(Clearwisdom.net) After failing to convict practitioner Pan Jijun during his public trial in Court Room 2 of the Pudong District Court in Shanghai on March 3, the court secretly sentenced Pan Jijun to a seven-year term of imprisonment on March 10, 2006.
Practitioner Pan Jijun was born in Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province and earned a Master's degree at Shanghai Medical University. He is an employee of the Pudong Oriental Hospital in Shanghai. Because he practices Falun Gong, he was unlawfully imprisoned for two years in a forced labor camp. At around midnight on the evening of July 11, 2005, he was illegally arrested again from his residence by officers of the National Security Protection Department from the police branch at Pudong New District, and was detained for more than eight months in prison. Due to insufficient evidence the court was unable to proceed with a trial against Pan Jijun, although they tried several times. When they finally began his public trial on March 3, 2006, Pan Jijun's righteous appeal left the court staff speechless.
Opening his defense, Pan Jijun said, "Falun Dafa has spread to almost eighty countries and territories around the world, and there have been no ill effects on any nation or society, only benefits. Practicing "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" naturally leads people to higher levels of morality. Everyone benefits in both mind and body." Then he began to explain the truth about the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident, and he recommended that the judges go find copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to read, so they could learn how the Chinese people have been cheated and persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Hearing this, the judges became so alarmed that they tried to stop Pan Jijun from continuing, but they couldn't prevent him from adding, "I have one more thing to say, I haven't done anything harmful to the country or the people, I've committed no crime!"
The CCP's judges could find no cause to pronounce a sentence against Pan Jijun, so they scheduled the trial to resume at the end of March. Indeed, the evildoers pronounced Pan Jijun guilty on March 10.
People responsible for the judgment:
Chief Judge: Cao Gangyi
Judges: Shi Yaohui, Wang Meiling
Court Stenographer: Xu Yi
Phone # of Court Room 2, Pudong District Court: 021-38794518
Court Stenographer: Li, extension 11072
March 29, 2006
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