(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Liao Xinqun, a practitioner from Urumqi City in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, was taken into custody by police in the Tianshan District while distributing truth-clarification materials in mid-February 2004. Afterwards, local residential police officers, members of the 610 Office, officials from the "Comprehensive Administration Office," and the residential community harassed her numerous times. In mid-November 2006, Ms. Liao Xinqun died from the recurrence of her heart disease.
Ms. Liao Xinqun, 54, was a retired worker from the Xinjiang No. 7 Textile Factory. She began practicing Falun Dafa in 2000 and was turned in to the police the same year when she was distributing truth-clarification materials with other practitioners. She was taken into custody at the Liudaowan Detention Center, where she refused to give up practicing Falun Gong. She did not cooperate with prison guards in the detention center and did not give in when coerced to write Guarantee Statements, Repentance Statements, or anything slandering the founder of Falun Gong. During the four-month detention, she was viciously beaten numerous times. She also had shackles on constantly.
Ms. Liao was sentenced to one year of forced labor and taken to the Ulapo Women's Forced Labor Camp in March 2001. Labor camp guards were especially cruel toward practitioners. They forced practitioners to work overtime and watch fabricated stories on videotape and television. Afterwards, practitioners were forced to report their thoughts. All practitioners who refused to slander Falun Dafa or Teacher in the meeting would be beaten right away. After the meeting, the guards would continue to torture them with electric batons.
On one occasion during this year of forced labor, Ms. Liao was shocked by electric batons all over her body so much that she rolled around on the ground. The inhuman torture caused the recurrence of her heart disease.
In mid-February 2004, Ms. Liao was again unlawfully taken into custody. After she was released, local residential police officers, members of the 610 Office, officials from the "Comprehensive Administration Office," and the local community took turns harassing her. She suffered from constant recurrence of her heart disease. In the end, her entire body swelled up, and she passed away in mid-November 2006.
Tianshan District Police Department in Urumqi City, Xinjiang: 86-991-2327110
Legal Section of Tianshan District: 86-991-2824097
610 Office: 86-991-2391701
Tianshan District Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-991-2624027,
86-991-2647049, 86-991-2654408
January 17, 2007
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