(Clearwisdom.net) A visiting relative has told many interesting stories of survival she witnessed in the earthquake disaster zone. She is a teacher and a Falun Gong practitioner. Some of the stories she told us follow.
A practitioner lived on the 6th floor of an apartment building located in an area with many old houses. Many were old farmhouses, not solidly built. Because there were no security guards or entrance guards in this residential area, it had been quite convenient for practitioners to distribute truth-clarification materials, and it was quite common to see such materials in the building. Many people on this street learned the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution.
One of the practitioner's neighbors was disabled, and it was rather difficult for her to move about. It would usually take her a long time to get downstairs and out of the building. The practitioner had clarified the facts to her, and she believes Falun Dafa is good and always keeps a truth-clarification booklet in her pocket. She and her husband quit the CCP. The day of the earthquake, the old couple left the building early for some reason and avoided disaster.
I would not have believed that the old houses on this street could have survived an earthquake of such magnitude, yet none of the buildings or houses on the street collapsed, and all the residents managed to avoid danger. One store on the street was declared unsafe, but that was it.
This practitioner often told her students and their parents the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution, and helped them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. All her students and their parents survived the disaster. She reported that her former classmates and friends who had learned the facts about Falun Gong from her are also safe and sound.
One of her relatives held a firm belief that Dafa could save people and had strong righteous thoughts. Sometimes she helped the practitioner clarify the facts to others. On the day of the earthquake she was napping at home. Five minutes before the quake, she suddenly woke up. Just then her nephew knocked on the door. She got up to open the door, and the earthquake started. The cupboards and other furniture collapsed onto the bed she had been sleeping on just a minute before. If she had not gotten up she would have been crushed underneath the furniture or may have been seriously injured or crippled, even if she managed to survive. The wall cabinet in the living room held a picture of Master. The wall cabinet shook and swayed violently during the quake, yet nothing in the wall cabinet fell out. The objects stayed where they were, as if they were rooted in the wall cabinet.
There are two young practitioners in her family, her daughter and her niece. They clarified the facts to their classmates and encouraged them to quit the Young Pioneers, which many did. Their teachers quit the CCP after they learned the facts. When the earthquake occurred, the school buildings shook and swayed violently, and it was very scary. One young practitioner thought, "I'm Master's disciple. Nothing will happen to me. Nothing will happen to any of us." The building she was in was only slightly damaged, and all her classmates managed to escape danger.
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Category: Good is Rewarded