- Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Du Borang from Suixi County, Anhui Province Dies from Torture
- Elderly Practitioner Zou Yukun Beaten to Death by 610 Office Agents in Wuhan City
- Ms. Zhang Zhumei from Tongliao City Has Died as a Result of Persecution
- Falun Gong Couple Arrested in Hebei Province, Their Teenage Son Interrogated and Tortured
- The Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at Guangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp
- Falun Gong Practitioner Deng Zhengrong and Others from Huaihua City, Hunan Province Are Arrested
- Information about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Changchun Police Station and Jilin Prison
- Brief News from China - February 24, 2005
- Brief News from China - February 27, 2005
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Du Borang from Suixi County, Anhui Province Dies from Torture
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Du Borang from Suixi County, Huaibei City in Anhui Province was followed and persecuted by personnel from the 610 Office in Suixi County for his persistence in Falun Gong practice. It happened while he was visiting his relatives in Zhuhai City in 2004. The lower portion of his body became paralyzed from torture, and he died at home on February 10, 2005.
Mr. Du Borang was a retired official from the People's Bank of China, Huaibei City Branch. He had been arrested several times by 610 Office agents and by persons from the Political and Security Section in Suixi County. In 2002, he was incarcerated in Huaibei City No. 1 Detention Center, in violation of the Chinese constitution, and suffered persecution for five months. When he was released, though, the police wrote in the document that he had been incarcerated for only 15 days.
In 2004, Du Borang went to Zhuhai City to visit his relatives. Zhang Jimin and others from the Suixi County 610 Office further followed him to Zhuhai to persecute him. In the second half of 2004, right after Du Borang went back home, the lower part of his body was paralyzed. He was bed-ridden for five months and died on February 10, 2005.
Since July 20th, 1999, Suixi County governmental authorities have rampantly arrested Falun Gong practitioners. In such a small county, more than 100 practitioners were illegally arrested. Four of them were sentenced to forced labor, nine were illegally sentenced up to eight years, all in violation of the Chinese constitution. They also persecuted practitioners by means of fines, interfering with their employment as well as subjecting them to brainwashing. They caused serious physical and mental trauma for practitioners and brought damage to a lot of families. Many practitioners' families have been broken up; several went into exile to avoid being further persecuted.
On July 7, 2001, persons in the Suixi County government put handcuffs and shackles on practitioners Yu Yizhi, Liu Chao, Zhu Pengfei, Cao, Ms. Li Yan, Ms. Qi Suling, Ms. Niu Xuefang, Ms. Chen Xueqin and many others, and paraded them on their local TV channel. They also added defaming and threatening messages to the video footage. They pronounced this as a "crackdown" against steadfast practitioners, according to the policy of the CCP Central Committee.
Criminals who participated in defaming Dafa and persecuting Falun Gong practitioners include:
Yang Wu: former county CCP committee secretary
Yan Xinhe: deputy county CCP committee secretary
Zhang Jingmin: deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, chief of the 610 Office (home phone: 86-561-6881863)
Li Shenjun: deputy chief of the 610 Office (cell phone: 86-13966158881)
Zhang Shoujian: head of the National Security Team (cell phone: 86-13966123166, home: 86-561-6077591 ext 3166)
Hou Xianjun: deputy head of the National Security Team
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Elderly Practitioner Zou Yukun Beaten to Death by 610 Office Agents in Wuhan City
Elderly practitioner Zou Yukun from Wuhan City in Hubei Province, who was frequently harassed and forced to undergo brainwashing, died as a result of the persecution on September 6, 2004.
Mr. Zou Yukun, 73 years old, had a weak, ill body before practicing Falun Gong. After starting to practice Falun Gong, not only did his health recover, but his mentality also improved. Since then, he persisted in practicing Falun Gong. For a long time, he was harassed by "610 Office" agents Li Meixiang, Cheng Hanchuan, Xiao, and Peng from Fuhao Park Community on Changqing Street in Wuhan City. On every "sensitive date," these people would come to his home to try to brainwash him. Many times, Zou Yukun was forced to read articles and look at pictures that framed and slandered Falun Gong, and then write a repentance statement. When Zou Yukun would not listen or comply, the 610 office agents threatened to send him to brainwashing classes.
