(Minghui.org) Oktoberfest--a two-week-long yearly festival in Munich, Germany--attracts a large number of tourists from around the world as well as local residents.
Again this year, many visitors to the festival had the opportunity to learn about the brutal persecution of the peaceful cultivation practice of Falun Gong in China by viewing displays, watching practitioners demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises, and picking up informational brochures.
After watching the peaceful exercise demonstration, people found it hard to understand why the practice is so brutally persecuted in China.
Shocked to learn about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) heinous crime of forced organ harvesting, many were eager to sign the petition calling on the United Nations to investigate and urge the CCP to stop this crime against humanity. Many people thanked practitioners for telling them about this and admired their courage.
The Falun Gong activities took place in downtown Munich and in front of St. Michaelskirche Church on September 20, the opening day of the festival, and on September 26 and 27, 2014.
The Falun Gong booth on Tal Street in downtown Munich
Studying the information on the displays on Tal Street in downtown Munich
People sign a petition calling on the United Nations to investigate the CCP's crime of forced organ harvesting
People are shocked to learn what the CCP has done to Falun Gong practitioners.
"God Bless You!"
"How wonderful, I finally find you!" Ms. K. Ullmann, a retired librarian, said when she walked up to the practitioner's booth. She said that she had signed the petition last year to show her support and took several brochures. She hadn't known where to get more leaflets to share in the interim. "You are doing a great job! I'm a Christian, God bless you!" she said.
A German couple who own a popular chain of fine jewelry stores passed by the church, stopped, and looked. The CCP crime of harvesting organs from the living appalled them, and they immediately signed the petition to oppose it.
One German man stopped and talked for a long time. He praised the practitioners for holding such a meaningful event. He said he could feel the strong energy field surrounding them as they demonstrated the exercises, and he thought that Falun Gong was what he was looking for. He asked for the schedule and location of a local practice site.
Chinese Man: “Falun Gong, I Support You”
Many Chinese tourists and local Chinese residents quietly read the information on the displays, and some took photos. Some asked for informational materials, and several quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
"Falun Gong, I support you, you are doing a good thing," one young man said when he saw the practitioners. He said one of his classmates had to leave China to avoid the persecution because he practices Falun Gong. He readily quit the CCP and thanked the practitioner for helping him.
A Chinese lady now living in Germany had a long conversation with a practitioner at the booth. She commented on the strong energy field she sensed.
The lady said that she had learned to think independently after she left China, and no longer blindly believes the CCP's lies and propaganda. She said she cries every time she reads about the CCP's forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners on the Minghui website. She said, "It's dangerous if people remain indifferent to such an inhuman crime."
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