(Clearwisdom.net) I often read articles written by fellow practitioners online, and in doing so I became aware of a problem that I have. When I read that a practitioner has found a certain meaning behind a line of text, I then seem to find the same meaning when I read it again; but why is it that I can't find deeper insights before others point them out? Come to think of it, I study the Fa out of necessity, treating it like an obligation and reading only a little every day. I read only the surface of the words without ever thinking about it more deeply after reading, to see whether I could improve my understanding. I approach it the same way as if I were reading a story or a novel and it has become mechanical.
Another problem is that I don't treat Fa-study as something important, and therefore am easily blocked by my own notions, feeling that a particular text meant no more than its literal meaning. I have hindered myself this way. Whenever I learned something while studying the Fa, the next time I read it, I unconsciously thought it still meant no more than what I had learned from it the last time. Without realizing it, I am applying my own definition to Falun Dafa, a method that is self-limiting and will prevent me from seeing any higher meanings.
I have since learned that while studying the Fa I should do so calmly and not have any intention of finding something out. Nor should I hold on to my own notions or what I understood of the Fa at my current level, because these are not the ultimate meanings of Falun Dafa. In Zhuan Falun Teacher says that different levels have different Fa, so if we use our current level of understanding to view it, we can never leave that level, regardless of how we may ponder the issue.
We all know the importance of studying the Fa. My understanding is that if we do not study the Fa for a day or two, and do not take it seriously, we can easily make unnecessary mistakes. After going off course, it takes a few days to readjust myself. During the times when I study the Fa well and have strong righteous thoughts, I can easily handle interference and tribulations, with an immediate understanding of what to do.
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