(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shanxi Province. In 2004, I bought a condo. I lived in the same building as practitioner A and we could communicate easily. With the help of other practitioners, we built a truth-clarification materials production site. Due to the lack of financial resources, we bought a second-hand computer. We also bought a CD writer and printer. Since we did not have much computer knowledge, we started to learn the technical knowledge while starting up the site. At first, due to the interference of the old forces and a lack of technical know-how, we had many problems and wasted a lot of materials. We stumbled along, learned some techniques and gained some experiences. Today we can provide any materials the local practitioners need and strengthen the confidence of the local practitioners in doing the three things well.
We soon found the second-hand computer too slow, and practitioner A became too busy at work. In order to meet practitioners' need for truth-clarifying materials, I decided to buy another computer. Our finances were very tight since I just bought a condo, and my husband (who is also a practitioner) did not have a job and we had two children to support. I used some of my own money and borrowed some money from others. In addition, practitioner B also gave some money and we were able to buy the computer. Practitioner B's son (not a practitioner) helped me to install the system and application software. Practitioner B bought a printer and some office supplies for me. Then the materials production site started up.
Everything ran quite smoothly and we produced many materials. But I unconsciously had the attachments of being overjoyed and seeking results. Since we did not pay attention to safety issues, we were taken advantaged by the evil. In November, practitioner A was arrested when he sent some truth-clarifying materials. His home was ransacked. All the equipment was taken away. The direct loss was close to 10,000 yuan. To this day, practitioner A's situation is still unknown. The evil did not allow any of his family to visit him.
The arrest of practitioner A was a big shock to me and to the local area. Some practitioners were frightened. My equipment was transferred and the materials site was completely stopped. Practitioner C and I were very distressed and anxious when we saw this situation. With continuous Fa-study and experience sharing with fellow practitioners, we got rid of the attachment of fear and strengthened our righteous thoughts and confidence.
Under Master's compassion and protection, I gradually started to produce Dafa materials again. The production of materials for the whole local area relied on me alone. And I also needed to go to the big city to purchase office supplies. Since I didn't have much experience, I felt a lot of pressure. But with other practitioners' financial and technical support, the materials site was maintained well.
In June, 2006, the evil blocked Internet access to overseas websites. I was not able to visit the Minghui website [the Chinese version of Clearwisdom]. I felt like a kite with the line broken. I lost my direction and I did not have the technology to solve the problem. I went to practitioner B's home again to learn some techniques. But due to my many attachments, I could not solve the problem using the usual techniques.
Finally, practitioner B and his son came to the materials production site and helped me to solve the Internet connection problems. I could go to Minghui website again. However, after a month, the Internet connection was down again. Finally, I looked to the telecommunications bureau to solve the problem. Then the computer malfunctioned again. When I tried to access the Internet, the computer would not respond. I did not know why, so I went to the computer repair center. The person told me it was because of a virus or the malfunction of the application software.
On the second day, I talked to practitioner C who said it was my xinxing issue, and that I should not ask ordinary people to help. Practitioner C said that the computer did not have any problems. It was my problem. I also acknowledged my mistake. Later, the computer gave a warning that some virus was found. I looked inward, and I found many of my attachments, such as laziness, fear of enduring hardship, sleepiness, being quick to anger, attachment to lust, liking praise, and so on. The computer was my Fa tool. The reason why the computer had a virus was that my field was not pure and I was taken advantage of by the evil. The evil was looking for any chance to persecute me and my Fa tool. After I realized this, I strengthened my Fa-study and sending forth righteous thoughts. I resolved to do the "three things" well with righteous thoughts and righteous actions. I completely negated the old forces' arrangement, interference and persecution. I did not acknowledge the old forces. They are not worthy of testing me. I resolved to walk firmly on the path that Master arranged for me and take the responsibility of running the materials production site well.
Right now, my biggest wish is to coordinate and lead the local practitioners who are not very diligent to form a whole body and to be diligent together, do the three things well and save more sentient beings. I deeply feel the great responsibility.
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