On September 3 and 4, 2004, 610 Office personnel harassed Zou Yukun for two days straight, forcing him to write a guarantee statement. They threatened to come every day unless he wrote these statements to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa.
On the morning of September 5, when Zou Yukun went out, the community watch informed the 610 Office. Not long afterwards, Zou Yukun was beaten to the ground by 610 Office personnel. Then on September 6, he passed away. The doctor said that his cerebrum was inflamed, and his brain suffered massive internal bleeding.
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Ms. Zhang Zhumei from Tongliao City Has Died as a Result of Persecution
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Zhumei from Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia was frequently harassed and persecuted. She died in the beginning of 2005. Here is her story:
Ms. Zhang Zhumei, 43 years old, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. She was a former staff member of the Educational Materials Printing Factory of Tongliao City. She had been suffering from diabetes for over ten years before she practiced Falun Gong, and had spent a lot of the factory's medical allotment money on her medical treatment.
After she learned Falun Gong, her health greatly improved within just one year. After July 20th, 1999, she went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong, but was illegally arrested each time. People from her neighborhood committee came to her home to harass her many times.
As a result of constant harassment, her health deteriorated, and she died in early 2005.
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Falun Gong Couple Arrested in Hebei Province, Their Teenage Son Interrogated and Tortured
Fan Wenzi is the Chairman of the Donglu Township National People's Congress in Qingyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province. At 9 p.m. on September 18, 2004, he brought others with him to arrest Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Xiaoli from her home in Nanwang Village. When they failed to coerce her husband, Hu Xiaole, into paying them one hundred thousand yuan, they sentenced Zhang Xiaoli to three years in a labor camp. She was sent to the Balizhuang Labor Camp in Baoding City.
At 10 p.m. on December 1, 2004, Fan Wenzi and others went to arrest Hu Xiaole. When they found that he was not home, they found his eldest son, 16-year-old Hu Shan, and took him straight out of bed and to the village government building. Fan then cruelly tortured and interrogated an adolescent, trying to get information. Hu Shan was beaten and had many injuries on his head; his face and body were also bruised.
Around 4:00 in the afternoon on December 27, 2004, Fan Wenzi went again to arrest Zhang Xiaoli's husband, Hu Xiaole. Subsequently, without any legal proceedings, Hu Xiaole was sentenced to one and a half years in a labor camp.
Zhang Xiaoli's immediate family consists of four people. She and her husband are both currently being persecuted in the Balizhuang Labor Camp in Baoding City. The eldest son, Hu Shan, though only 16, is still being detained in the county detention center (as of January 1, 2005). At home, her 12-year-old son, Hu Ze, has been left alone with no one to care for him.
It is reported that because Zhang Xiaoli has been on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention, she is being tortured with confinement in a solitary compartment.
Fan Wenzhi: 86-13513129818(Cell), 86-312-8019319
Home -Yuanzhuang Village, Dahan Town, Qingyuan County
Chinese version available at
Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at Guangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp
According to China's labor camp laws, inmates should not be deprived of a citizen's basic rights. Freedom of speech is a well-known fundamental right granted by the Constitution, yet Falun Gong practitioners at Guangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp have been put under 24-hour surveillance. They are prohibited from talking to each other or freely using the restroom. This form of humiliation is a blatant violation of human rights. Practitioners refusing to renounce their belief face even worse abuse. They are deprived of sleep, prohibited from using the restroom, forced into overtime slave labor, held in isolation, hung up by their arms for vicious beatings, held in custody beyond the terms of forced labor sentencing, and other abusive measures. The following cases demonstrate how labor camp officials have seriously infringed upon practitioners' legal rights and have committed criminal offences while abusing their authority.
Ms. Mo Qingbo from Nanning City refused to renounce her belief. Labor camp officials ordered her to squat in the hallway all night for so-called "self-examination," and still required her to work fifteen to sixteen hours a day. If she dozed off or could not complete her quota, she was punished with a deduction of points. For each 100 points deducted, the officials extended her forced labor term by an extra day. After three months of this, they put her into an isolated cell called the "dragon palace," where high frequency noise was played at night. She was tortured like this every night for about three months. Ms. Mo appeared numb and insensitive when she was finally released from the "dragon palace," after a total of six months in the labor camp, yet she was not released for another year. She eventually suffered a nervous breakdown.
