(Clearwisdom.net) A few days ago some Falun Dafa practitioners told me that currently quite a few practitioners are not practicing the exercises and studying the Fa diligently. They pay more attention to watching TV and treat their work and business as the top priority. They have become so entangled by gains and profits that they even forget to send forth righteous thoughts. They have forgotten that everyone has come for the Fa. They are just waiting for consummation. Sometimes, they are even attached to time, thinking, "Why has the time for consummation not arrived yet?"
Why is there a need for the Fa rectification? It is because the universe has deviated from the Fa. Falun Dafa disciples cannot relax in practicing cultivation before the last moment arrives. Anything in us that is impure or selfish will cause loopholes that can be exploited by the old forces.
I was fortunate to obtain the Fa and started practicing Falun Dafa in 1994. I was in poor health, having cataracts, TB, liver enlargement, and a nervous condition. After learning Falun Dafa, I became better and better. After just a few months, all of my diseases disappeared. After the persecution started in 1999, I practiced the exercises and studied the Fa every day according to my usual schedule. I would rather skip dinner or sleep less than give up practicing the exercises and studying the Fa. I have been very persistent about that. Some people from my work place talked to me a few times and asked me to give up practicing. I clearly told them, "I will definitely continue practicing, because I have benefited so much from practicing Falun Gong. If I did not learn Falun Gong, I might have been dead already. Dr. Ding knows that I visited him often, took lots of medicine, and had the symptoms of lung cancer." After this talk the leader of my work place never talked to me about this again. Sometimes when we met he would ask me if I was still practicing Falun Gong. I always replied, "Of course, yes" and he would continue on with a smile.
My neighbors all know that I am practicing Falun Gong because I am extremely healthy. I have a lot of energy and a rosy complexion, No matter where I go, there are always people asking how old I am and why I am so healthy. I immediately clarify the truth about Falun Gong and promote the Fa to them. I constantly think of the Fa and about how omnipotent it is. Without the Fa, there would be nothing in the universe. Everyone and everything has come to this earth for the Fa. All of my energy is used on working for the Fa.
I am in my sixties. Sometimes I am not diligent and have difficulty passing certain tests. When I fail, I blame myself and feel regretful for letting down Teacher's salvation. After this my righteous thoughts arise. An easy-going life is comfortable and pleasing words are nice to hear, but if we are not aware enough, the evil may exploit our loopholes, or even destroy us. Once a disciple is arrested, it becomes very hard to save sentient beings. There are so many sentient beings waiting to be saved by us!
Teacher has suffered and endured so much to save us and to offer salvation to all sentient beings. If we disciples are not diligent, how can we face Teacher? Practicing the exercises is a supplementary means of cultivation. Are we qualified to be practitioners if we have enough time but do not practice the exercises? Are we walking the path of cultivation correctly? Teacher has endured so much for us, has given us so many precious things, and has granted us a paramount honor. As practitioners, if we do not follow Teacher's requirements and cannot even ensure practicing the exercises, then we really need to look within and wake up!
This is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything that is improper.
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