(Minghui.org) This May marks the 17 th annual celebration of World Falun Dafa Day – a joyous occasion to reflect on the many benefits that Falun Dafa has brought to the world. While the holiday is especially important to Dafa practitioners, friends and supporters around the world have also taken note of the importance of this celebration. Sixty-two State Assembly Members from New York have recently sent letters of congratulation and issued proclamations in honor of Falun Dafa, praising the universal values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and Falun Dafa's positive impact on society.
Among the New York State elected officials who showed their support for Falun Dafa, forty-eight Assembly Members co-signed a citation proposed by Assembly Member Steven Englebright.
Citation in honor of Falun Dafa Day, proposed by Steven Englebright and co-signed by 48 New York State Assembly Members.
Steven Englebright, New York State Assemblyman for the 4th District
Forty-eight State Assembly Members co-signed the citation (entire list of signatories is provided at the end of this report).
At the end of the citation, the lawmakers acknowledged, “New York State is a better place because of practitioners of Falun Dafa who are committed to enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment,” and officially recognized May 13 as “World Falun Dafa Day.”
Seventeen New York State Assembly Members also issued proclamations, citations, or letters of congratulation individually. Four of them are part of those who co-signed the group citation.
17 State Assembly Members from New York, who issued proclamations and sent congratulation letters individually.
Citation from Kimberly Jean-Pierre, Assemblywoman for the 11th District
Citation from Charles D. Lavine, Assemblyman for the 13th District
Citation from Latrice M. Walker, Assemblywoman for the 55th District
Citation from Walter T. Mosley, Assemblyman for the 57th District
Citation from John T. McDonald, III, Assemblyman for the 108th District
Citation from Andrew P. Raia, Assemblyman for the 12th District
Citation from David G. McDonough, Assemblyman for the 14th District
Citation from Brian F. Curran, Assemblyman for the 21st District
Citation from Robert J. Rodriguez, Assemblyman for the 68th District
Proclamation from Aileen M. Gunther, Assemblywoman for the 100th District
Citation from James N. Tedisco, Assemblyman for the 112th District
Citation from Mark C. Johns, Assemblyman for the 139th District
Letter from Chad A. Lupinacci, Assemblyman for the 10th District
Letter from Ron Kim, Assemblyman for the 40th District
Letter from Walter T. Mosley, Assemblyman for the 57th District
Letter from Amy R. Paulin, Assemblywoman from the 88th District.
Proclamation from Gary Finch, Assemblyman from the 126th District.
Assembly Members who co-signed the citation:
Carmen E. Arroyo, Will Barclay, Michael R. Benedetto, Kenneth D. Blankenbush, Karl Brabenec, James F. Brennan, Marc W. Butler, John D. Ceretto, Jane L. Corwin, Clifford W. Crouch, Janet L. Duprey, Patricia A. Fahy, Michael J. Fitzpatrick, Sandy R. Galef, Joseph M. Giglio, Mark Gjonaj, Andrew Goodell, Richard N. Gottfried, Alfred C. Graf, Aileen M. Gunther, Steve M. Hawley, Andrew D. Hevesi, Dov Hikind, Kieran M. Lalor, Peter A. Lawrence, Joseph R. Lentol, Guillermo Linares, Chad A. Lupinacci, Nicole Malliotakis, David G. McDonough, L. Dean Murray, Felix W. Ortiz, Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes, N. Nick Perry, Andrew P. Raia, Jose Rivera, Annette M. Robinson, Addie J. Russell, Robin L. Schimminger, Luis Sepulveda, Jo Anne Simon, Daniel G. Stec, Al Stirpe, Claudia Tenney, Fred W. Thiele, Jr. , Mathew J. Titone, Michelle R. Titus and Kenneth P. Zebrowski.
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Category: Dafa Day Recognition