Ms. Du Jing, a graduate with an associate degree, is from Nanning City. She was also locked in the "dragon palace" for over three months. She went on a hunger strike to protest the inhumane treatment. She was brutally force-fed and prohibited from using the restroom. She passed waste involuntarily and was punished with a deduction of 300 to 500 points. She was not released from the labor camp until one year after her term ended.
Because she read Teacher's new articles and refused to renounce her belief, officials handcuffed Ms. Lin Tiemei and threw her into the "dragon palace," sealing her mouth with duct tape. They removed the tape after the skin around her mouth had festered and become infected. Thugs often beat her and even stuck a broom handle into her mouth. Ms. Lin then went on a hunger strike to protest. She was brutally force-fed and experienced further inhumane treatment.
Ms. Zhang Shuxue was formerly the head nurse of the Neurology Unit at the Minzu Medical Institute in Youjiang, Guangxi. Labor camp officials forced her to squat for 24 hours a day without interruption. They didn't allow her to use the restroom and tied her pants at the bottom so that waste could not be released to the ground. Her legs became deformed. Unable to walk, she was dragged from place to place. Her condition continued to deteriorate, but no medical treatment was granted. Instead, she continued to be hung up by her arms, beaten and cruelly tortured.
Ms. Yu Ping is from Lingshan County in Qinzhou City. Her arms were pulled backwards and tied to a bed frame. She was deprived of sleep for up to seventeen days. She can no longer see clearly, yet continues to suffer such physical abuse.
Ms. Meng Gui is from Lingshan County in Qinzhou City. Ms. Meng has been forced to participate in rigorous labor despite her heart condition. Her health has been severely damaged.
These are just a few of the many crimes being committed every day at the Guangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp.
Posting date: 3/11/2005
Original article date: 3/11/2005
Category: Eyewitness Accounts
Chinese version available at
Falun Gong practitioner Deng Zhengrong and Others from Huaihua City, Hunan Province Are Arrested
On the morning of February 21, 2005, a Falun Dafa truth-clarification material site was raided. Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Teng Yun was arrested and two copy machines were confiscated.
On the afternoon of the same day, at around 4:00 p.m. a gang from the 610 Office, National Security Bureau and Police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Teng Zhengrong at the Audit Bureau Office and immediately searched her home and confiscated her property. They even searched a hut where wood was stored. They confiscated her computer, printer and truth-clarifying materials.
An insider said that the director of the unit, Yang Shuquan, the secretary from the Discipline Department, and the Communist Party Secretary recently received Dafa truth-clarification materials. They have secretly colluded with the National Security Bureau and the 610 Office to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. When Yang indoctrinated people with "Communist Party Advanced Understanding" in a closed study meeting, he denied knowledge of the matter. However when four to five cars drove into the Audit Bureau office to arrest practitioners, this gang of people went to the administration office first for an hour. Didn't the leader known about this?
Ms. Deng Zhengrong took the grade level test and won first place. She suffers from discrimination for her persistence in her belief and was illegally arrested for telling the truth about Falun Dafa to people. Due to fear, her husband, who knows Dafa is good, has divorced her.
On the same day, inside the Hao Cheng District Committee courtyard, Falun Gong practitioner Li's (his last name) new computer was confiscated by the plain-clothes police squad at the grocery store, and he was monitored thereafter. The house of Falun Gong practitioner Yang from Hutian Development Borough was searched, and they confiscated all the Dafa books.
Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Yi Chunxiu had appealed on behalf of Dafa, and clarified the truth to people. She was then illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp. At 9:00 a.m. on February 22, she was arrested at a materials production site and forcibly carried away by six men. A witness saw that some of them had helmets on to create the impression it was a raid on terrorists. They threatened that more people would be arrested.
The practitioners may be illegally detained in the city Number 2 Detention Center.
Practitioner Ms. Lin Chunxiang in Cheng Nan (the southern part of the city) was illegally sent to a forced labor camp after she appealed and clarified the truth. After she returned to her hometown, she was arrested in Huitong County. Details are unknown.
