(Minghui.org) Many Falun Gong practitioners are now exercising their legal right to sue Jiang Zemin for launching the persecution of Falun Gong and causing them great harm and tremendous suffering during the past 16 years. The momentum of this new wave of lawsuits against the former Chinese dictator is on the rise.
The Minghui website receives copies of criminal complaints against Jiang from many practitioners daily. In this report, we present a snapshot of some of the practitioners whose copies of lawsuits were received by Minghui on September 22- 23, 2015.
These lawsuits are mailed to the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, which are required to process all criminal complaints filed by citizens, as of a recent ruling by the Supreme People's Court.
Lives Destroyed
Like millions of others, these Falun Gong practitioners' lives were turned upside down. The families of Ms. Zhang Hongxia and Ms. Liu Zhongjie were torn apart. Ms. Liu is no longer allowed to practice law. Mr. Yu Chunsheng, a college professor, cannot step into a classroom. Mr. Han Qilin lost his health as a result of the persecution.
Case 1: Ms. Zhang Hongxia (张宏霞)
Profession: UnknownHometown: Xining City, Qinghai ProvinceDate filed: Not specified
Key FactsPolice broke into Ms. Zhang Hongxia's home on the night of September 26, 2001. They ransacked the place and took her to a brainwashing center. Her four-year-old daughter was taken along, since nobody else was at home. She was brutally tortured in the brainwashing center, including electric shocks, savage beatings, forced to stand for long periods, sleep deprivation, and exposure to cold weather.
One night, guards struck her face repeatedly before beating her with rubber batons. Her whole body trembled in pain. She was forced to kneel on a stick and again beaten. Her face was swollen and bruised when she was taken back to her daughter. Her knees and buttocks were also heavily bruised.
Her daughter had to stay in the brainwashing center for several days before a neighbor picked her up.
Her husband was not allowed to work, and was instead forced to come to the brainwashing center to persuade her to renounce Falun Gong. He was threatened that he would lose his job and their daughter would not be allowed to attend school if she refused to do so.
Ms. Zhang managed to escape from the brainwashing center after nearly two months, but had to stay away from home. Her husband was harassed and forced to resign from his job.
Ms. Zhang was arrested again on February 27, 2009 and brutally interrogated. Later, she was given one and a half year of forced labor. Her husband was unable to endure the pressure and divorced her. Her term was extended for another 70 days.
Current CircumstancesMs. Zhang's employer was forced by a government agency to fire her in May 2015.
Details of complaint in Chinese language
Case 2: Ms. Liu Zhongjie (刘忠杰)
Profession: LawyerHometown: Qing'an County, Heilongjiang ProvinceDate filed: July, 2015
Key FactsMs. Liu Zhongjie has been arrested six times in the past 16 years and detained for more than 22 months in total.
After her second arrest on April 19, 2000, she was brutally forced-fed while on a hunger strike and injected with a nerve-damaging drug. She was released on the verge of death after seven and a half months of detention.
Ms. Liu was given one year of forced labor after her third arrest on January 17, 2001.
Ms. Liu managed to escape after her fifth arrest on July 25, 2003. She lived away from home to avoid further persecution, but was rearrested on September 10, 2012. She suffered a stroke as a result of abuse in in the detention center, but was nevertheless sentenced to one and a half years in prison.
Because Ms. Liu was in critical condition, she was later given probation for two years with the condition that her siblings would lose their jobs if Ms. Liu practiced Falun Gong again.
Her husband was forced to divorce her, and her daughter is afraid to contact her.
Current CircumstancesMs. Liu is unable to take care of herself and receives care from her elderly parents.
Related Report(s)Attorney on Probation for Practicing Falun Gong Now in Critical ConditionOfficials from Suihua 610 Office and Beilin District Court Continue to Persecute Lawyer Ms. Liu ZhongjieMs. Liu Zhongjie, a Lawyer from Heilongjiang Province, Arrested After Moving from Place to Place for Nearly 10 Years
Details of complaint in Chinese language
Case 3: Mr. Yu Chunsheng (于春生) and Ms. Xiao Yanbing(肖岩冰)
Mr. Yu Chunsheng's Profession: Associate ProfessorMr. Xiao Yanbing's Profession: EngineerHometown: Shenyang City, Liaoning ProvinceDate filed: August 2, 2015
Key FactsLocal police broke into Mr. Yu Chunsheng's home on December 12, 2000 and interrogated him at the station for 38 hours. He was deprived of sleep the entire time.
His wife visited him the next day and was immediately arrested. She was released six days later. Mr. Yu was detained for four and a half months.
The couple was sent to a brainwashing center on December 14, 2001 and released two weeks later.
Mr. Yu lost his position as a department chair when the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999. After his first detention, he was no longer allowed to teach at all.
Details of complaint in Chinese language
Case 4: Mr. Han Qilin (韩奇霖)
Hometown: Baishan City, Jilin ProvinceDate filed: July 29, 2015
Key FactsMr. Han Qilin, 22, was born prematurely and had Down Syndrome. He was unhealthy as a child, and doctors said he would live for only eight years.
However, at around the age of six, he learned Falun Gong. He became very healthy and had an excellent memory.
After the persecution began, Mr. Qin was arrested in Beijing with his mother when they petitioned the central government in Beijing. He was released but had to survive without his parents for fifteen days before his mother was released.
The police often harassed Mr. Han and his parents. He lived under constant fear, and his health deteriorated.
Details of complaint in Chinese language
In 1999, Jiang Zemin, as head of the Chinese Communist Party, overrode other Politburo standing committee members and launched the violent suppression of Falun Gong.
The persecution has led to the deaths of many Falun Gong practitioners in the past 16 years. More have been tortured for their belief and even killed for their organs. Jiang Zemin is directly responsible for the inception and continuation of the brutal persecution.
Under his personal direction, the Chinese Communist Party established an extralegal security organ, the “610 Office,” on June 10, 1999. The organization overrides police forces and the judicial system in carrying out Jiang's directive regarding Falun Gong: to ruin their reputations, cut off their financial resources, and destroy them physically.
Chinese law allows for citizens to be plaintiffs in criminal cases, and many practitioners are now exercising that right to file criminal complaints against the former dictator.
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Category: Prosecuting Jiang Zemin