(Clearwisdom.net) On September 5, 2011, at around 8:00 p.m., 14 practitioners from Qian'an City, Hebei Province, were arrested while studying Falun Dafa books in Sanlizhuang Village, Qian'an Town. Those arrested were: Ms. Li Fengzhen, Ms. Wang Weiyue, Ms. Liu Xiaofeng, Ms. Li Yanqin, Ms. Si Fengmin, Mr. Li Qinghe, Ms. Li Qingyun, Ms. Qi Shuxin, Ms. Liu Cuilan, Ms. Ma Guizhi, Wu, Guo, Mr. Guo Shen's wife, and an elderly woman from Wa Village.
Mr. Li Qinghe, Ms. Li Qingyun, and Ms. Si Fengmin are being held at the Qian'an Detention Center. Other practitioners' whereabouts are unknown.
They had been studying Falun Dafa books that day in Mr. Li Qinghe's home. Officer Pu Yonglai from the Qian'an Domestic Security Team and several others broke into Mr. Li's home and arrested them. The police confiscated some truth-clarification materials and paper money with truth-clarifying phrases written on it.
Ms. Li Fengzhen, in her 60s, had many illnesses, including tuberculosis, scrofula, heart disease, strain of the lumbar muscles, etc. She could hardly do any household chores. Two weeks after she started practicing Falun Gong, all her illnesses disappeared. She was arrested many times after the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999. Every time she was released, she was on the brink of death. She recovered each time by practicing Falun Gong. In 2003, she became incontinent as a result of being shocked with electric batons. Her hair fell out and she became bald. She was horrifically beaten with belts.
Ms. Wang Weiyue, in her 40s, was arrested many times and sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2001 and 2008. Officers Ha Fulong, Pu Yonglai, and another officer shocked her with three electric batons. She developed brown spots all over her body. They even put the electric baton into her mouth and shocked it. She had big blisters inside her mouth as a result. She was also force-fed a high concentration saline solution.
Ms. Liu Xiaofeng, 49, was sentenced to six years in prison in 2001.
Mr. Li Qinghe is in his 60s. His wife, Ms. Shao Lianrong, was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison in December 2009 for distributing truth-clarifying materials. She is being held in Shijiazhuang Women's Prison. Mr. Li has a nearly 90-year-old mother to care for.
Officer Pu Yonglai has been with the domestic security team since the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999. He has been involved in almost all the instances of persecution of Qian'an practitioners, as many as 300 cases. He has often tortured practitioners brutally.
In 2003, he poured gasoline into Ms. Wang Yanqin's mouth and ignited it with a lighter. It burned her mouth and tongue so badly that she couldn't eat or speak. She was also beaten so severely that she couldn't walk for many days.
Mr. Li Yankui, an employee of Qian'an City Agriculture Bank, was arrested in July 2007. The officers cuffed his arms and legs in four directions, and Pu Yonglai shocked his body and even his private parts with electric batons.
Mr. Li Qingsong, a former employee of Qian'an City Agriculture Economics Center, was arrested on October 2, 2007. Yang Yulin, head of the 610 Office; Peng Minghui; and Pu Yonglai shocked Mr. Li with three electric batons. They shocked his back, buttocks, toes, underarms, and mouth, which instantly caused many big blisters on his lips. Pu Yonglai even took Mr. Li's pants off and shocked his inner thighs and private parts.
Ms. Liang Xiulan, a nurse from the Qian'an City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was arrested in May 2008. Pu Yonglai tortured her and said, “Killing you is nothing and will be counted as suicide. It has nothing to do with us! The exposure is better, as our supervisor then knows that we worked hard.” He handcuffed Ms. Liang's hands to two separate chairs. One officer held her so she couldn't move. Pu Yonglai and another officer shocked her with electric batons. It was so painful that her head hit the ground, and a huge lump appeared instantly. Pu Yonglai pulled her hair and continued to shock her. The handcuffs cut into Ms. Liang's flesh and made her hands bleed and swell.
The above are just a few examples of the horrific things Pu Yonglai has done over more than ten years. His crimes are beyond words and his name is on the list of evildoers on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. He is used to hitting and swearing at people, slapping their faces and shocking them. He raised his right hand and said, “I'm born to beat people.”
Pu Yonglai: +86-13832987825 (Cell)
Wang Fang, Pu Yonglai's wife: +86-13703251186 (Cell),
+86-315-7635136 (Home)
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