(Minghui.org) Earlier this year, I swallowed a bone while eating some fish. I tried to ignore it and ate a ball of rice but the bone was still there. I thought it would come out later.

My throat bothered me the next day while I meditated. I kept coughing, but the bone did not move. My practitioner husband suggested I see a doctor. I didn’t want to endure the pain anymore, so I went.

Two county hospitals said they couldn’t help, so we went to the city hospital. I was X-rayed, but they could not find the bone. The doctor said the bone had made my throat swell and now I had acute laryngitis. The doctor said I should be hospitalized, because my airway could become blocked, and that was very dangerous.

I knew this was the old forces' persecution and I needed to negate it. My husband asked if I wanted to go home or be hospitalized. I went home. My throat felt worse, and I coughed up more and more phlegm. I was afraid to drink eat or drink anything. I just endured the pain.

By the fourth day, my neck, shoulders, and head hurt. I felt the swollen area was getting larger, and I could only sleep on my side. I coughed up phlegm that was bloody and smelly. I lost ten pounds in four days.

My husband sent forth righteous thoughts for me all night and asked Master to help me. Fellow practitioners also sent righteous thoughts for me. I examined myself for my attachments and asked Master to strengthen me. I realized I had an attachment to food and sentimentality. I thought perhaps I hurt someone in my previous life or took someone’s life, and now it was time for me to pay back the karma I created. Even though this may be the case, I am a Dafa practitioner now; I have a mission and duties to fulfill. I calmed down and began meditating.

I reached tranquility right away—which I hadn’t experienced in the past. After I meditated, I fell into a deep sleep (I hadn’t been able to sleep). I woke up around 3 a.m. and began coughing; suddenly, the fish bone came out covered in phlegm; it was about 2 cm (less than an inch) long; one side was sharp, and the other side was wider. We were excited beyond words and I thanked Master! It was May 13th, and I got up and did the exercises. After lunch I went out as usual to tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Identifying My Fundamental Attachments

I thought I’d be fine after the bone came out, but the pain in my neck didn’t subside, and I still had difficulty swallowing and eating. It was as if there was a blockage near my throat. I coughed a lot every day, spitting up large amounts of phlegm. I often woke up coughing at night and I couldn’t sleep well.

My husband wondered why I kept coughing since the fish bone came out. I also continued to lose weight. I extended the length of time I read the Fa.

One afternoon, after a nap, I began coughing again. I suddenly spit out a piece of rotten flesh that was black and smelled like sewer mud, followed by two mouthfuls of blood. My neck immediately stopped hurting. I could eat and the swelling in my neck slowly subsided.

Dafa is amazing. Master used this situation to help me enlighten to my shortcoming, and he removed some unhealthy things from my body. Afterwards, I realized I'd gained in so many ways.

I reflected on myself. I did not pay serious attention to my cultivation. Even though I did many things related to Dafa, I did not cultivate myself or proactively remove my attachments. I had a fighting mentality—I was constantly at odds with my husband, and I looked outward at others’ faults. I looked down on others. I was attached to myself, I had resentment, and I wanted to be comfortable. The old forces seized on my loopholes and almost persecuted me to death. Thanks to compassionate Master who saved my life, I have the opportunity to fulfill my responsibilities and do the three things well.

I wanted to write my story for a long time and remind fellow practitioners not to behave like I did—only when I fell hard did I start looking inward. Cultivation is serious. We all need to study the Fa more, assimilate to the Fa, view the Fa as our teacher, and truly, solidly, cultivate ourselves.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!