(Clearwisdom.net) I want to share about some cultivation problems that I've heard and seen from some practitioners recently. My intention is to raise the attention of fellow practitioners so we can walk the last part of our path of validating the Fa righteously. Please correct me if you see anything inappropriate.
Some middle-aged or senior practitioners like to take a walk after dinner, and this has become a habit. They don't feel well if they don't go for a walk. I don't know if these people think about the fact that they are Falun Dafa practitioners when this notion arises. Is a practitioner attached to these things? Does a practitioner need these things? Since Master published the article, "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil," practitioners in both China and overseas have increased the intensity of sending forth righteous thoughts. Besides sending forth righteous thoughts every hour, each time they also extended the duration, and increased the number of times to send forth righteous thoughts.
"thoroughly dissolving all evil beings and elements that persecute Dafa disciples, clearing away the evil circumstances under which Dafa disciples are persecuted in mainland China, and saving the world's people, [thereby] fulfilling the duties of a Dafa disciple and advancing toward godhood ("Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil")
This is the automatic behavior of every Falun Dafa disciple who can catch up with the Fa-rectification process. The walk after dinner is usually at the time of the group sending forth righteous thoughts at their location. As a Falun Dafa practitioner, missing this opportunity is such a pity! Is this an ordinary problem? Is this interference ignorable? Some people think they can send forth righteous thoughts while they walk and that this will not influence the the quality of it. What we enlightened to from Master's lecture is that under special circumstances and special occasions, as long as we maintain strong righteous thoughts and concentrate, we can achieve the same result even if we don't do the hand gestures when we send forth righteous thoughts. However, the previously mentioned situation is not like this. If we can send forth righteous thoughts at home, why should we do it while walking? How effective are their righteous thoughts?
Some people do not take medicine but often consume health products. They think those things are good for their body. Of course, most of these things are purchased by their families, but I don't know if they realize that it's a test for the practitioner if they start consuming the health products themselves. If you treat yourself as an ordinary person, these things will interfere with you.
Having followed Master up till today, and considering who we are, why we came to this world and what we should do, are we still not clear about these problems? These things seem small, but for today's Fa-rectification Dafa disciples, they're not small problems. Whether to look at problems from the standpoint of a practitioner or an ordinary person, is this a small issue? If you cannot treat yourself as a practitioner, how could Master treat you as a practitioner? Furthermore, the old forces have been watching you closely and always trying to find an opportunity to destroy you. Why have some practitioners been experience a sickness symptoms or come across some kind of interference that they could not pull themselves out of? Cultivation is serious and we should really improve from the Fa.
"If you're going to be real practitioners, you have to look at things from a really high level, and you can't use ordinary people's opinions to interpret things."
"What's meant by "not proper thoughts"? It's when somebody always has a hard time thinking of himself as a practitioner." (Lecture 6 in Zhuan Falun)
When Master lectured at different locations in the past, new practitioners always mentioned similar problems, such as eating hot food causing some problems, getting cold causes coughing, the importance of eating healthy products, etc. From these lectures we enlightened to how we as Falun Dafa practitioners should look at problems, and should treat these things. It's not that practitioners can't walk; the critical thing is the mindset we use to treat this issue. Under special situations, occasionally walking with guests, friends, or relatives certainly isn't a problem. Maybe you can also save the person while you're walking with them. However, forming a notion and a kind of attachment due to human behavior is not what a practitioner should do. We really should not waste time on these kinds of things.
The above are some of my personal thoughts on some problems. Please correct me if you see anything inappropriate.
January 16, 2006
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