Name: Liu Renge (刘仁阁)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Address: Tonghua County, Jilin Province
Occupation: employee of the Bureau of Township Enterprises,
Tonghua County
Date of Death: July 22, 2011(Approximate)
Date of Most Recent Arrest: June 22, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Tonghua County Detention
Center (通化县看守所)
County: Tonghua
Province: Jilin
Persecution Suffered: fired from workplace and detained
( On June 28, 2011, while Mr. Liu Renge was distributing Falun Gong materials in Ying'ebu Town, Tonghua County, the police from the Tonghua County Police Department Domestic Security Division arrested him. On the same day, he was sent to the Tonghua County Detention Center. On the afternoon of July 22, 2011, his family sent out the news that Mr. Liu had died in police custody. On the evening of the same day, it was confirmed that his body was in the Tonghua City Funeral Parlor. Besides his family members, plainclothes police officers were also there.
Mr. Liu Renge was an employee of the Bureau of Township Enterprises, Tonghua County. He began to practice Falun Gong in 1996 and attained a healthy mind and body. He was sincere and kind. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, Mr. Liu refused to act against his conscience and persisted in practicing Falun Gong. The local police kept harassing and pressuring him. After their attempt to arrest him failed, he was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. His family lost his income and became financially destitute.
At the beginning of 2006, Mr. Liu's mother passed away. Hoping to have him at the funeral, his family visited a county government official to ask for an end to Mr. Liu's persecution. He agreed. However, after Mr. Liu came back, he was arrested. During his month-long detention, officials of the local 610 Office tried to force him to renounce Falun Gong.
When Mr. Liu was arrested again on June 28, 2011, his family became desperate. His wife had not been able to take care of herself after she had a stroke and had been depending on his care. When his family went the police to request his release, they were told that he would be sentenced. However, within less than a month of detention, he was dead.
Government of Ying'ebu Town, Tonghua County: 86-435-5862388
Sun Pikun: 86-435-5862001 (Office), 86-13944542511 (Cell)
Cui Baokun: 86-435-5862002 (Office), 86-13944517137 (Cell)
Zhang Hailong: 86-435-5219991 (Office), 86-13844516877 (Cell)
Du Hongli: 86-13943538080 (Cell)
Li Minghai: 86-435-5217229 (Office), 86-13943511788 (Cell)
Tonghua County Domestic Security Division:
Li Bin, director: 86-435-5224403 (ext. 4435) (Office),
86-435-5228581 (Home), 86-13844547155 (Cell)
Shen Baoquan: 86-435-5221855 (Home)
Yu Jisheng: 86-13089274893 (Cell), 86-435-2588830 (Home)
Tonghua County Politics and Law committee: 86-435-5224909 (Office) 86-435-5235610 (Fax)
Cheng Guang: 86-435-5235666 (Office), 86-13844589687 (Cell)
Wang Hongsheng: 86-435-5235791 (Office), 86-435-5228867 (Home),
86-13843538811 (Cell)
Yu Yandong: 86-435-5222668 (Office), 86-435-5223393 (Home),
Song Jincheng: 86-435-5222668 (Office), 86-435-5224266 (Home),
86-13943531159 (Cell)
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