(Minghui.org) In this report, we present a selection of greetings sent from new Falun Dafa practitioners to Master Li Hongzhi, wishing him a happy Chinese New Year and thanking him for bringing the wonderful practice to the world.
These well-wishers didn't start practicing Falun Dafa until recent years. They range from millennials to elders in their 80s. Some of them are at the peak of their careers, while others are enjoying their retirement. Regardless, they share one thing in common – they are all immensely grateful to have become Falun Dafa practitioners amidst the persecution of the practice.
Many of them have become illness-free or seen dangers averted. Having benefited so much from the practice, they felt compelled to share their stories with people and raise awareness about the persecution.
These new practitioners hail from the following places:
Lechang of Guangdong ProvinceBeijingDalian City and Shenyang City of Liaoning ProvinceDujiangyan City, Kaijiang County, and Nanchong City of Sichuan ProvinceChangji City of Xinjiang ProvinceNanjing City and Suzhou City of Jiangsu ProvinceJinan City and Laixi City of Shandong ProvinceGuangzhou City of Guangdong ProvinceSongyuan City of Jilin ProvinceHohhot of Inner MongoliaLangfang City of Hebei ProvinceChongqingHarbin City of Heilongjiang Province
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Category: Greetings