Furthermore, last year Ms. He Lifang, who lives in the northern part of the city, was arrested at home, and her family was blackmailed for 14,000 yuan. Ms. Li Chunrong and Ms. Yan Siuxian, who lived in the southern part of the city, were arrested while distributing flyers to people. They were illegally sent to the Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City.
Huaihua City National Security Bureau: 86-745-2350777
Deputy Director Xiang Anbao: 86-13337253255
Stabilization Bureau Deputy Director Chen Shunzhong: Male, about 40 years old 86-13787556177 (Cell), 86-745-2350777 (Office), 86-745-2353285 (Home), 86-745-2353283 (Home).
Stabilization Bureau Director: Male, around 40 years old, was a member of Hong Jiang City 610 Office. He has participated in all the persecution during the past five years, extorted large amounts of money from Falun Gong practitioners--as much as 17,000 yuan.
The pioneers who have persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in the past five years: Hao City National Security Sub-branch Brigade Chief, 610 Office director Shu Yong: 86-745-2230719 (Home), 86-13974501949 (Cell)
Shu Yong's family situation:
The Father of Shu Yong is retired from Yazuiyan Electricity Station, and his mother is retired from Yazuiyan primary school. His wife works at Huaihua City Yinhe Hotel. His brother Shu Yue is disabled and has difficulty in walking. His brother-in-law Zeng Ying is employed by a school in Huaihua City and lives at the Hongxing Road primary school.
610 Office Deputy Director Wu Shikun and Yan Chunhui: 86-13973088099 (Cell), Deputy Director He: 86-13974500557 (Cell)
Hao Cheng Police Sub-station Deputy Superintendent Jiang and another person named Zhu Xianzhong
Cheng Bei Police Station Superintendent Liu Tiejun: 86-7452763980 (Home), 86-745-2764751 (office)
Audit Bureau: 86-745-2716310
Director Yang Shunquan: 86-745-2716446 (Home)
Deputy Director Tian Bin: 86-745-2711317 (Home)
Huaihua City Number 2 Detention Center: 86-745-2380729
Deng Zhengrong's Brother: 86-13907391739 (Cell) Son: 86-13874488858 (Cell)
Zip Code: 418000
Chinese version available at
Information about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Changchun Police Station and Jilin Prison
1. The Persecution at the Changchun City Police Station
On one hand, Jiang Zemin's regime and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claim to respect human rights, while on the other hand, they are implementing a bloody persecution of the innocent and compassionate people who practice Falun Gong. They have used many kinds of tortures against Falun Gong practitioners. In the middle of March 2003, Falun Gong practitioners Liang Zhenxing, Lei Ming, Liu Chengjun, Wu Yifeng, Wang Jing, and others suffered persecution, brutal torture, and interrogation at the No.1 Department of the Changchun City Police Station in Jilin Province and in the Development Zone Criminal Police Team. The torture methods included sitting on a Tiger Bench, covering the head with plastic bags, nailing pins into fingernails, handcuffing practitioners' wrists behind their back, shocking with electronic batons, burning with screw drivers heated until red-hot on electric burners, among other cruel tortures. Once, during the freezing winter weather, they stripped off all of Liang Zhenxing's clothes, poured cold water over him and left him outdoors overnight. Liu Chengjun was later shot in the leg by the police, and he was eventually tortured to death in Jilin Prison.
2. Depriving Practitioners of the Right of Family Visits and Brutal Force-Feeding
On September 24, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Sun Qian's family went to the No. 11 Area of Jilin Prison to see him. However, while in the visiting room, the police from the education department would not approve their visit. Sun Qian argued strongly based on reason, but he still did not get to see his family. In order to protest the police's illegal behavior, he went on a hunger strike. On September 27, the prison arranged a "special" visit. The friend who visited Sun Qian asked him to eat and to renounce Falun Gong as soon as possible. Sun Qian completely refused. Director Tong, who was watching, was very angry and immediately ended the visit. The police continuously tried to persuade and threaten Sun Qian to eat. Sun Qian did not yield, but asked for his normal right to see his family. By the afternoon of September 30, Sun Qian had become extremely weak. The police put him in a small confinement area and tied him to a bed to brutally force-feed him.
