Name: Cheng Xuli (程旭丽)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former employee of Anlu Cotton Mill
Date of Most Recent Arrest: June 29, 2008
Most Recent Place of Detention: Zhejiang Women’s Prison
City: Hangzhou
Province: Zhejiang
Persecution Suffered: Detention, fined, brainwashing center,
forced to stay away from home, personal belongings confiscated,
non-practitioner daughter arrested, sentenced to seven years of
imprisonment, forbidden to attend husband's funeral
Key Persecutors: Liu Yu
( Ms. Cheng Xuli, a practitioner in Anlu City, Hubei Province, is still in Zhejiang Province Women’s Prison. Her husband, Qin Jinping, recently passed away due to illness. Her family has been demanding her release.
When Ms. Cheng went to Hangzhou to visit her daughter in 2008, she distributed truth-clarification materials in public. The police saw this from street cameras and followed her. After she was arrested on the evening of June 29, 2008, Hangzhou Court officials sentenced her to seven years of imprisonment. She has been held in Zhejiang Women’s Prison ever since.
Ms. Cheng’s husband, Qin Jinping, was an officer in his 50s working at Anlu City Tele-communications Bureau. After Ms. Cheng was arrested, officials from Anlu 610 Office and Domestic Security Division threatened him. Because of the extreme pressure, he developed a mental disorder on August 5, 2011. He was diagnosed with a serious brain tumor, which led to dementia, incontinence, and paralysis. He was bedridden and passed away on August 31, 2011. Ms. Cheng was not allowed to see her husband even after he died.
Ms. Cheng, formerly employed at Anlu Cotton Mill, used to have many illnesses prior to practicing Falun Gong, including a collapsed lung, which put her in a critical condition. All the illnesses miraculously disappeared after she began to practice.
After the persecution began, she went to appeal for the right to practice in October 2000. Officials from Anlu 610 Office took her back to Anlu City and kept her in the Sili First Detention Center in Anlu for 30 days. In addition to a fine of 2,000 yuan, officials also extorted 450 yuan from her family.
610 Office agents arrested Ms. Cheng again on March 8, 2001, and sent her to the Hexi Brainwashing Center in Anlu City. She was detained there until May 17.
In April 2004, Ms. Cheng was forced to stay away from home for eight months.
When the police arrested Ms. Cheng again in 2008 in Hangzhou City, they confiscated her personal belongings, including Falun Gong books, a laptop computer, etc. They also arrested her daughter, who was not a practitioner, and interrogated her for an entire night. After confirming that she wasn't a practitioner, they released her.
Hangzhou Court officials later sentenced Ms. Cheng to seven years of imprisonment and kept her in Division 6 in Zhejiang Women’s Prison. Due to torture, her blood pressure rose to 180. Her family repeatedly requested a medical parole, but the prison officials refused to allow it. They said she could not be released unless her family paid a very large amount of money.
Ms. Cheng was unable to see her husband when he passed away. Meanwhile, her physical condition is deteriorating.
Contact information:
Zhejiang Women’s Prison: +86-571-89970208, +86-571-89970138
Liu Yu, political head of the prison: +86-571-89970001
Prison head: +86-571-89970002
(For more information on the perpetrators, please refer to the original Chinese article.)
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