(Clearwisdom.net) The ancient name of Huaiyang County is Chenzhou. Fuxi, the legendary ancestor of today's Chinese people, was said to have deduced the Eight Trigrams of the I Ching (Book of Changes) and enlightened the common people here. Bao Zhen, the renowned lord of Kaifeng District, once distributed grains to save the lives of people here. The people in Huaiyang have a special predestined relationship with Dafa. After November 1995, when Falun Gong was spread here, countless miracles manifested. Many Dafa practitioners became more healthy and fit, or found themselves safe in situations where there should have been peril. Up until July 1999, in only a few short years, the number of Falun Gong practice sites throughout the city and countryside had expanded to more than 480. There were more than 30,000 practitioners here. We even held two large-scale cultivation experience sharing conferences. The leader of the county's Sports Bureau showed up and gave a speech highly praising Falun Gong.
When the book, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, was published and spread in China, a large number of the population in Huaiyang County were able to clearly see the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and separated themselves from the evil party, choosing happiness and a bright future. Currently, in several townships, when relatives, friends, schoolmates, or acquaintances meet each other, they start their conversations with, "Have you quit (the CCP or its affiliated organizations)?" If the other answers, "Yes, I did," the inquirer will say, "It is pretty good to quit." Then, the two smile understandingly and talk about other topics. If the other answers, "No," the inquirer would immediately say, "Do not be muddle-headed. Quit now, it's better to be safe and sound earlier. The CCP may fall at any time. It does not pay to go down with it. Just quit." The other will answer, "OK, I will quit. I planned to quit sooner or later. It seems that sooner is better than later." Then both parties smile at each other and go on their way.
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