In addition, other Falun Gong practitioners, such as Liang Zhenxing's family, could not visit them, either. The excuse used by the officials was that the practitioners were being punished for "not performing well" (i.e. not renouncing Falun Gong).
3. Practitioner Zhang Jianhua Died the Torture of Being Stretched
At the end of 2003, in order to show that China respects human rights and to give the appearance of working to improve the administration of prisons, the Chinese government announced news laws forbidding the Judiciary Department, the police, prison guards, and all other law-enforcement personnel from interrogating people using torture, physical punishment, or other kinds of covert physical punishment. However, on December 29, 2003, in Jilin Prison, Yushu City Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Jianhua went on a hunger strike to protest being physically punished and tortured in the so-called "Education Class." Zhang Jianhua was later sent to a strict administration area, where he was tied up and stretched on a bed. His whole body was hanging in the air from the taut ropes pulling on his arms and legs. This kind of stretching is extremely painful. After force-feeding him, prisoners Guo Yumin and Ding Shaosong and others grabbed him by his clothes and rammed his body against the wooden bed boards underneath him. They even made fun of Zhang's painful moans. Around 4 p.m. the next day, Zhang Jianhua was near death; several prisoners carried him in a blanket and sent him to the hospital. They figured from their past experience that it was reasonable to let him die in the hospital. The next morning, Zhang Jianhua was confirmed dead. The prison personnel tried their best to cover up the crime and never investigated or prosecuted anyone.
4. Jilin Prison's Brutal Beating and Strict Administration Area
Ever since Jilin Prison started detaining Falun Gong practitioners, they have persecuted many practitioners until they were severely injured. In July 2003, Falun Gong practitioner Wu Yifeng refused to write the "Four Pledges" [a form of Guarantee Statement] and other statements ordered by the guards. Mr. Wu was illegally persecuted in that prison and had been beaten up many times. When the perpetrators saw that the beatings were useless, they transferred him to the "Strict Administration" area and forcibly tied him to a bed and left his body hanging in air from the tightened straps. An ordinary person can rarely bear this torture for even half an hour. However, Wu Yifeng never yielded to the evil police and refused to renounce Falun Dafa. After 2 hours, he was in shock. The prisoner who was watching him was afraid of having to take the responsibility for this crime and urged the guards to let him down. After six months of abuse, practitioner Wu Yifeng finally came out of the Strict Administration area and was transferred to another prison.
At the beginning of June 2004, just because Falun Gong practitioner Chao Zhonghua said a few words to other practitioners, he was beaten up the next day in the workshop by Zhang Dehui, Xu Guoming, Wang Long, Feng Zhenying, and others. Three of his teeth were knocked out from the beating. Prison guard Zhao Jinbiao not only refused to punish those who beat practitioner Chao, but he also put Mr. Chao in the Strict Administration area. Practitioner Chao was released from the Strict Administration area after 3 months. In order to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, Jilin Prison organized a so-called "Education Class" to physically punish practitioners in an attempt to force them to give up practicing Falun Gong. Usually, they forced practitioners to sit for several months or even half a year. They also use other prisoners to frequently beat up and persecute practitioners. In June 2003 the Education Class was over. However, several steadfast practitioners were frequently detained in the Strict Administration area. Because of long-term physical torture, these practitioners' bodies were severely injured. Lei Ming and Sun Changde could not walk normally, until very recently. Lei Ming's leg muscles are still withered.
5. "Correcting"
At the beginning of 2004, after Jilin Prison transferred away particularly firm practitioners, they started another round of persecution on the practitioners left in the prison. At the beginning of March, they gradually put dozens of practitioners in confinement to "correct" them. "Correcting" them is to bind a practitioner's arms and legs into four metal shackles on a wooden bed that could be used to stretch practitioners. This torture greatly damages one's body. The metal shackles can cut into the flesh. In the middle of March 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Yu Hongfei refused to renounce Falun Gong and was sent to confinement to be "corrected" after he started a hunger strike. After he was force-fed for over 40 days, Mr. Yu was sent to the Strict Administration area. Because of long term force-feeding, his digestive system was weak and he needed to use the toilet frequently. However, the prisoner who was watching him did not allow him to use the bathroom. As a result, he was forced to defecate in his pants three times.
