(Minghui.org) Master said, “Don’t be affected by shifts in the ordinary world...” (“Greetings,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

As the CCP virus (named after the Chinese Communist Party) is still ravaging the world, many countries have been adopting the CCP’s draconian lockdown and isolation measures to varying degrees.

The pandemic situation keeps changing in China. Some practitioners pay close attention to whether the pandemic has gotten better or worse, which place is put on lockdown or requires everyone to be vaccinated, or whether we need to stock up on food. When judging things based on superficial phenomena, we have unwittingly strengthened our human notions.

As Dafa disciples, we know that the pandemic is not accidental. In fact, the gods of plague have made arrangements on where to spread the virus and who to infect at what time. It is based on if a person is willing to hear the truth of Falun Dafa and if he or she sides with the vicious CCP. Instead of being swayed by what the CCP says about the pandemic, we should focus our heart on the Fa. With a clarity of what is going on, we would be able to remain rational in this everyday society.

We Dafa disciples are here to assist Master with saving sentient beings. This is the only thing we should focus on regardless of how chaotic the situation is. As long as our heart is on the Fa and make judgments based on the Fa, we will find solutions for problems we encounter. If we pay too much attention to what is going on in this society, we could be easily disturbed. If so, we could deviate from the Fa involuntarily and vicious elements could take advantage of it.

This article only represents the author’s current understanding meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)