(Minghui.org) True Dafa disciples know that ordinary people’s drugs and viruses do not have any effect on us. The article “Practitioners with Upright Minds Are Immune from Medical Danger” published on Minghui has explained it very well. Therefore, none of our true Dafa disciples will be infected with the coronavirus or be harmed by the coronavirus vaccines. But we should not take the initiative to get the shots and pollute our bodies with the vaccines.

Master taught us:

“Don’t we practitioners want to purify our bodies? We should constantly purify our bodies and constantly progress toward high levels. Yet you still put that in your body, so aren’t you going in the opposite direction from us?” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

I personally experienced being forced to get vaccinated when I was held in a labor camp in 2003 for upholding my faith. I refused it of course. After they vaccinated everyone, they held me down and forcibly jabbed me. I told them that Falun Dafa practitioners do not need vaccination and our bodies are purified after doing the Dafa exercises and studying the Fa. I even gave them several stories of people who were healed by practicing Falun Dafa. But they wouldn’t listen.

The inmates had various reactions after the shot. The skin on the injection site was red, hot, and swollen. It was painful and itchy. I had no reaction at all. The inmates commended that Falun Dafa practitioners are extraordinary and truly have good health.

Master said in Zhuan Falun that “Your Mind Must Be Righteous.” We might all need to look within whether our mind is righteous regarding the issue of vaccination.

This is my understanding at my level. Please kindly point out shortcomings!

This article only represents the author’s current understanding meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)