Jilin Prison phone: 86-432-488151, 86-432-488152, 86-432-488153
Chinese version available at
Brief News from China - February 24, 2005
1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yu Ming Walked Out of Forced Labor Camp for the Second Time
Mr. Yu Ming from Shenyang City, was abducted in Beijing on October 29, 2003, and sentenced to a forced labor camp. He was jailed first at the Beijing Forced Labor Camp Dispatch Center, then at Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp and Xin'an Women's Forced Labor Camp's junior brigade. In the end, he was secretly transferred to the No. 1 Forced Labor Camp in Kaiping District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province on September 14, 2004.
After about 16 months of resisting the persecution, his physical health was deteriorating. However with a strong will, he recently walked out of the forced labor camp for the second time on medical bail.
2. [Shanghai City] Five Falun Gong practitioners Abducted While Distributing Truth Clarification Materials, Four of Them Sent to Forced Labor Camps
At around noon on January 6, 2005, five Falun Gong practitioners from Xuhui District, Shanghai City, were distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials in front of a supermarket in Minxing District when they were abducted. They were Ms. Ren Lingdi, Ms. Rong Huijun, Ms. Hu Yuefang, auntie Lu, and auntie Xu. Later, Ms. Hu Yuefang was released due to medical reasons. Ms. Ren Lingdi and Rong Huijun were sentenced to forced labor camp for 15 months. Ms. Lu and Ms. Xu were each sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp.
3. [Anshun City, Guizhou Province] Ms. Zhai Liandi, Ms. Zhai Shunmei, and Ms. Du Yongqiong Sentenced to Two Years in Forced Labor Camp for Distributing Truth Clarification Materials
Ms. Zhai Liandi, Ms. Zhai Shunmei and Ms. Du Yongqiong, from Jiuzhou Town, Anshun City, were sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp for distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials on December 26, 2004.
Another Falun Gong practitioner, Hu Yongxiu, was abducted but not sentenced to forced labor camp due to high blood pressure. She is now detained at the No. 2 Detention Center of Anshun City.
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Weiyi's home was ransacked and he was fined over 10,000 yuan before being released after several days of detention.
4. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Jia Xiuying Is Still Being Detained
On the morning of February 22, 2005, Jinan City's Beiquanfu Police Station abducted Ms. Jia Jun when she was distributing video CDs with truth information about Falun Gong. Her mother, Ms. Jia Xiuying, was also abducted from her home and taken to the same police station by officers from the Licheng District Police Department.
Ms. Jia Jun was released last night due to the fact that her baby was still being breast fed. Ms. Jia Xiuying is still being held at Beiqunfu Police Station. She is older, and has heart problems and high blood pressure. It's deep winter in Northern China and her family members are very worried about her.
5. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Updates on Persecuted Falun Gong practitioners from Yueyang City
Mr. Xiang Chunhua is in his fifties, and is from Zhifeng Township, Miluo City. He was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp in 2004. He is now being held at the Wangling Forced Labor Camp in You County, Zhuzhou City.
Mr. Leiqian, 25, from Cenchuan Township, Pingjiang County, was sentenced to four years in a forced labor camp in 2002 by police from Pingjiang County. He is now being held at the Wangling Forced Labor Camp in You County, Zhuzhou City.
Ms. Wu Xinmin, 40, was previously a worker at Miluo City's Mianshang Nitrogenous Fertilizer Factory. She was sentenced to four years of imprisonment in 2001. She is now being tortured at Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, Zhuzhou City.
Mr. Hu Puqi, 61, a resident of Changle Town, Miluo City, is well known for his willingness to care for the elderly. He was detained for over a month in 2002. He was released only after he paid fines totaling 1,500 yuan.
6. [Helong City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Renshu Is Illegally Jailed
Ms. Li Renshu, 61, from the No.1 Brigade, Longping, Toudao Town, Helong City, Jilin Province, was abducted while she talked to neighbors about the truth of Falun Dafa on February 4, 2005. She is now jailed at Helong Detention Center.
