrested three Falun Gong practitioners. They were Wang Yuqing, Wang Shuqing and an elderly practitioner with the surname of Si. They are currently being detained at Huludao Detention Center. Family visits are not allowed. It is said their arrest is being categorized as an important case for the Yuhuang Police Station.
Lianshan District Police Department: 86-429-3171012
Director of Yuhuang Police Station: 86-429-3171752
Yuhuang Police Station: 86-429-3171751
9. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Liu Jingsong Detained at the No. 2 Detention Center
After disappearing for many days, it is said that Mr. Liu Jingsong is currently being detained at Changchun City's No. 2 Detention Center. Liu works for the Changchun Automobile Factory.
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