(Minghui.org) Local practitioners recently held a “getting closer” activity. I did not attend, but I heard from a fellow practitioner that they sat in two circles, with one circle always moving to the right, so that each practitioner saw another practitioner face to face. Each time they moved, they were given a different cultivation topic to discuss.

I was told that the idea behind this activity was for practitioners to get to know each other better, and for new practitioners to meet the others. I believe that this type of activity is not in accordance with the Fa teachings.

I would like to share my thoughts with other practitioners. I believe that if my understanding is valid, it will help to prevent other practitioners from following the same path and straying from the Fa.

Master told us:

“You should think about it: If one word is added today and another the day after tomorrow, with the passage of time the next generation of disciples will not be able to tell whose words they are, and gradually Dafa will be changed.”

“You must be clear that the form of cultivation practice that I leave you can never be altered. Don’t do anything that I do not do, and don’t use anything that I do not use. In cultivation you should say things however I say them. Pay attention! Inadvertent alteration of the Buddha Fa is undermining it all the same!” (“Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

“It is extremely dangerous to add anything human to cultivation practice.” (“Digging Out the Roots” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

From my perspective, holding “team-building” activities is adding something human to Dafa. There is no such thing in Dafa cultivation. It is okay for individual projects to do something of this sort, as they are part of ordinary human society. To me, this “getting closer” activity appears to be mixing actual cultivation practice (sharing from the Fa) and a human desire: “getting to know each other.” I believe this equates to adding a new form to our Dafa cultivation.

Master told us that we should not spend more time sharing than studying and that we should provide discussion opportunities for new practitioners, but not deviate from the format left for us.

Some people might even feel intimidated by such activities, or start to think it's important for Dafa practitioners “to get to know each other.” Can you imagine a Dao, who is used to living alone in his mountain cave, coming down from a lofty level to see us moving around in circles “getting to know each other?” What would he think? He may ask, “Why are they doing this? Don't they have Fa to study?”

I don't believe that sharing should be imposed. It should be either spontaneous or planned (written down and read in front of the group) for mutual elevation. We must be careful not to introduce anything new to Dafa cultivation.

Of course, it is fine for practitioners to socialize on their own time if they so choose, but it has nothing to do with our cultivation environment. I know some practitioners go out together. That is their choice, but it is outside of the form we follow as a group.

This my understanding at my level. Please kindly let me know if anything I shared is not in accordance with the Fa.