(Clearwisdom.net) On July 14, 2006, 17-year-old high school student Zheng Yunlong, his father, Zheng Fengxiang, and his mother, Li Wenhua, from Jilin Province were taken to the Changjiang Road Police Station by eight police officers, led by deputy director Wang Hongwei. They were illegally interrogated and tortured to extort confessions.
Police officer Li Chengbao beat 17-year-old Zheng Yunlong. He squeezed his mouth, punched his nose, and kicked his stomach, chest and legs. Several policemen kept kicking him while he lay on the ground and didn't allow him to sleep for 24 hours.
Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Fengxiang was hung up, beaten, and kicked by the police. They also used boots to beat his head and used plastic bottles to hit his eyes and temples for as long as six hours. During the process, Mr. Zheng Fengxiang lost consciousness many times. Each time the police poured cold water on him to wake him up so that they could continue the torture. Li Chengbao yelled while beating, "Remember, my name is Li Chengbao. I dare you to report me!" Later on Mr. Zheng Fengxiang was sentenced to forced labor. The police sent him to Jiutang Yingmahe Forced Labor Camp. However, Mr. Zheng Fengxiang was too weak, and the labor camp refused to admit him.
Zheng Yunlong's mother, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Wenhua, was illegally sentenced to 15 months' of forced labor. She is now detained at Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City.
The following is the indictment by Zheng Yunlong.
To: the Procuratorate in Jilin Province
Plaintiff: Zheng Yunlong, male, 17, high school student, in Qianfeng Village of the High-Tech Area in Jilin Province
Defendant: Xun Long, Director of the Changjiang Road Police Station of the High-Tech Area in Jilin Province
Requests: :
1. Return all illegally confiscated property
2. Compensate the plaintiff for his physical loses and for pain and suffering during his illegal detention
3. Openly apologize to the plaintiff
4. Investigate the legal responsibilities of the relevant people involved and notify the plaintiff of the conclusions of the investigation
5. Pay all court costs
A. Illegal ransacking and arrests
At about 8 p. m. on July 14, 2006, eight plainclothes police officers broke into my home. Without showing any illegal documents or identifying themselves, they seized my family members and me. Only after arriving at the police station did we learn that the eight people were police officers. They also took away our Falun Gong books, our family computer and hardware, three mobile phones, more that 8,500 yuan in cash, a VCD player, 300 blank CDs, a cassette player, a Bolang learning machine, a set of English language training CDs, two sitting cushions, a pile of bills and notes, etc. They did not give us any receipts for the property they took. This seriously violates citizens' property and inheritance rights outlined in Article 13 and 39 of the constitution.
A1. Article 13 of the constitution stipulates that citizens' lawful private property is inviolable. Falun Gong books have publication permissions and lawful copyright registration numbers. They are not illegal publications. Citizens' Falun Gong books are their lawful private property and no one has the right to confiscate them. All the other items are also lawful property and are not to be confiscated either. According to Article 118 in Chapter 6 of the Criminal Procedure Law, if any seized articles, documents, mail, telegrams, or frozen deposits and remittances are proven through investigation to be truly irrelevant to a case, the seizure and freeze shall be canceled within three days, and the things shall be returned to their original owners or the original post and telecommunications offices.
A2. Wang Hongwei and his staff did not wear police uniforms, nor did they show any search warrant or legal documents to identity themselves when they broke into my home. This violated Article 39 of the constitution, which stipulates that residences of citizens are inviolable. Unlawful search of or intrusion into a citizen's residence is prohibited.
Article 111 of the Criminal Procedure Law stipulates: "When a search is to be conducted, a search warrant must be shown to the person to be searched. " My father and I were arrested at 8 p.m. on July 14, 2006. However, the detention notice of my father was issued at 10 p.m. the next day, This violated legal procedure.
B. Illegal interrogation, physical punishment and torture to extort a confession
At about 8 p. m. on July 14, 2006, I was arrested and sent to the police station. I was taken to a northern room. I sat in a chair, but Li Chengbao, the head police officer of the first section, told me to stand up. After I stood up, he ordered me to squat. I didn't think I was a criminal, so I refused. Li Chengbao squeezed my mouth, punched my nose, and kicked my legs. Then he had two policemen hold my limbs while he kicked my stomach and chest with all his strength. I was kicked again and again as I lay on the ground. He yelled while kicking me, "Damn you! Tell me!" I didn't know at all what he wanted me to tell him. I looked at him and was very frightened. He said, "If you don't tell me, I'll torture you to death!" He continued to torture me like mad, kicking me, beating me on the head, and slapping my face. My ears still cause me pain. The pain and mental pressure were beyond description.
After that I was taken to a southern room. Police officers watched me and didn't allow me to sleep for 24 hours. Their actions have violated Articles 234, 247 and 248 of the Criminal Law and Article 52 of the Law on the Protection of Minors. Their acts have amounted to the crime of extorting a confession or testimony by torture and intentional injury. According to Article 7 of the Nine Regulations of the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate, anyone who extorts a confession by torture or extorts testimony from a witness by violence shall be sacked immediately before their violations are otherwise dealt with.
C. Threats and blackmail
Wang Hongwei and Li Chengbao threatened to send me to a forced labor camp and to torture me to death. I was not released until they made me to give them 1000 yuan, nor was I given a receipt for the money they robbed from me. Their actions amounted to blackmail as regulated by Article 274 of the Criminal Law Code. Their deeds also violated the following items of Article 22, Chapter 3 of People's Police Law:
4) Extorting a confession by torture or physical punishment
5) Illegally depriving or limiting people's freedom; illegally searching people's bodies, properties, residences or premises
6) Blackmail or extorting bribes
7) Beating or goading others into beating people
8) Illegally punishment or charging fees
According to Article 48 of Chapter 6 of the Police Law, any police officer who violates the above regulations should be given administrative or criminal punishment, as well as prevented from carrying on with policing tasks. Their violent beatings and threats have deeply harmed and wounded me. I had a high temperature for many days and couldn't study or live normally. According to the Law on State Compensation, I should be compensated.
D. The suppression of Falun Gong is illegal
Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) is a cultivation practice with "Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance" as its core values. Since its introduction in 1992, it has benefited one hundred million people. Falun Dafa practitioners are required to be good persons wherever they are. Falun Gong is beneficial to the nation and people without causing any harm.
In conclusion, Wang Hongwei, director of the Changjiang Road Police Station in Jilin Province; Li Chengbao; Mr. Yin, former director of Changjiang Road Police Station and currently working at the 610 Office in the public security bureau in the High-Tech area; Xu Hu; Zhan Wenyou; Chen Fuqing; and Zhang Xiaoming have violated the constitution, the Criminal Law, the Criminal Procedure Law, the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Police Law, etc.
I am only a child as I am not yet 18. I hope that the judges can do me justice. All the injustices imposed on Falun Gong and me are wrong and against the law.
Zheng Yunlong
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