(Minghui.org) The annual Grand Central Floral Parade was held in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, on September 20, 2014. To rounds of applause, the Falun Gong entry featured traditional Chinese culture with a Falun Gong exercise demonstration, a dragon dance, waist drums, celestial maidens, and a performance by the Divine Land Marching Band.
The dragon dance
The Falun Gong procession featured traditional Chinese culture.
Spectators enjoy the Falun Gong procession.
The Divine Land Marching Band
Toowoomba, also known as the Garden City, holds the floral festival every spring in September to celebrate the area's agriculture and mining. The theme of this year's 65th celebration was A Storybook of Color.
Thirteen loudspeakers set up along the parade route described each entry to at least 100,000 spectators. A brief introduction of Falun Dafa and the benefits of practicing it were announced as the procession passed by. Falun Gong practitioners from Queensland and Sydney participated in the event.
Practitioner Annie, who was in the procession, said she was moved to see so many people along the route find out about Falun Gong. She told spectators to remember Falun Dafa is good.
Practitioner Beini, who was in charge of the waist drum group, said, “I think we were successful. I met two young men after the parade. One of them said, 'We really liked your entry. Our mother was so excited to see your performance.'”
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