I was fortunate to acquire the Fa in October 1996. Soon after that, all my illnesses disappeared and I greatly benefited from Dafa physically and mentally. I never felt so happy in my life.
Clarifying the Truth to Police Face to Face
Beginning in July 1999, Jiang Zemin's regime started to brutally persecute Falun Dafa. Since my home was a practice site for Falun Gong, it was monitored by local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel.
The local police chief came to my home and told me to hand in any Dafa books I had and write a statement that I would not practice Falun Gong anymore. I told him calmly about how Dafa teaches people to be good, strengthens our bodies and eliminates illnesses. I said, “Chief, your responsibility is to protect the good, punish the bad, and safeguard the citizens' lives and property. If you persecute Falun Dafa, you are persecuting good people. This persecution will lead to more and more bad people, and society will become unstable. In those conditions, it will be really hard for our children to be good.”
The chief said in front of others, “There is nothing I can do. We all went through the Cultural Revolution. Something was clearly right, but the government said it was wrong. If we did not follow the government, we would also be persecuted. After I have listened to you, I know what I need to do in the future. Good people will eventually be rewarded with good.” I knew he understood the truth.
Soon after, the chief was transferred away. Then, another police official came to my home to harass me. He asked me whether I still practiced Falun Gong and said I would be sent to a brainwashing center if I still did. I asked him, “Do you want to hear the truth or lies? If you want to hear lies, I won't speak anymore. If you want to listen to the truth, I will tell you right now. All my illnesses were cured because of practicing Falun Gong. If I did not practice Falun Gong, I would already be dead.”
Then I asked him, “If you were me, would you choose life or death?” He was shocked and asked, “Is it really that serious?” I said, “All the practitioners want to be good and be healthy. It is not like what the propaganda on TV says.” He understood and told me, “Okay. You can do the exercises at home.” He never harassed me again. Not only that, when the city police department investigated whether I still practiced Falun Gong, he protected me.
Before I became a practitioner, I was timid, shy, and quiet. Dafa cultivation gave me the courage and wisdom to clarify the truth to the police face to face.
Breaking Through Tribulations with Master's Help
In 2005, our local Dafa informational material site was destroyed by the authorities, and the practitioner family who ran the site were arrested. Their computers, printers, and new articles that were not bound yet were all taken away. By then I was responsible for distributing the articles, Minghui Weekly, and other truth-clarifying materials. When I heard this news, I told another practitioner. When we thought of the lost Dafa resources, we felt very sad and started to cry.
We understood that we all had omissions that contributed to the practitioners' being arrested, especially me. I had the most contact with the two practitioners. The arrested practitioners had shared experiences with me not long before and said they were under a lot of pressure. They worked really hard in the field and also needed to produce the new articles, Minghui Weekly and other materials for over 300 practitioners at our area. They almost did not have time to study the Fa and do the exercises. The male practitioner was so busy making the truth-clarifying materials that he often had no time to sleep at all. But I just went to help him with binding sometimes.
The male practitioner wanted to teach me how to print from the computer. I said that I did not know much about computers and did not try my best to learn and share his burden. The coordinator and I looked inward and found that we both had the attachment of depending on others. We did not follow the instructions of letting family material sites blossom everywhere. We were taken advantage by the evil, caused a huge loss to Dafa, increased the tribulations for fellow practitioners, and created obstacles to saving people in the local area.
Two weeks after the couple was arrested, ten plainclothes police officers broke into my home to arrest me. I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked for Master's help to strengthen me to eliminate the evil factors controlling the police. All my Dafa books were in my room, but I did not allow the officers to see them.
By then, my husband, who worked on a farm, had returned home. When he saw the mess the police had made, he asked them why they had ransacked it. The police said it was because I practiced Falun Gong. My husband said, “Falun Gong is good. Falun Gong teaches people to be good.” Since the police saw that my husband understood the truth and protected me, they lied to him and said that some practitioner had reported me and they just wanted to ask me some questions at the police station. My husband was deceived and agreed to go with me to the police station.
I told Master in my mind, “Master, nobody in my home should go to the police station today. I have had omissions and I will rectify them within the Fa. The evil is not worthy of persecuting me.” I used my righteous thoughts to fix the police in place. I told them that I had some personal things to take care of and they should wait for me. I walked away, and none of them stopped me.
At night, when I came home, my husband and neighbors all persuaded me to temporarily hide somewhere. I did not go far away and just acted as a righteous Dafa practitioner. I still ran my business and clarified the truth to the customers.
Harmonizing the Predestined Relationship with My Husband
My husband liked to play mahjong. He lost his wages gambling and then borrowed money to continue playing. Since he could not pay his debts, his creditors visited me and asked me to pay. I was very embarrassed. At that time I hadn't started practicing Falun Gong. I fought and argued with my husband often. My husband had a hot temper, and he argued with me loudly. This upset our children and exhausted me. Due to the physical and mental pressure, I had many illnesses and felt that life was very hard.
After I started to cultivate Falun Dafa, I understood that all my tribulations were caused by karma. I understood that the reason my husband did not treat me well must be because I did not treat him well in a previous life. I needed to pay the debt that I owed.
Afterwards when he came home late from gambling, I did not complain or criticize him anymore. I took care of him all the time and worked for his own good. When he got mad at me for no reason, I tolerated him. Sometimes when it was very hard to tolerate, I recited Master's Fa. After studying and reciting the Fa, my capacity to endure increased. When he got angry at me again, I no longer felt upset. I told him kindly, “Anger is not good for your health. If I did not do something well, you can just tell me so that I can improve.”
After my xinxing improved and I changed my behavior, my husband also changed a lot. Sometimes he helped me to do the farm work. But he still did not understand why I clarified the truth and distributed truth-clarifying materials. He was afraid that someone would report me to the police. Once when I clarified the truth to a customer in my shop, he came in and heard it. He got very angry and shouted at me in front of the customer. I maintained my xinxing and did not argue with him.
Afterwards, I patiently clarified the truth to him, “The evil CCP slanders Master Li and Dafa. It also persecuted the Chinese people in political movements in the past and committed enormous crimes. It is heaven's will to eliminate the evil party. If the people do not clearly understand the evil nature of the CCP and withdraw from it and its related organizations, they will go down with it. The world was deceived and poisoned by the CCP's evil lies. I clarify the truth to the public to save people. I know you care about me and are afraid that someone might report me to the authorities. But I am saving people and will be fine under Master and the Fa's protection.”
Later when my husband saw that I was clarifying the truth, he helped me. When he heard someone say bad words about Dafa, he told them that Falun Dafa was good and the CCP was evil. Sometimes he rides a motorcycle to help me deliver the Minghui Weekly and other truth-clarifying materials to fellow practitioners. I saw the changes in him, and understood that Dafa harmonized our conflicts left from previous lives. My husband accepted Dafa and was rewarded with good things. He had chronic bronchial asthma and pleurisy. He took medicine for a long time, but the illnesses could not be cured. Now all his illnesses have disappeared and he never takes any medicine.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth