Image for article Philadelphia: Falun Gong Practitioners' Rally Marks Eleven-Year Effort to End the Persecution (Photos)

( Falun Gong practitioners in the greater Philadelphia area held a rally in Chinatown at 1:30 p.m. on July 17, 2010 to mark their eleven-year effort to end the persecution. The theme of the rally was "Only when the CCP is gone will the persecution end."

Image for article Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for an End to the 11-year-long Persecution (Photos)

( The Chinese Communist Part (CCP) launched the the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. Commemorating the 11th anniversary of the peaceful resistance to the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners from Taitung held activities and a candlelight vigil at Chiben River, a famous tourist spot, remembering those who were persecuted to death, and calling for an immediate end to the persecution.

Image for article Press Conference at Parliament: Canadian Government Asked to Expel Chinese Diplomat (Photos)

法轮功学员戴工羽在新闻发布会上发言( On July 14, 2010, more than ten groups held a press conference at the Canadian Parliament and read a joint letter to the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The letter asked the Canadian government to declare Liu Shaohua, first-tier secretary in the Department of Education of the Chinese Embassy, as an unwelcome person. The groups charge that Liu gathered and instigated Chinese students and visiting scholars to abuse and attack peaceful demonstrators during Hu Jintao's visit to ...

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