(Clearwisdom.net) On July 23 and 24, practitioners in Bulgaria held activities in the historic city of Plovdiv and Sofia, the country's capital city. The practitioners introduced Falun Gong and talked to people about the 12-year long persecution of Falun Gong in China.
People sign petition at practitioners' booth.
From 10am to 7pm on the 23rd, practitioners held activities in downtown Plovdiv. They passed out truth-clarifying materials, talked to people about the persecution, collected signatures, and demonstrated the exercises.
Peacefully protesting the persecution in front of the Chinese Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria
In the morning of July 24, practitioners held a group Fa-study in a park in Sofia. In the afternoon they went to the Chinese Embassy, peacefully protesting the persecution. They later went downtown, passing out materials and clarifying the truth. Many local citizens expressed their support.
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