(Minghui.org) Towards the end of last year, I went out every day to meet people and distribute the 2016 Minghui calendars.
Minghui calendars are very special in that they contain information to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. They also work to restore traditional Chinese culture and belief in the divine. With the inspiring scenes depicted on each page, these calendars have become very popular in China.
On this year's calendar cover, a boy holds a calendar that reads, “Heaven bestows enormous blessings.”
One morning I loaded my bike with dozens of these calendars and rode out to distribute them. I came to a crossroad where part-time workers gather, waiting to be hired. There were a lot of workers there that day.
When I approached, some of them thought I was one of them at first. Realizing I wasn’t looking for work, several people surrounded me. “Do you have any work for us?” they asked.
“No, I am a Falun Gong practitioner,” I said. “The New Year is coming and I came to give you the new Minghui calendars and wish everyone a healthy and safe new year.”
I started to unpack the calendars while talking more about Falun Gong. When word got out that I was giving out new Minghui calendars, everyone came over to get some. Some were so eager to have them, they reached right into my bag.
I clarified the truth as I handed out each calendar. I told them that more than 200,000 Falun Gong practitioners in China and abroad have sued Jiang Zemin for launching the brutal persecution against Falun Gong. I told them that Falun Gong is wonderful and that reciting “Falun Gong is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good” will bring blessings. I also let them know that quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations could save their lives and bring them a good future.
Some of them responded saying, “I know about Falun Gong—Falun Gong is good.” “Falun Gong is innocent!” another said. “I see through the persecution. The future leaders of this country have to be Falun Gong practitioners.”
Then a man suddenly raised his right hand and shouted, “Long live Falun Gong!”
“I think you misunderstand,” I said. “Falun Gong is a true Buddha School cultivation practice. We are not interested in politics and will never be involved in politics. By clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and the evil persecution, we are helping you secure a good future.”
I handed out all the calendars, but there were still a few people that didn’t get any. They complained, “There are so many of us. Why didn’t you bring more calendars?” So I promised them I’d bring more the next day.
I kept my word and the next day took more calendars to the same place. Everybody there got a calendar and heard the truth about Falun Gong. Everyone was full of joy.
Minghui Calendars Save Sentient Beings
One day in January 2016, three of us practitioners took a taxi to a nearby village to distribute calendars at a market. When we arrived, we split up to distribute them.
When I found a good place, I announced in a loud voice, “I have Falun Gong calendars here. Would anyone like one?”
People began to rush over. I was so busy handing out the calendars that there was no time to clarify the truth, so I just told everyone to read the facts about Falun Gong on the calendars when they get home.
In a short while, I had only one desk calendar left. Then, two men approached, and they both wanted a calendar. So I did all I could do and gave the last calendar to one of them. The other guy was really upset about not getting one.
So I went to get a calendar from another practitioner, but she had also run out. I then asked another, who happened to have two calendars left. Thus the other man who hadn't gotten a calendar at first was now the happy recipient of a calendar and the truth.
Another time, I met a very distinguished looking man in his 70s. I clarified the truth to him and gave him a calendar. He was very happy to have the new calendar and thanked me when I told him about Falun Gong. I replied, “You don’t need to thank me—thank Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong!”
When I mentioned Master Li, the gentleman shed tears.
Before we parted, he said, “You be careful. There are all kinds of people out there nowadays.”
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Category: Clarifying the Truth