(Minghui.org) The Chinese regime's genocidal campaign against Falun Gong has been ongoing for 16 years. Falun Gong practitioners around the world have consistently used peaceful means to expose this persecution, urging people to stand up for human rights.
Falun Gong practitioners organised an activity to expose the persecution and organ harvesting in Hamilton, a city in New Zealand. To show passersby what kind of torture Falun Gong practitioners are subject to in Chinese forced labor camps, a mock demonstration was held.
The demonstration depicted a Falun Gong practitioner being locked inside a small metal cage, and another tied to a bench. The most horrific was that of a Chinese doctor collaborating with a Chinese police officer in harvesting the organs from a living Falun Gong practitioner for profit.
July 20th this year marked the sixteenth year of ongoing persecution. Events around the world were held in order to commemorate those Falun Gong practitioners who were killed for their belief at the hands of the communist regime.
Anti-torture exhibition on July 24 in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Medical Professional: “Take Pride in What You Do and Never Give Up!”
Terry Foster, a medical professional working at a healthcare organization in Hamilton, passed by the activity. “One of my relatives used to work at the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing, so I have heard about how severe the persecution is in China.”
“That's why you [practitioners] should step forward telling people the real story. From the messages from you, I could see honesty, peace, compassion, and gratitude.” “Please take pride in what you do and never give up!” Foster also said, “One day you will eventually succeed. By then, the entire world will congratulate you on your success.”
Medical professional Terry Foster
“Communism in China Will Disappear”
Chris Champney and Ali Lawson stopped by wanting to learn Falun Gong's peaceful exercises. “I could feel the energy in this and we will definitely continue after going back home,” said Champney, a farmer who lives near Hamilton.
Chris Champney and Ali Lawson learning how to practice Falun Gong
Having traveled to Hong Kong a few years ago and participated in a four-month bike ride vacation in China, Champney said he knew the situation in China very well. “To me, communism in China is simply a political format—which has no strength by itself. It's doomed for persecuting the innocent.” He encouraged Chinese people to think independently, instead of being influenced by the Party.
“Communism in China will disappear when no one holds this ideology,” he concluded.
“It Takes Time for Truth to Sink in”
Praham Amos is a teacher, and first heard about Falun Gong six years ago outside the Chinese Consulate in Auckland . “I have been a supporter of Falun Gong since then.” He said people should not remain silent when people are being slaughtered; otherwise, the vicious dictatorship will get even more reckless.
“It takes time for truth to sink in people's mind,” explained Amos. “Amos believes the whole world should know about this, “not just in New Zealand, you need to tell people in other countries, too.”
Over the last decade, thousands of Chinese people in China and around the world have been renouncing their communist affiliations to the Party in China. This is a renaissance that has come about through awareness of the Party's crimes in persecuting good people.
At the event held in Hamilton, over 20 Chinese people declared their withdrawals from the Party.
Business Professionals in Perth, Australia: We Will Do Our Best to Help
Besides the activity held in Hamilton, New Zealand, on July 24, Western Australian practitioners held a rally on July 26 in Perth. The 3-hour rally drew widespread attention in Perth, with almost 700 people signing petitions on site to end the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Chris Caston from an IT firm, was shocked upon learning that Falun Gong practitioners were subject to severe persecution in China. “This is horrible! Such a tragedy is absolutely unacceptable,” said Caston.
Passersby in Perth stop to learn about the persecution of Falun Gong.
It was Jordan Prichard and Joshua Keenan's first time to learn of the Chinese regime killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs. “This is outrageous! How could anyone commit such a crime?!” Jordan said one of his friends had been to China for an organ transplant operation, and he knew it was very easy to obtain an organ in China. “But neither my friend or I have ever thought about organ harvesting. Now the tragedy makes me disgusted.” Both of them signed petitions to end organ transplant abuse in China.
A passerby signs a petition calling for an end to the persecution
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