(Clearwisdom.net) I'm an older Dafa practitioner. I was in poor health before I began practicing Falun Dafa. Since cultivating in Dafa, I've become healthy and have come to know the meaning of why we came to this world. I thus walk on the path of returning to my true self. When someone asked me how old I was, it was then that I realized I was almost seventy years old, but my mind was still young. It is Teacher who gives me a healthy body to enable me to practice cultivation. It is Teacher's blessing that I can walk on the cultivation path up to today and become a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple. I cannot find suitable words to express my gratitude to Teacher. The following are bits of my understanding from cultivation.
Since the CCP started the persecution of Dafa, I have listened to Teacher and have been doing the three things well. Teacher wants us to establish material production sites, like flowers blossoming everywhere. I have listened to his words and have set up a material production site at my home. Its operation is steady, and my xinxing has improved along the way.
Along with the material production site at home, we formed a study group for a few of us. Now we supply truth-clarification materials to nearly a dozen practitioners. We are able to produce Dafa books, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and all kinds of informational materials, CDs and so on.
At first I did not want my daughter to know that I was producing informational materials about Falun Dafa because I was arrested twice before. She was afraid and often had bad dreams of her mother being gone and awoke crying. After I bought a computer and had it set up, I practiced using it in my room. I did not expect it to make a loud sound when I turned it on. I was startled at first. Then my mind calmed down and realized that I was doing the most righteous thing. I thought to myself that I shouldn’t be doing it covertly and I should gain the support from my family. My daughter rushed into my room and asked: “Whose computer was that?” I said quietly: “Mine. I am producing informational materials for Falun Dafa. I don't know how to control the sound, can you teach me?” She taught me how to control the sound. She then said gently: “Pay attention to safety.” I used to spend lots of time telling my family not to worry, as I have Teacher’s protection. They still interfered with me no matter what I said. My eldest daughter was most critical. At that time, my emotions were not balanced. My family members were all Dafa practitioners, so why didn’t they listen to Teacher? Should I listen to them? I should just do what Teacher wants us to do. I thus let them know that I was distributing the materials. It was so easy this time and a few words cleared away the longstanding obstacles.
I realized that my fear had to do with my personal feelings toward my family. I was very uneasy due to my daughter’s anxiety. Fear is a test as to whether we can be extraordinary people. Fear is the old forces’ arrangement; the old forces use fear to drag down Dafa practitioners. When my heart is pure, I have no fear because Teacher arranges everything to be in order. Through this issue, I have a deeper understanding of “the appearance stems from the mind” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting”) As long as we believe in Teacher and the Fa and maintain peace of mind, our environment will change for the better. Teacher has helped create a good family environment for me.
Since then, I have conducted all my Dafa activities openly in my home. Our family studies the Fa, does the exercises, and exposes the persecution against Falun Dafa together regularly. The whole family is involved in purchasing supplies and repairing equipment. In the process we have eliminated many attachments. Now, both my son in another town and son-in-law have also joined Dafa cultivation. My grandchildren have also become more diligent.
We now coordinate as one body in our region and there are no gaps among us. I make more frequent contact with other practitioners. We are all making improvements through sharing on how to do the three things well.
One night, a fellow practitioner braved the rain to come to tell me that a fellow practitioner was in dire straits in prison and to discuss how we could help him. In the past, I wasn’t close to that particular practitioner in prison and I didn’t know his situation too well. When I heard about this, I felt very guilty. I blamed myself for not having compassion toward the fellow practitioner, much less the compassion to save sentient beings. I made contact with other fellow practitioners and consulted with them. The following day I discussed how to approach the issue with four other practitioners.
Fellow practitioners understood the various obstacles created by the old forces and devoted a lot of effort to finding the family of the fellow practitioner in prison, despite torrential rain. We then made arrangements to visit the practitioner in prison. On the day we visited, the practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts together. Some went to the vicinity of the prison to send forth righteous thoughts. The family members of the practitioner in prison had their misunderstanding toward practitioners cleared up. The entire family has withdrawn from the CCP.
Four of us went to visit the fellow practitioner. We all shed tears with our regret and empathy. For nearly two hours, there wasn't any interference. We knew it was Teacher's blessing and the result of the overall coordination of all practitioners. We went back to visit the fellow practitioner several times. We helped him with the Fa principles so that he could have righteous thoughts. We let him know that we are a whole body and that we are all Teacher's disciples.
As the Fa-rectification process is nearing its end, we can only be more diligent to honor our vows to help Teacher in the Fa-rectification and become qualified Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples.
I thank Teacher for his merciful salvation and meticulous protection. Teacher, please rest assured that your disciples will walk well on the path to go home with Teacher.
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Category: Improving Oneself