(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Xu Jing, Ms. Zhou Juxian, Ms. Zhuang Sancai, Mr. Li Shaogui, Mr. Zhou Fushuang, and Mr. Xia Zongshui from Guangfeng County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, were arrested between November 23 and 30, 2013, and have now been detained for five months.
Around December 24, the Domestic Security Team handed in their fabricated evidence to the Procuratorate and initiated trial procedures.
The practitioners’ families went to the police department to question the team leader of the domestic security team, Tu Jiang, but he avoided them. When they asked to visit, the police and the detention center staff put them off. When asked to release the practitioners, they even said it had nothing to do with them, since they had transferred the matter to the Procuratorate.
Currently the cases fabricated by the domestic security team are still in the procuratorial department. Three practitioners’ families had to hire a lawyer to submit the facts of the unlawful detention and wrongful prosecution to the police and Procuratorate, hoping for the immediate release of their family members.
Arrest Details
Ms. Xu Jing was arrested and taken to the Guangfeng County Detention Center on November 23, 2013. The other five were taken to the detention center later. The Guangfeng Domestic Security Team led by Tu Jiang interrogated them with torture, using six electric batons to shock Ms. Xu. She lost consciousness and the police forced her to sign her signature to admit to the “evidence.”
Ms. Xu, around 40 years old, is a housewife. On November 24, four plainclothes officers searched her home, confiscating a computer, a printer, six USB disks, copies of Zhuan Falun and Essentials for Further Advancement, and 500 yuan.
Mr. Li Shaogui, almost 70, is a farmer, and his wife, Ms. Zhuang Sancai, a housewife. Their home was ransacked and three cell phones, two MP3 players, and other private property, including hand-written copies of Falun Gong books, were confiscated.
Ms. Zhou Juxian, over 50, makes a living driving passengers on her tricycle. At around 5 o’clock on November 24, four plainclothes officers broke into and searched her home. They confiscated around 500 yuan in paper bills that had positive messages about Falun Gong printed on them, six USB drives, copies of Zhuan Falun and Essential for Further Advancement, and other truth-clarifying materials.
Mr. Zhou Fushuang, over 60, also makes a living giving passengers tricycle rides. He was searched, and his personal belongings, including Dafa books, were confiscated.
Mr. Xia Zongshui, over 60, also makes a living driving passengers on his tricycle.
Tu Jiang, the team leader of the domestic security department, threatened, deceived, enticed, and defamed these practitioners. When their families asked why he would do such things, he said that orders to carry out the persecution of Falun Gong came from above. Tu Jiang has repeatedly threatened practitioners' family members.
The “1317” Special Case Supervised by the Police Department
The CCP police department has targeted these six senior Falun Gong practitioners as a “1317” special case.
On July 5, 2013, the Guangfeng County Yushan County police departments received a report about the appearance of many Falun Gong slogans and flyers in Paishan Town and Xianyan Town, Yushan County. The Guangfeng and Yushan Domestic Teams went to investigate.
On November 16, Ms. Xu Jing went to the “legal education center” (actually a brainwashing center that persecutes Falun Gong practitioners) in Baimalong, Guangfeng County, to put up messages, including “CCP Brainwashing Center” and “Heaven will eliminate the CCP.”
Ms. Xu was arrested on November 23, and Ms. Zhou Juxian and Mr. Zhou Fushuang were arrested two days later. On November 27, Mr. Li Shaogui and Ms. Zhuang Sancai were arrested, and Mr. Xia Zhongshui was arrested three days later.
On around December 9, the Shanrao City Police Department instructed the Yushan County Police Team to transfer the "evidence" to the Guangfeng Domestic Security Team. It later on turned out to be the “1317” special case.
The contents of the “1317” special case:
Ms. Xu Jing - painted 20 slogans, used computer software to break through the Internet blockade, had lots of Falun Gong materials on her computer, USB disks, and other related materialMs. Zhou Juxian - painted 11 slogans, wrote messages on yuan bills, had several Minghui Weekly magazines, and other Dafa materialsMs. Li Shaogui - painted 8 slogansMs. Zhuang Sancai - painted 3 slogansXia Zongshui - painted 27 slogansMr. Zhou Fushuang - used his tricycle to give them rides
Those Involved in Persecuting the Six Practitioners:
Shanrao City Domestic Security Team, Yang Xuegui (杨学贵): 86-13907938081(Cell)Guangfeng County Domestic Security Team, Tu Gang (涂岗): 86-13907931501(Cell)
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