(Minghui.org) The city of Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia, known as the “Garden City,” celebrated its tenth Languages and Cultures Festival on August 9, 2015. The variety of traditional cultures on display attracted great crowds and filled the air with harmony and liveliness.
This was also the third time Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the celebration and shared the beauty of the meditation practice with the local people, in particular its principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”
Many people stopped by, showed great interest in the practice, and expressed their support for practitioners resisting the persecution in China.
“I truly love Falun Gong!”
An older woman walked straight to a practitioner and said, “I truly love Falun Gong. I saw your group in last year’s Grand Central Floral Parade. I felt deeply touched. I don’t know why, but I was deeply, deeply touched. I just love the message of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I truly love Falun Gong!”
A lady in her forties said, “I know Falun Gong is very good, and it has spread widely. I’ve just come back from a trip to Europe. I saw Falun Gong in several places. When I went to visit my friend in Finland, I saw people there practicing Falun Gong too. I also want to practice.”
A young man and his friend came to the information desk and asked, “I believe in Tibetan Buddhism. Can you tell me what Falun Gong is about, and what you focus on in this practice?” The practitioner explained that Falun Gong stresses the importance of “looking within” when encountering conflicts, drawing on the practitioner's own cultivation experiences. The pair listened attentively and nodded. At the end, the young man put his hands together in front his chest and thanked the practitioner.
A fragile lady in her nineties looked at a Falun Gong flyer and said to a practitioner, “It’s a pity I’m too old for the exercises, but I will keep Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in my heart.”
Some people had already heard about Falun Gong and the persecution of the practice by China's communist regime. They expressed their support for Falun Gong and said they hope that the persecution would soon come to an end.
“Thank you for bringing beauty to Toowoomba!”
The mayor of Toowoomba Regional Council and the events manager visited the Falun Gong booth, had a friendly chat with practitioners, and posed for a group photo.
“I’m so pleased to see your group here. I just want to say thank you again and let you know just how much we appreciate your wonderful presentation in our annual Floral Parade. Thank you for bringing beauty to Toowoomba. Your presentation has always been outstanding!” said the events manager.
Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises during the festival.
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Category: Parades & Other Community Events