(Minghui.org) For the 2015 New Year, Falun Gong practitioners and supporters from around the world sent digital cards and messages to Minghui.org to express seasons greetings and appreciation to Falun Gong founder Master Li Hongzhi.
“Falun Gong practitioners in China wish Master Li a Happy New Year!”
Click to see all 133 pages of greetings published on Minghui on New Year's Day.
Steadfast Faith, Enduring 15 Years of Persecution
Despite the Internet firewall, Falun Gong practitioners and supporters in China managed to send New Year greetings to Master Li. The well-wishers were from all walks of life including elders, children, and those in government, military, judicial system, and the fields of science, education, health, industry, commerce, and agriculture. The flood of greetings show us that Falun Dafa continues to flourish and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s attempts to crush the spiritual movement for the past 15 years have been futile.
“Falun Gong practitioners in the military wish Master Li a Happy New Year!”
“China's military is the CCP's tool and is highly restricted. It is difficult for practitioners in the military, but we have kept our steadfast belief in Falun Dafa. No ban or persecution can change this. We will fulfill our prehistoric vows to assist Master in Fa-rectification, to save sentient beings, do thethree things, and return to our true home. Master, please rest assured. Practitioners in the military wish great and compassionate Master a Happy New Year!”
“A new practitioner in Kaijiang wishes Master Li a Happy New Year!”
Inspired by practitioners' who have upheld their faith amidst persecution, more and more people have begun to learn Falun Dafa in China.
A new practitioner in Kaijiang, Sichuan who has practiced Falun Dafa for four months expressed his appreciation to Master Li, “I had congenital nephrotic syndrome and suffered the pain since I was born. I went to primary school for a little over three years and could not continue due to my illness. I struggled to survive for the past 30-plus years. In August this year, my aunt came to visit me and encouraged me to try Falun Dafa. She brought me a copy of Zhuan Falun. As soon as I began practicing Falun Dafa, all my illnesses began to disappear. I could hardly believe it myself! During the past four months, I have kept reading the Dafa book and practicing the exercises. I have become completely healthy. I am so grateful to Master Li!”
“Falun Dafa practitioners in France wish Master Li a Happy New Year!”
“Falun Dafa practitioners in Toronto, Canada wish Master Li a Happy New Year!”
Practitioners from around the world sent New Year greetings to Master Li. Falun Dafa is practiced in more than 100 countries by over 100 million people. The book Zhuan Falun has been translated into more than 40 languages.
Supporters of Falun Dafa Send Greetings
One does not need to be a practitioner of Falun Dafa to recognize the value of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Many who have shown support have experienced good fortune and attribute it to Falun Dafa.
“Supporters of Falun Dafa wish Master Li a Happy New Year!”
A businessman from China sent greetings to Master Li. He wrote, “I often read Falun Gong information from practitioners. Recently I read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and learned how the Party harms the Chinese people. Only Falun Dafa can help people regain conscience and reestablish virtue for a stable society. I appreciate you and represent my whole family to wish you a Happy New Year!”
“A [non-practitioner] family in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province wishes Master Li a Happy New Year!”
Many who sent in greetings shared about miracles they experienced personally. The following is such a story.
“I am an employee in a Kaijiang County institute. I was diagnosed with lung cancer a few years ago. Many of my friends and colleagues came to comfort me, which only made me feel more depressed. I sold my house in the provincial capital and ate healthy food in addition to taking medicine. But I became thinner by the day. I felt my time was running out.
“I met a Falun Dafa practitioner during the New Year three years ago. He told me about the persecution and the amazing things people have experienced from the practice. I suddenly had hope. I renounced my membership in the Communist Party with an alias. Since then I have carried a Falun Dafa amulet and recited 'Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' My pain gradually went away. Now I am healthy and don't have any cancer symptoms. My friends and family witnessed my amazing recovery. I am not a practitioner, but I support Falun Dafa and tell everyone about how I recovered thanks to Dafa.”
Grateful to Know the Truth about Falun Dafa
“Police officers who support Falun Dafa send greetings!”
An internet police who now understands the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa expressed his appreciation to Master Li. He wrote, “I hope you return to China, so I can listen to your lectures in person. We know well the nature of the Communist Party. Nowadays the culprits of the persecution are being arrested one after another and are receiving retribution for their wrongdoings. The Party will collapse in the near future.”
A resident in Songyuan, Jilin Province described the process of his awakening: “I was misled by the Communist Party's propaganda and had misunderstood Falun Gong for 12 years. I thought it was involved in politics. Recently I read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. I am young and have not experienced many political movements. I learned from seniors who read the Nine Commentaries that it was all factual and the reality was even more miserable.
“I finally realized that Falun Dafa is good. I often use a program to break through the Internet firewall and browse websites overseas. I learned that Falun Gong is welcomed in many countries around the world. My colleagues and friends who traveled to other countries told me that they saw Falun Gong practitioners and watched Falun Gong processions in community parades. The practitioners seem to be kind-hearted people. As a result, my colleagues and friends withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations during their trip.”
“Residents in Northeast China wish Master Li a Happy New Year!”
A resident in Northeast China where Master Li grew up sent New Year greetings, and wrote, “You teach so many excellent Falun Dafa practitioners. You are respected by so many people around the world. We, supporters from your hometown, are very proud of you!”
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Category: Greetings