Phone numbers of responsible personnel:
Jin Chengji, Associate Party Secretary of the local Political and Judiciary Committee:
86-433-4222435 (Office), 86-433-4231279 (Home)
Jiang Zhe, 610 Office: 86-13904468949 (Cell), 86-433-4221168 (Home), 86-433-4238610 (Office)
Jin Longyuan: 86-433-4233070 (Office), 86-433-4262690 (Home)
Zhang Baohua (Associate Head of the local National Security Brigade): 86-13904468610 (Cell)
7. [Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province] Details on the Abduction of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qu Chuanlu
Mr. Qu Chuanlu, 30, lives at Ertun Village, Niujia Town, Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province. He started Falun Gong practice in 1996. On December 28, 2000, the Wuchang City 610 Office and local police department abducted, jailed, and fined him 5,000 yuan before he was released three months later. At 7:00 p.m. on September 17, 2004, while Mr. Qu was taking a break from work at Laowu Village, Pingfang District, police from the local Niujia Police Station abducted him and took him to Wuchang Detention Center. The operation was directed by the head of Niujia Town, Cao Xuefeng, and the reason was that they were afraid Mr. Qu might go to Beijing to appeal for an end of the persecution during the National Day holiday period.
8. [Neijiang City, Sichuan Province] List of Practitioners Being Imprisoned or Sentenced to Forced Labor Camps in Weiyuan County
The followings are practitioners imprisoned or sent to forced labor camps during the years of 2002 and 2003 in Weiyuan County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province:
Mr. Lin Deming, 6 years
Ms. Lin Haiyan, 4 years
Ms. Mao Junhua, whereabouts unknown
Yang Huajun, one year in a forced labor camp
Mr. Wang Yong, 21 months
On January 6, 2005, the following practitioners were sentenced in Neijiang City:
Mr. Liu Wangquan, 7 years
Ms. Luo Jianxin, 8 years
Mr. Wei Wei, 9 years
Mr. Yang Huoming, 4 years
Ms. Liu Jianping, 21 months in a forced labor camp
Ms. Chen Qian, 21 months in a forced labor camp
9. [Chongqing City] Ms. Fan Defang and Ms. Yuan Suxian Abducted while Clarifying the Facts about Falun Gong in the Rural Area of Dadukou Village
Ms. Fan Defang, 70, lives in Laodong Village, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing City. Ms. Yuan Suxian, 60, lives in Minzhu Village, Jiulongpo District. Local police abducted them while they clarified the true facts about Falun Gong to the people of Dadukou Village. They are being held at Dadukou Detention Center.
10. [Chongqing City] Ms. Tan Bifang Is Sent to Jingkou Brainwashing Center for Talking to People about Falun Gong
In November, 2004, local police abducted Ms. Tan Bifang and took her to the Jingkou Brainwashing Center in Shapingba District, Chongqing City, because she talked to people about Falun Gong. She has to pay 6,000 yuan monthly for living expenses while in the brainwashing center. She has been there for three months now and has been forced to pay 18,000 yuan.
Phone numbers of responsible personnel:
Su Ning, staff of Mawang Police Station at Jiulongpo District, 85-23-68834570, 86-23-68834571
Chinese version available at
Brief News from China - February 27, 2005
1. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Hongmei and Ms. Wang Wei Again Sentenced to Seven and Five and one-half Years in Prison, Respectively
On October 1, 2001, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Liu Hongmei, Ms. Wang Wei and Ms. Li Chengxiang were sentenced to threes years of forced labor for distributing truth-clarifying materials at Mount Tai. They were held at Jinan City's Jiangshuiquan Forced Labor Camp. Later they were transferred to the city's Liuchangshan Detention Center, where they were detained beyond their term for one and a half years. Furthermore, they were bound onto the dead person's bed for one month. (In this torture, the four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner is tied down at all times and must therefore be fed by someone else. Sleeping, eating, excreting and menstruating are all done on the bed. For this reason the practitioner is often stripped naked. This treatment may last from several hours up to many weeks, in which case the practitioner feels the pain of his whole body atrophying.)
In April 2003 at the city's Lixia District Court, Ms. Liu spoke out that Judge Zhu Qingzhen did not follow the law. Judge Zhu therefore issued an order forbidding her from saying anything. Ms. Wang announced in court that she would continue to practice Falun Gong.
