Image for article Mataro, Spain: People Praise Falun Dafa’s Principles at Event in the Province of Barcelona

A woman who signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution said, "We support you. You deliver this very important message. We will tell our friends and family what we learned here! Thank you for coming here!”

Image for article People in the Netherlands Glad to Hear the Truth of Falun Gong and Why It's Persecuted in China

Falun Gong practitioners from many European countries traveled to Rotterdam to present Falun Dafa through performances, rallies, and parades with the Tian Guo Marching Band. Many people signed a petition to help end the persecution.

Image for article Timișoara, Romania: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the Plai Music and Art Festival

Falun Dafa practitioners taught people the exercises and held a lotus flower workshop for children. They handed out informational materials and the events drew the attention of the media.

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