Ms. Liu and Ms. Wang were sentenced to seven and five and one-half years in prison, respectively. They are currently being detained at Wards No. 7 and No. 1 in the Shandong Provincial Women's Prison. Since being in prison, Ms. Liu has been on a hunger strike over half a year. She is the only one who doesn't wear a prisoner's uniform.
Ms. Liu's father was a senior officer with the Weihai City's Public Prosecutor's Office. After he saw how his daughter was brutally tortured, he passed away.
Ms. Wang has an eight-month old son. Her husband is being held at Jinan City's Forced Labor Camp, so the boy is deprived of his parent's care.
2. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Mr. Liu Fuquan and Other Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced to Lengthy Prison Terms
According the latest information, several Falun Gong practitioners including Mr. Liu Fuquan from Tonghua City's Erdaojiang Electric Factory in Jilin Province have been secretly sentenced to eleven years in prison. Their appeals were rejected. Mr. Liu's family did not know of his sentence until he was secretly sent to the Siping Prison. When his family went to the prison to see him, the prison refused to allow the visit. Mr. Liu's wife Ms. Gong Chengmei is also a Falun Gong practitioner.
3. [Quzhou County, Hebei Province] Mr. Huang Yunzhang, His Wife and Ms. Huo Junmei Arrested
At about 3:00 a.m. on February 22, 2005, a group of officers from the No.3 Team at the Chengguan Police Station in Quzhou County's Police Department climbed over the wall and broke into practitioner Mr. Huang Yunzhang's home, without showing any documentation. After breaking the window to gain entry, they ransacked the house. They confiscated Dafa books and arrested Mr. Huang Yunzhang, his wife Shumei and a fellow practitioner Ms. Huo Junmei. They are being held at Quzhou County's Detention Center.
4. [Shandong Province] Ms. Jia Xiufang Taken to the Jinan Legal System "Education" Center
Personnel from the 610 Office in Jinan City's Licheng Police Department arrested practitioner Ms. Jia Xiufang and sent her into the city's Legal System "Education" Center at noon on February 23, 2005. She is still in detention.
Related phone numbers:
Zhang Wenyuan, a policeman from the 610 Office, Jinan City's Licheng Police Department: 86-531-2878849
Escort personnel, Jinan City's Legal System "Education" Center: 86-531-6537690
5. [Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Xue Xiuhua Held in the Tumen Detention Center for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong
On February 5, 2005, personnel from the Xiangshang Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Xue Xiuhua when she was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. They also ransacked her home, confiscating Dafa books and truth clarification materials. Ms. Xue is now being held at Tumen City's Detention Center.
6. [Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Zhang Zhongli Arrested
On around February 14, 2005, personnel from Xuzhou City's Police Department and the Security Section of the Xuzhou Warehousing and Transportation Company in the Sino Petrochemical Group arrested practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhongli from the Zoucheng Warehousing and Transportation Company. Then they ransacked his home. They took him to Xuzhou City's Police Department and it is unknown where he is detained.
7. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Mr. Du Xishan Brutally Beaten and Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor
Police arrested practitioners Du Xishan, Jin Baocai and Zhang Shuzhen from Hejiagou Village, Hongqi Administration Village, Yujia Township, Yushu City, Jilin Province.
On November 21, 2004, Guan Xiujun, head of the Hongqi Village Security Team conspired with Sun Shouquan and Wu Hongtao from Yujia Township's Police Station. They broke into practitioner Mr. Du Xishan's home to arrest people, using the excuse that someone reported that he was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. The police beat him with sticks and shocked him with an electric baton. Mr. Du lost consciousness, and was packed into a vehicle and sent to Yushu City's Detention Center that same day. After 20 days of detention he was sentenced to one year of forced labor. He is currently being held in Changchun City's Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp.
Others arrested that same day include Jin Baocai and Zhang Shuzhen who were sent to Yushu City's Detention Center as well.
8. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Mr. Chen Zhanyong and His Wife, Ms. Chen Ke Arrested for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong
During the night on February 23, 2005, practitioners Mr. Chen Zhanyong and his wife, Ms. Chen Ke, from the Weidu District, Xuchang City, were arrested when they went out to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Their baby was left at home.
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